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Everything posted by GoGoBoy

  1. Found out a little more about this. The incident occured on the Extreme Speed Machine. The ride attendant is in a very bad way, believed to be in a coma. For anyone that has seen the ride you would know that if it struck you, you wouldn't get out of it easily. This is one of the problems with Luna Park Sydney bringing in these temporary rides for the holidays. In some cases the staff that run them MAY not have the same level of training as Luna Park staff, particularly in terms of a strict emphasis on safety. This obviously all depends on the individual rides' owner/operator. We don't know the full details regarding this incident but either way I hope for the person involved and his family that he can somehow pull through this
  2. I find it funny that some people think Dreamworld closed Eureka to 'make way for something bigger'. I mean based on Dreamworld's moves over the last few years, is there really any sign at all that Dreamworld is going to actually add something 'big'? It seems to me like they are doing their best to avoid any capital expenditure of this nature. They are milking the 10 year old (or even older now?) Tower of Terror for all it's worth. Besides, DW said on their website that Eureka was closed for 'maintenance and safety reasons'. Do you really think they'd make up a lie like that and advertise it to the gerneral public if it wasn't true? If they really were closing it to make room for something else they'd say "this ride closed to make way for an exciting new attraction"
  3. I think the ticket price is very reasonable value. Now admittedly I haven't visited the park but I think the answer is fairly obvious. It is a $60 million world class waterpark with the latest generation slides and very nice theming and landscaping. It has rides which you would only otherwise find at some of the top waterparks in the US. And the entry price is only $42. As a comparison a Luna Park Sydney Mega Unlimited Rides Pass costs $52 and all you get is access to a relatively small number of mostly old travelling carnival rides
  4. I found this on http://www.australianamusementfanatics.com - ******* Luna Park Sydney Ride Injury The Age January 3, 2007 A 22-year-old Luna Park worker was injured when hit in the head by a ride on Monday night. The man, who was working on the ride at the time, was taken to Royal North Shore Hospital where he remains in a critical condition in intensive care. WorkCover has issued prohibition notices to both the ride's owner Golden Way Amusements and Luna Park, preventing the ride from being used until it is deemed safe. ******** Sounds like it may have occured on one of the temporary rides brought in for the school holidays. I'm not sure which one though as I went past today and they all appeared to be operating
  5. Completely agree. How ridiculous is it that they have built a brand new waterpark and yet it is Dreamworld, not the waterpark, that gets the Flowrider. To top it off, the waterpark has a SURFING THEME - the Flowrider would have been a perfect fit. I don't think it suits Dreamworld at all and just adds more unneeded clutter to the Ocean Parade area. It is also crazy that people have to get changed into swimwear for just one small upcharge attraction. I think it would certainly have been a better drawcard for WhiteWater World and the upcharge would be more reasonable when you consider it's only $42 for park entry in the first place. It would have been a much needed and very appropriate additional attraction. I have heard that there were 2 types of Flowriders originally planned for WWW but for some reason it ended up in DW instead. I truly think this was one of DW management's poorest decisions to date
  6. I have never heard of this movie 'Kenny'. Is it about a toilet?? And how do you theme a car to look like water? I'm giving you an award for worst idea yet... and that's a pretty good achievement considering just how many bad ones there's been so far
  7. Wow excellent pics myk. Nice to see the park in action. And the proof is right there that the park was busy, certainly on that day anyway. Just look at the queues for the Supertubes and Green Room! Looks like fun - I am a big fan of all the colours which fit in well with Dreamworld. I think those shade structures especially really help to liven the park up
  8. I was looking over the Walibi World website (which is a park one of our newest members, Peter, currently works at). To me it is the sort of park (attraction line-up wise) that I was always hoping Dreamworld would become, if only DW wasn't so slow with adding their new rides. I think DW's theming/presentation may be slightly better though. Walibi World has this brilliant coaster called Goliath which has got one of those mammoth lift hills and a really nice layout. It is also built partially over a lake for added effect. This is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking would be perfect for DW. It could be built with half of the coaster on land where the antique cars are with the back half of it built over the lake and extending onto the first part of the island. This way it wouldn't intrude on the animals but would still open the park up more where it needs it and utilise this wasted space. For pics of Goliath have a look here http://www.themeparkreview.com/europe2005/...alibiworld1.htm And for the park map which shows just how pathetic DW's 'coaster' line-up is compared to other parks look here http://www.walibiworld.nl/walibiworld/park...AW_parktour.pdf
  9. How long is this crazy $79 thing going to last? As I have said before it is not good for the long term future of parks with heavy discounting like this. I'm just glad DW has not become involved with the price wars
  10. I have heard so many conflicting opinions now about WhiteWater World's attendance levels. Some say it has been extremely busy while others say it is empty. I don't like hearing that the park isn't busy because if the general public doesn't support this park along with the others we will all lose out in the long run. New leisure facilities need to be successful or else companies won't continue to invest in them. If something doesn't do well it scares off any potential investors which in the long run equals less new rides and less new parks for all Aussies. Let's hope ALL the parks come out of this peak season with lots of dollars in the bank
  11. Unbelievable. That is the sort of thing Wonderland was doing in the months before it closed. When a ride would break down or needed a major overhaul, rather than repair it they'd just close it and put picnic benches/seating areas in the old queue area. They knew they were still going to get the crowds in even with less rides than ever as everyone wanted to go before it closed. Scary. I think DW really needs to pick its act up
  12. I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I firmly believe it is well and truly time for Dreamworld to add another signature attraction. Remember how huge it was when Dreamworld added Tower of Terror? This really helped put the park on the map and people from all over the world were talking about it. It's not good enough for them to keep relying on this same attraction over 10 years later. I think the next attraction should definitely be of this standard again, dominating the skyline and bringing Dreamworld's reputation back to where it was heading
  13. I'm really lucky... being tall and having a long back my head goes right over the top of the restraints. I have never once banged my head on that ride so I love it
  14. I know seriously if I lived up that way I'd well and truly have checked out WWW by now. I just can't believe that some of the locals are putting off going to a brand new park and instead visiting the same one they have for the last 20 years. Maybe it's the fact that some people prefer familiarity
  15. Good to hear WWW is now packed too. Afterall the busier this park gets the more likely we will see expansion in the very near future. I actually just heard from mattcrombie (currently lost somewhere in Asia) and he told me his friend who works at WhiteWater World said both DW and WWW have been extremely busy recently and apparantley have once again set new attendance records
  16. Interesting to hear an opinion from someone who has actually ridden it... and it kinda confirms what I was saying. I'd be very interested to know whether Batwing actually has the capability to have a longer ride with these extra/better features or whether it just isn't possible. If I was Movie World I'd certainly be looking at ways to extend and improve the current ride experience
  17. It would make sense to me that a lot of people who are not aware of WhiteWater World would soon become aware after visiting Dreamworld and seeing the rides in all their glory. That probably makes the parks location at the front of Dreamworld a good choice. Macquarie would no doubt be banking on the fact that some of the huge numbers that Dreamworld receives will see WhiteWater World and pay the extra to visit it aswell
  18. It's funny how WhiteWater World received significantly more votes in the "which waterpark would you rather go to" poll and yet in reality everyone still seems to be going to Wet 'n' Wild. Haven't seen any more WhiteWater World trip reports recently. Has anyone else been?? Does anyone know if it has been busy?
  19. Geez do you always have to be so negative myk? The park is expanding, can't you just be happy??? Afterall it's the new slides that count and you shouldn't complain about the small details. Hehehe... sweet revenge. Ofcourse I am only joking, unlike some roller-coaster.com.au users I can handle reading various opinions, positive or negative. This park would thrash WhiteWater World without a doubt IF it was all built tomorrow. But seeing it will take another 10 years to get all these attractions, I'm sure WWW will have grown by then. Definitely a big positive though and great to see a decent park for the people of NSW who are in desperate need of an attraction like this. I'm also a fan of the 'transportainment' (as Gazza puts it) river
  20. I agree that it all sounds excellent BUT it is all just talk. Any park can say "over the next 10 years we are going to put in some amazing rides" but whether or not it actually happens is another story. The fact is in 10 years time these slides they have planned will be very out-dated. Are they still going to want to put them in when ProSlide has come out with so many better slides in the meantime? I'm sorry but I just don't trust a park which is planning what ride they'll be putting in in 2017. If they were only talking about what they have planned for the next year or 2 that would make much more sense. Here's hoping they do fast track most of these plans
  21. Aahh ok, that would make sense if it's right. I was just wondering if Movie World had the capability of running a ride pattern like that why wouldn't they. But if Batwing simply isn't capable of doing it because of the type of model it is then I can understand. I just liked the pattern of the ride in the vid as it is certainly longer ie. not over in 2 seconds and definitely has more of a serious drop tower effect to it which I like
  22. Ofcourse I understand the theory of sarcasm. That's why I'm saying this thread is a waste. You've created a whole thread and poll based on sarcasm obviously because you are upset about some of the negative Batwing comments. It's pointless
  23. Wow what a waste of energy this thread is. I am still finding it amusing just how hurt some people are getting over a few negative comments about a new ride. Mods - please delete this waste of a thread!
  24. I just found a video on Youtube of an overseas Spaceshot. Although the video is extremely poorly filmed you can still get an idea of the actual ride pattern. In my opinion this ride pattern is significantly better than Batwings. The gondola shoots up, bounces a bit, then gets hoisted to the very top of the tower. After waiting at the top for around 10 seconds or so it then drops the gondola (very similar to a Giant Drop style of drop) and then bounces a few more times. Not only does this ride pattern seem much longer than Batwings but it also appears to offer a much better ride experience. What does everyone else think? Video here -
  25. You can suggest all you want but it's not going to stop anyone from sharing their opinion. How many times do I have to repeat this to some of you - theme park DISCUSSION forum. You can't call it complaining - it's constructive criticism. We are backing everything up with ideas and suggestions for how it could have been done better. Would you really prefer it if Gazza hadn't shared any of his brilliant theming ideas (and design) and instead just made a generic remark about how great the ride is? Why would you want to deny this excellent discussion? How interesting do you think the forums would be if we all just said "yeah this ride's awesome! Can't wait to get up there and ride it!". I know the 12 year old fan boys would like that but it's not going to happen. I for one am going to continue to point out the pros and cons of every new development
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