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Everything posted by GoGoBoy

  1. That looks terrible! Thank goodness it's only temporary. What was the purpose of moving the entrance?
  2. Why do they always let steam effects die? In my opinion steam is a great tool to add atmosphere... they just need to keep it maintained!!
  3. Glad to hear. Although I think it was actually steam that sprayed out of the Superman Escape 'portals' rather that water mist, right?
  4. I just noticed a post someone wrote on Movie World's facebook wall asking why they turned off the 'water sprays' on Superman Escape. I'm guessing this refers to the flood scene in the dark ride portion before the launch? Does this flood of water no longer happen? Very disappointing if true, though not surprising. The whole sequence works well but there aren't that many effects that actually take place, so it makes it more important that everything actually works Update: I just had a thought. Is it possible he was actually referring to the old mist sprays on Batwing and just got the ride name completely wrong?
  5. qldtaw - as you will see from my post further up, I don't think we were all necessarily expecting an amazing level of theming. But we were expecting something at least. This is NOT Luna Park. The open station with the white roof is pathetic (so far). Flea - I'd tend to agree with you as I don't have much faith in the general public BUT if theming really did have no impact, why do we see so many parks around the world still spending so much money on decent theming? If your theory was right, wouldn't every park just be an amusement park? There must be some merit to theming beyond pleasing park enthusiasts
  6. LOL 'the stairs to the mud'. I was also thinking that the headrest speakers, which I'm presuming will play a themed soundtrack or music, will seem very out of place and kinda pointless if there is no other ride theming. I don't think any of us expected anything incredible theming wise for this ride, but it should at least match Dreamworld's Buzzsaw (and being Movie World should be quite a bit better really). The fact that the ride is so oddly placed outside the perimeter of the park also justifies some theming to help tie it in. Although I do note that both Batwing and Superman have very little external theming - so maybe MW thinks that is acceptable for this area (it's not!!)
  7. I definitely share the sentiment with all of you. I have TRIED to keep quiet as I often get so negative in the lead-up to the opening of these things and yet they usually manage to pull it all together at the last minute. Although I have to admit that station is looking very troubling at the moment.... and that ramp?! leading from the bridge all the way to the ride? I think if this ends up being the case (no or minimal theming), we need to all let Movie World know how disappointed we are. If they are inundated with emails or letters it may give them the message that people are not happy with this new direction and want to see the immersive theming return. Just chatting about it on the forums isn't enough (they won't take it seriously). But let's wait and see what happens. Benefit of the doubt!!
  8. At this stage this ride is better themed than Green Lantern at Movie World (barring any big theming additions for GL over the next week). Never though I'd say that
  9. ^ hahaha. Looks good. Though very disappointed they didn't end up building the enclosed shed/theming structure at the top that was in the artists impression. Oh well, good job for Aussie World
  10. I see what you're getting at joz but I find it hard to believe that these rides weren't popular. Surely every visitor to Sea World would have taken a ride on Bermuda Triangle. It was the major attraction and there's not much else to do! Similarly, while Looney Tunes may not have attracted teenagers looking for thrills, I'm sure any family with kids would have enjoyed it. You are right about the time issue. Those rides all had nice long durations - something we aren't seeing in many of the newer additions. I'm getting a little tired of rides that are over in under a minute. Until the Village parks expand a little more, they are really in need of attractions which take up a bit of time. I honestly think the biggest issue people have is that the Village parks are not full day parks. Fix this and Dreamworld would be quaking in its boots
  11. If any of the moderators can be bothered, would it be possible to move all of these 'people attacking people' posts to a new thread outside of the park discussions? I'm sure there are valid points on both sides of the argument but it is taking up valuable coaster-talk space!
  12. Back to the topic and I have to say I agree with the original post wholeheartedly. While I haven't given up on Village doing the right thing and replacing these rides with something decent, I do think it was a monumental mistake to close all 3 major rides at the same time. I mean WHY?? It really wasn't a smart move in my opinion. I would also love to see what's going on in these buildings right now. It would be very cool/creepy walking through and past all those 'dead' ride scenes
  13. Good call. They can still get a lot done in 3 weeks right? (fingers crossed - please let there be more than a pool fence and an entry sign)
  14. I wonder if this will actually mean any NEW rides and what is the 'Dreamworks Experience'? Also, is this the 'entertainment precinct' they were referring to in their latest annual report? I figured they were talking about shops, bowling alley/cinema & restaurants in a separate area
  15. Um yeah I'd love to sit down with the person who chose Dreamworld's new additions over the last few years and ask "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?". I honestly believe just about any member of these forums could choose better/more effective/more successful rides within the budget allocated. That's how much faith I have. Movie World/Village Roadshow on the other hand, they should just keep on doing what they're doing. As evidenced by this great new coaster... they are choosing well
  16. It will be interesting to see what the general public thinks. I know I personally have virtually no interest in BuzzSaw (although I like the theming concept) whereas I'd almost be willing to travel back up to the GC just to ride Green Lantern. A full circuit coaster with steep drops is going to win me over any day. A super loop just doesn't do it for me. But what will non theme park fans think? Will they be more impressed with the idea of Green Lantern as opposed to BuzzSaw? Interested to hear everyones opinions. I know that BuzzSaw seems to be getting lots of positive feedback on the DW facebook page. In regards to your question about how Dreamworld will respond to Green Lantern... my guess is they will do nothing. They will be relying on BuzzSaw and ShockWave to carry them through for years. Let's hope Village opens a raft of new attractions to show them up. At least Village are willing to invest and don't seem so tight with capital expenditure
  17. Looks great - let's hope that structure at the top of the ride actually gets built! Very nice concept. Maybe they are even planning some theming or effects to go inside the structure. Would certainly add a bit more interest to the ride
  18. Thanks Ride_me and welcome! Always great to get some new members on board... especially those that post photos! The flume actually looks nicely presented. I like the way they have gone with themed 'wooden' channels
  19. Easy solution to the above mentioned problem: build more dark rides!
  20. ^ reanimated35 - that actually looks really good and gives the park a much-needed expansion
  21. Actually the 'negativity' surrounding this ride is virtually non-existent. The only people that have said something negative are those who don't know what they're talking about and just like coming out with random non-sensical comments. This is exactly the type of ride most of us want to see more of at our parks and proves that once again Movie World knows how to pick rides... especially the fact they are going with the beefed up model
  22. Yeah I think you're right joz. I just had a look at a Wild West Falls pov on youtube post-fire and it's got that crackling/dynamite sound I remember from when all the effects were in place. Guess it just lost its effect on me without the smoke/wind etc.
  23. That's exactly what I was thinking Gazza. Just some very basic theming like that to replace the mirror would be fine. And it would not be expensive. That whole room just looks crappy now... it was obviously a quick fix after the fire. Hmm maybe they still play the explosion sound effect - it's been ages since I've been on it. I just remember it being underwhelming compared to how it was before. Overall still a great ride - but could be even better with some small finishing touches to restore it!
  24. I'm glad to hear they have reinstated some of the effects on the ride including the bridge smoke and peppers ghost cowboys. Disappointing though that they did not do anything to try and fix up the top turntable room. As I have often said, the previous effect with the giant expanding TnT barrel, sound effects, wind and smoke all worked so well. It simulated an explosion as the boat turned away from the barrel which had the effect of 'pushing' you down the final drop. At the very least I would have liked them to remove that weird mirror. And would it be really that expensive to reinstate an explosion sound effect and maybe a few fans and smoke? I also agree that it might be a nice idea to have the original pre-show on loop so that people can watch it if they want to as they walk past. It helped set up the story of the ride and the 'ghost cowboys' etc.
  25. Yeah the Hollywood Studios tour was the WORST ATTRACTION EVER. There used to be slightly more to it as the truck would go down a 'residential street' lot and pass the house used as the external shots for the Golden Girls house. They demolished it to build the oh-so-crappy Lights, Motors, Action stunt show. Big mistake to demolish the Golden Girls!!
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