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Everything posted by reposter2

  1. Pretty sure the whole fiasco around this incident pretty much shut down March's Amusements. dunno where the ride went, they may have sold it back to KMG or to an international buyer. I know they sold their Hurricane to All Fun Amusements around this time
  2. there are two travelling that i know of: Bad Ass Zipper which is with Short's Amusements, and one owned by West Coast Event Hire
  3. cannot confirm this for sure but it's probably SA Show Rides aka Lynch's Amusements, the same people who own the Skydiver and yellow and pink Kamkiaze
  4. I went on the Big Dipper (the exact same ride model) at the royal adelaide show and tried to take on a go-pro with a headstrap. they told me to take it off as it would probably fall off during the loop LOL so yeah idk what's up with rebel not bothering
  5. he left the forum in september i doubt i'll get a response but i'll send a PM anyway
  6. I've seen videos of the new PWS Super Trooper named Phoenix operating in the eastern states, and it looks super cool! But i have just one question: Who owns this cool new ride?
  7. I've seen Hard Rock at many fun fairs and royal shows over the years but i have no clue who owns it! apparently it used to be owned by Johnson Amusements but they've since gone under. does anyone here know?
  8. Does anyone remember the first year that Insanity operated on the travelling circuit? Earliest I could find was 2007.
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