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Everything posted by Slick

  1. Just like what's happening with Silver Bullet at Knott's Berry Farm, which will be a fantastic ride indeed.
  2. No. My real update tomorrow. Like I've said before, think jungle themeing.
  3. Did I say "should intamin, seeming they make great flying coasters, make one for dreamworld?" No. I said they should be a host for a new type of flying coaster, given the launch idea. And who ever said prototypes are unreliable? Sure X was, but what about Xcelerator and TOT? Both are Intamin and are quite excellent rides considering they were both the test dummies for new technologies in the industry, plus they're both Intamin.
  4. More of a joke really than anything. Please no one get the comedy police on me.. But for a while I've said to ride-ops and on this forum that "..Dreamworld, you should be taking notes!.." and an that after many a talk with some people inside the park and after explaining what exactly "B&M" is, we get this little beauty of info. So they took note. I still enjoy my idea of the hydraulicly launched B&M flyer, only thing is, you'd need another company to do the launch systems. And I don't know really who said this, but Dreamworld really doens't like Vekoma. Thw two most un-safest rides in the park and they're both made by the same manufacturer, go figure. But an interesting thing would be that Intamin could be a host for a flying coaster, odd track design, but interesting. And given that Dreamworld has a nice track record with Intamin AG, why not? Well apart from the failing harnesses and that medal scrapings incident on TTD and...... keeps rumbling on for another hour or so....
  5. Well the mega drop is supposed to be as fast as 204k/ph but from someone who has done twenty-eight Giant Drops in one Saturday i'd be surprised if it pulled out 70k/ph. And if anyone looked closely at the tower you'll notice that it's made up into two parts and that the higher part was certainly not as straight as the GD is.
  6. Well, while I'm still checking this information, the island in the middle of Dreamworld was originally not allowed to be used due to some sort of wildlife "thing" but recently I heard that it was lifted and the land was suitable for use again. Think the Island of the flying coaster. And also, insiders that are in just about every nook and cranny, have said that the maqcuarie leisure trust has taken out a phenomenal sum of money! I had said this a while back but wan't sure of the figure, but apparently it could be upwards of twenty million. But that's just what's in the grape vine at the moment.
  7. Plus when we went there on Wednesday it broke down twice. Nice work Tivoli.
  8. And how old are you? Anyway, it doesn't matter, welcome to the forums!
  9. Would anyone know how much of the Scenic Railway is steel after the re-development of LPM? I didn't notice any steel when i went in october of last year but then again I wasn't really trying to find steel anyway.
  10. Well this does make me very excited. A new rollercoaster that is unique and special (cyclone doesn't count). Let's hope that it's something with multiple trains as Dreamworld really does need something than can vacuum the crowds. You remember those lifts in the TOT queue line when the skull was originally over at Village Oval? They were also stopped because it would require another deck hand to operate them, great work on ruining the theme Dreamworld. Just because you're building new rides doesn't mean you STOP MAKING NOTES!!!!
  11. Hydraulicly launched B&M flyer!!!! For the past couple of hundred of posts i've been telling dreamworld to take note, and you know what they did, THEY TOOK NOTE!!! Plus i've been talking to a lot of ride-ops recently.....
  12. Wheras the TOT is about the same age and its only just making it up the tower now. Go figure Dreamworld.
  13. Great update their Richo, good to see one of our parks a preserving our much loved rides. Dreamworld, how many times do I have to tell you to take note!
  14. I don't think they'll put it in the 2050 themed area. Talking from what has been realistically shown, is that unless B&M start making roller coasters with launched by 2030 there will be no market really for a roller coaster with a lift hill. It's all part of the Golden Age scheme which we are entering. One Idea i've kept to myself for a long while now actually, can you image a hydraulicly launched B&M flying coaster? You're in a superman position while being pushed out of the station at something up to 90 miles per hour. And before I finish, I would like to say that THIS IS MY FIVE HUNDREDTH POST!!!!! HOORAH! HOORAH! Now the next 500 will concentrate on how much Vekoma sucks. Hehe
  15. Errr.... yes..... indeed.... Tell me where can I get a model of a LSM coaster? How about a scaled down version of the Dreamworld Tower? What about a WipeOut model?? anyone up for a few grand?
  16. So based on the track design i'd say Intamin would be the manufacturers? Either that or Vekoma's going to come up with about a hundred different track designs within the next 12 months.
  17. I need a little help here. Firstly, I know Skyhawk was some kinds of parachute ride, but of what sort, and does anyone have any photos of it? Was it the ride that was transported from PKI in ohio? I need de info baby!
  18. Trust me, the loops are not coming back, they stanley knives now! Like I said, there is only one piece left, deal with it everyone.
  19. Sorry, but I read about a couple of lines. The part where he quotes "Astonishingly, our restraints were not checked manually". This is just simply not true. Dreamworld management enforces that ride-ops must check restraints before any despatches are made and any level 3 ride-op (all of which I know) would never risk their career like that. Please, guys, can you please tell me some more experiences about poor capacity times as I will be talking to administration this weekend.
  20. He has a very valid point there...... Now what I would like to know is where are they going to place the queue, how big it is going to be in such limited space and so forth.
  21. I would've liked to have seen it within the Cyclone or The Claw themeing. The Cyclone could reall use something like that, for example near the Aftermath store. That wave must go MUAHAHAHA!
  22. So what was real EPCOT? And in that sense I mean what was Walt Disney's original idea and design for the idea and why was it "ditched"?
  23. No, there is only on long piece left, which the second train will be bolted to. It is part of one of the corners which had no banking. But they still have no idea where its going, so they left the track on the storage side of the Thunderbolt.
  24. The first one reminds me of my grandpa, the second reminds me of Dreamworld guests. "...I can't seem to find the Thunderbolt on the map..... oh wait, there it is there. They just changed the name and where it is because it was sinking where it was before." Ooohh you just wait till I get some of the beauties from the ride-ops this weekend. Some people are, what Daniel regards as "dolts", and for good reason too.
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