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Everything posted by GoGoBoy

  1. No obviously that's not all that matters. If you look at the survey results you will see that for some people, theming and presentation is important. If just having a new ride was the ONLY thing that matters, why would parks bother putting any signage or landscaping in at all? They could all just do a Luna Park Sydney and plonk rides down on some asphalt
  2. Exactly. And your design illustration was absolutely perfect Gazza. It just seems to me like everything Warner Village has done recently has been very underdone (Superman Escape to a lesser extent wasn't quite up to usual MW standard, H20 Zone is a bunch of slides plonked out in the back paddock with almost zero presentation effort and now the very, very basic Batwing). As I've said I'm guessing it's a trade off because they have done so much in such a short time. Just a shame we can't have it both ways. And as Gazza said, it really wouldn't take much
  3. Hey guess what people... these theme park discussion forums are for theme park discussion. Not just theme park praise. We are all happy that Movie World is adding lots of new rides and we are all happy with the spaceshot. Some of us think the theming could have been executed a lot better, even without spending too much money. So while people are allowed to have their opinions that the whole ride and presentation is great we should also be allowed to say our thoughts that there are some areas where serious improvement could have been made, without being constantly shot down. What on earth is the point of having a discussion forum otherwise? If Movie World adds another attraction next year as Rabid has hinted at, I will be extremely impressed. I will give Movie World full credit for doing so but if the theming/presentation isn't up to par once again I will say it as I always have
  4. I swear some of you guys either don't read posts properly or else you are just not listening. We ARE happy with the ride. Extremely happy. We have said this over and over again. It is a great choice on Movie World's part and a much needed addition to the park. We are complaining about the theming - which is NOT up to standard. Then someone else mentioned again "but it is a flat ride and generally a flat ride doesn't have to have a huge amount of theming". Again not listening to our comments. We have all agreed that flat rides do not have to have a huge amount of theming. However the theming they do have should be effective especially when it is being put together by Movie World. We used examples like the Claw and Wipeout which are flat rides with minimal but very effective theming. I think even less of the presentation now after seeing those latest shots with the white shade umbrella stuck in front of the ride
  5. Bit of a shame for WhiteWater World though that they changed this so close to xmas. They could have sold a heck of a lot more in the lead up to chrissy if they hadn't had that stupid condition on it
  6. Exactly! The Claw and Wipeout are 2 perfect examples of flat rides themed simply and very effectively. The Batwing is not. Movie World should have this mastered but obviously not. Seems to me like the cost of Warner Village Parks' recent expansions has been a total cut in theming and presentation. It seems like they have made a trade off
  7. Wow this certainly looks to be the case. Very good move by WhiteWater World and it's good to see they have come to their senses. I had a feeling this might happen after the marketing department no doubt received numerous complaints. Also of note is the ability to now park hop at any time with the World Pass using the interpark gates (I think they lifted this restriction early). Looks like we are starting to see some good flexibility with the ticketing options
  8. I have no problem with Movie World choosing to go with simpler theming and presentation for this ride. They have a number of heavily themed attractions so it would make sense that they take a step back and not go too over the top with this style of ride. The ride itself is a very good choice and is a way for MW to build up their base of flat rides which we all felt was needed. HOWEVER the big problem here is I don't think MW has even attempted the simple theming well. To be honest I think even Dreamworld would have done it better. That archway is a good idea but seriously why didn't they make the signage on it 3 dimensional at least? And what happened to this idea that they were going to turn the area into a whole new Gotham city theme that people were talking about? Obviously didn't eventuate
  9. The 'theming' from what I can see is pathetic. A small garden bed with a couple of batmobile type things scattered around randomly, a grey fence and the archway with the plain signage at the top of it. And then there's the non existant 'smoke'? I couldn't even see the effect in that video. Also I hope whoever did that voiceover for the countdown didn't get paid - it is really amatuer. It should have been a Batman style voice or at least with an American accent. I just think it's a really average attempt on Movie World's behalf. But I'm assuming no one will give a damn as we have all come to the realisation the Aussie public wants quantity not quality unfortunately
  10. There is absolutely no excuse for this. The park is making stacks of money. I just can't believe a park that is/was so far out in front would allow the competition to creep up on them. See the problem with DW not adding any decent new rides for ages is that when they finally do add a new ride, it won't be enough to make up for the recent lack of investment. They would need to add a number of new rides to stay even. And then things like this start to happen ie. a longtime favourite ride (in this case the mine ride) requires removal meaning they fall even further behind
  11. I can't believe so many people still seem to be choosing to go to Wet 'n' Wild when there is a brand spanking new waterpark down the road. It doesn't make sense
  12. Everything you say is right the problem is it is unlikely the park will do anything because they are making money as it is. Being the only amusement park left in Sydney the park has absolutely thrived since the day its doors reopened again in 2004. Now here's the thing that really annoys me - in the 1995 revamp the park developers/owners (which was essentially the state government and friends of Luna Park) had a real passion for running the park as a true fun park and recreating the magic of the good old days. However, attendance levels were extremely low and the park suffered. In 2004 the park has reopened with new owners who are less interested in running it as a fun park, have taken away some of the rides, placed very little emphasis on presentation and yet attendance levels are much higher. Doesn't seem fair does it?
  13. I personally think it's a bit pathetic the way Wet 'n' Wild have so desperately tried to hold onto every single one of their customers. As T-bone said, they should have allowed some room for the punters to decide for themselves instead of shoving it down their throats. However, I think WhiteWater World has missed the mark with some of their own commericals. Here they have a chance to show people exactly WHY they should go there instead of WnW. Their ads should have focused much more closely on the actual individual attractions at the park, which is whithout a doubt the parks strong point. Instead they waste time with the stupid dog story and other crap
  14. This ride's very similiar to Tower of Terror isn't it? Is the ToT technology much better? Can you imagine Dreamworld selling off the ToT!? That'd NEVER happen, not in a million years. I have a funny feeling Dreamworld will still be billing it as their major drawcard attraction in another 20 years from now (only because at this rate they probably won't have superseeded it with anything better)
  15. They have a serious lack of Super Tubes Hydrocoaster images and videos on the site. Considering it is one of the major attractions I think they need to get some footage and pics up on the site asap
  16. I def think the above quote is the key. If you have already been to Wet 'n' Wild once or twice and yet you still choose to go there again over WhiteWater World I think you'd be CRAZY. Ofcourse you should try the brand new park with the brand spanking new high tech rides. I think it will be an easier thing to judge in a couple of years when WWW has (hopefully) expanded and most of us will have visited both parks by then. I totally agree with Tony on the above comment and have often thought the same thing myself. I prefer quality over quantity which is why Movie World is my favourite park and WhiteWater World is (from what I've seen) my favourite waterpark
  17. I reckon the cloverleafs look waaay better - much more modern. I bet the only reason Wet 'n' Wild is trialling these Whirly Wheels is cause they were too cheap to install a raft conveyor and they have probably now realised it is damn hard to lug the full Cloverleafs up all those stairs
  18. You're kidding?! So obviously WhiteWater World hasn't made a dent in Wet 'n' Wild's attendance levels? Seems a bit strange to me. I'd be interested to know how busy WWW was on the same day
  19. matt that was a brilliant photo update you put together. You covered everything in awesome detail, thanks. Also thanks to studiodekadent for the trip review. I am really impressed with the finished result and presentation of this park. Some of the theming and colour schemes that I originally thought were questionable have turned out brilliantly. The signage is great and exactly what I was hoping for. It all really adds to the atmosphere and makes it a true water theme park. This is something Wet 'n' Wild appears to have forgotten about lately. Let's hope WhiteWater World keeps this level of theming/landscaping/presentation up when the park inevitably expands
  20. I just realised both ads can now be viewed on the WWW website at http://www.whitewaterworld.com.au/content/...p?name=WWW_TVCs The dog ad was better than I thought it would be but I still think the look and feel of the World Pass ad is better
  21. You can look at a video of the World Pass commercial which is the one where both Dreamworld and WhiteWater World are featured at http://www.themeparksgoldcoast.com.au/cont...?name=TPGC_TVCs I really love this ad. I think the graphics, visuals and sound (music, effects) are all excellent. Great quality. I just hope the other ads they are bringing out are as good
  22. That's a shame. The ad I saw which was a general one for Dreamworld and WhiteWater World combined was perfect. It showed the rides and slides and made it all look like good fun. Even a friend of mine who is not interested in theme parks said he wants to go to WWW after seeing all of the funky colourful slides on that ad. But now it sounds like they have released new ads with the dog things in it. I reckon they should just focus on the excellent rides at this stage. Nobody likes the dog things
  23. Cheesy you are a legend for putting all that together and uploading it. Well done. Once again it was some top theme park coverage by Sunrise. There are aspects of the park which have really turned out well... love the BRO signage with the giant octopus. And the rides speak for themselves
  24. WWW was on Sunrise this morning. So for any of you that didn't read my post about the planned advertising over this week then you missed out. I believe they covered a number of attractions although I only saw the last hour where they showed Hydrocoaster, Green Room and Nickelodeon. Grant also talked to DW's CEO. I'm assuming no one managed to tape it and upload it to Youtube? I'm really keen to see their commerical too, apparantley it has started playing a lot and looks good
  25. Don't you work there Tony?
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