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  1. I personally had dreamworld passes last year and when that ended I got the VRTP passes for this year. I always switch between the two. I much prefer the VRTP passes with the extra theme park included and for me, the operations have never affected me much. I’ve had instances at both DW and MW of long waits and whilst DW is typically better, the higher thrill rides at MW always make me prefer MW over DW. I also find that there are plenty of rides at MW that do have good ops, it’s just a few rides that happen to have abysmal ops…. That being said I typically go to theme parks with one other person and we are constantly looking at wait times and utilising single rider lines so we always get through the queues fairly quick and efficiently. This however isn’t the same for everyone who have to wait in the long lines and are with bigger groups. To put it simply, the experience is different for everyone and for me I’ll always prefer VRTP passes but I still love the DW passes. And for others it’s the opposite and makes complete sense.
  2. That’s interesting. Considering the hate for the ride is solely down to its poor ride cycle and uptime, if these can be improved, aka, actually good ride cycle that isn’t limited and good uptime, I’d have no problem with it staying and would actually enjoy it
  3. There are only sources, nothing confirmed and no source has cited where they got the figure from. But it still could very well be true, especially if the IP could have been a lot more than you’d think
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