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Everything posted by LunaParkFanatic

  1. hmmm yeah your right! Well i guess Dreamworld could fix that! How'd Wonderland fix it?
  2. I kinda of agree with you there, but i think they'd have no troubles at Dreamworld.... I think they'd have it up in no time!
  3. Are you finished now? I wanna download this park!
  4. I havent gotten my copy yet! Iam waiting for them to get more copys in!
  5. I 100% agree... Dreamworld needs a ride to take some good photography on! I also think if they put it in where the Thunderbolt was, you'd be able to get a GREAT view of the Cyclone, Nick Central, Ocean Pde & The Claw! Dreamworld has no time to waste! I think this ride could fit in really well with the Ocean Pde... Just gotta get a new name, coat of paint and maybe alittle theming and put some lights on it for the Screamworld thingys! Anyways this is just my thoughts,.. i cant make Dreamworld buy it but i really think it'd go well!
  6. I really do think the Zodiac from Wonderland Sydney, would do good there! Ok yeah i dont like ferris wheels cause iam into more thrilling rides! But i think it could do good there!
  7. Dreamworld SHOULD have brought the Zodiac
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