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Everything posted by Slick

  1. well, at least someone is still seeing that old thing..... which reminds me do you have any more photos at all Richie??
  2. That one looks pretty cool/average.....
  3. There's actually a funny story behind that roller-coaster.com.au web site with the first beta picture..... I hopped on to totalthrills (as i do daily) and checked the new site progress post..... anyway there was a bit of talk so i just skipped most of it and clicked on the photo..... HEY!!! THE PHOTO SAYS "rollercoaster.com.au"!!!! So eventually i contacted richie and he blurred out the words!!! But anyway, in other news, i have been to Dreamworld over the weekend and will be getting photos and videos updated very soon.
  4. Other than that though, i was having a look at some of the other releases due out and i found this: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/school...creenindex.html Have a look at screenshot 11!
  5. Looks reasonable, but a bit sim-coasterish. I personally reckon that the game should have a feel of professionalism, like No-Limits does.
  6. Okay, i'm back from taping and reviewing the footage of the TunderBolt's demise on the Channel Ten news (unfortunately channel nine didn't have any footage) and i've also found out a couple of things recently that maybe i should've pointed out a bit before. Talking to some of my "insider people" i.e. ride-operators and other people who get their say in DreamWorld related issues, I have possibly found that Australia might just be getting their first B&M, or something as big as Dueling Dragons in size from most possibly Intamin........ Think about it, certain rides are being closed for upgrades, and i have seen some big improvements with Cyclone's themeing, not to mention the brand new bright red wheels on the log flume....... So what to do now with 30 mil eh? Now that's a simple answer, sorry shifty, but Dreamworld has learnt that replacing a crap ride with another crap ride is a little dodgy, given the reputation the Demon has and will if it is shifted up.
  7. Please go to Aussie World, PLEASE go to Aussie World..... Mind you unfortunately Aussie World having spent a decent amount of money getting a mine train and whatnot, I don't think they would be interested anymore. And while I wish the Demon would never EVER touch Dreamworld, I would still like to see would they would do with it. Smoke machines anyone?
  8. You're in luck. My new digital camera of ebay is arriving this weekend and from now on i'll be able to keep you guys updated weekly.
  9. Damn it! You beat me again! As I was taking a shower i heard the radio state something about the deconstruction of the TuhnderBolt today, and it was supposedly because of the Tower Of Terror....... stoopid media...... It's true but that's just one cause.
  10. I think you're about 4 pages worth of posts behind coasterfreak, because we have already stated this......
  11. Why would they need to borrow money if Maqcuarie Leisure is a division of Maqcuaire Bank?
  12. Actually what I wouldn't mind seeing is that the Demon be shipped up to DreamWorld with the brand new trains Vekoma have designed to update models around the MK1200 i think it was?!? I remember seeing it in that website that stated an Intamin Gyro Swing was coming to DreamWorld...... They also looked incredibly comfortable and stylish might I add.
  13. We are talking about Melbourne right? home to er....... three coasters??? Let's also take in the fact that the person that wrote the report actually went to every single park in the world or did he just decide to look some names up in RCDB?
  14. Fantastic!!!!!!! Time for some flaming, Totalthrills style!!! No no, just kidding, but would honestly think that DreamWorld WOULD NOT be able to put a rollercoaster and a large thrill ride in by christmas....think about it..... To be calling up an internationally acclaimed park and go "hey listen mate, we're kind of in the crap zone, so errrr.... can u take care of our rollercoaster now mate!!!!!" I mean let's think for a second..... DreamWorld has to spend money on the following things: 1)POSSIBLY the taking apart of the Demon 2)shipping of the demon 3)architects to design new housing for the Demon within a short space of time 4)structual engineers etc. for the building and whatnot of the Demon 5)surveying of possible spots for the Demon 6)Surveys for themeing and naming 7)Advertising 8)Updating of current advertising 9)Council permits AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!! Think about it, maybe in a year or two, but in a matter of 7 months for the PLANNING OF THE WHOLE THING IS ABSURD! Not even a park like DisneyLand or SFMM could pull something like this off (this excludes flashback by the way ) But see that's my 2 cents so feel free to respond shifty.
  15. I gotta admit, he's right! In my personal opinion, the Demon would be excellent to fit into Luna Park Sydney, or Melbourne, where it was originally planned to be........ If you look at the problem at hand was that the screams etc. were a) coming from a high up place directly into the appartments and b)weren't soundproofed properly. Basically Demon obviously has two high points, the two lift hills, and the rest of the ride i.e. the bit where we scream because the cobra roll is giving us a seizure, is low and protected from the rest of the park. But you see, by now, the land that was used for the Big Dipper has probably been taken by something else so there's probably little chance of fitting it into Syndey's Luna Park. THAT'S MY TWO AND A QUARTER CENTS!!!
  16. Hey, I also found another little creepy thing online..... http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ecotone/es203...dreamworld2.htm
  17. Alright, i know it is a bit of late, but, i remember hearing about this and i thought i may aswell have a look for what it was really all about: http://finance.news.com.au/common/story_pa...255E462,00.html C u Soon!
  18. Two things... Firstly, we had a swimming carnival and it was not compulsory if you were not swimming..... hoorah for being short.... And the technology on the TOT is not outdated, if you've ever seen what goes on, wand what systems they really have (i.e. lcd screens in the "box" or the rid-op's platform) and not to mention the extra wireless laptop they have to accompany the wireless techonology used for the Pod..... the technology is NOT OUTDATED!!! Next time you're around, and happen to get a front row seat, and are sitting on the very right, you'll notice a small box which is locked, this is for hooking up a laptop to do adjustments and whatnot to the technology used....
  19. All right, all right.... after taking Tuesday's trip to Dw and taking a leisurely day walking around and about, you know, talking to my mates, the ride-ops, taking a peak at the back shed, watching the Reptar, what's being added.... the list goes on..... I have noted these new things to report. -Well it certainly looks like DreamWorld are keeping up with their new standards, and means that the Runaway Reptar train was being taken off the day i was there to do their "annual maintnence", which is good, finally they're getting their act together, or should i say, getting their back together, after the ThunderBolt..z(little joke there guys.....) -DreamWorld, without even having to close the damn thing, have placed new security gates in on the Cyclone. Basically something must have had happened i.e. someone falling off the station, and now at the very front where the train exits to the lift hill, there are two hydraulic gates, with a laser trip sensor, so basically, if the train goes of the egde of the station the trip sensor will lock the restraints up from the control desk so the ride-op (in an emergency situation) will manually open each indivudal restraint up using the kick stand. The trip sensor is also used to power up the lift hill, basically, if it gets tripped and the gates are opened, the lift hill starts, great idea i reckon..... It's just another way DreamWorld is shaping up the efficiency of the park..... -Well, let me say now that i think the only thing DreamWorld is interested in about the ThunderBolt is most positively scrap metal. Basically, there is now alot of pink markings going on certain parts of the ride, which looks..... interesting i'll give you that..... And another thing, the second train is now scattered across the park, the front carriage is at the house (where the employees take their brake), and the rest is in the back storage area. The first train on the other hand, is still in the station, sitting there, like everything else.......... -Currently, where the go-kart station used to go (under the ThunderBolt, ALL of the stuff from the cinema where Tomb Raider is now, is there. This includes seating, vending machines etc. -The west side's gondola on the GD has been taken off the tracks and sent (70% to germany) for repairs and maintnence, which means, queue lines are now offically timed at 70 minutes for your pleasure. -Tower Of Terror, the next one for a month's leave!!! Basically, after riding this baby more than 30 times within the last fortnight, i have noticed an incredible amount of things go wrong, and things that are broken. Firstly, the leather ccovering on the lap-bar restraints are starting to tear, nothing serious, but it looks tacky. Secondly, on Tuesday in particular, there were a number of E-brakes taking place, plus the fact that last Saturday, in very, very brief words (not allowed to give too much away) a guide wheel ceased resulting in the pod hitting the friction brakes at the back. Thirdly, do you remember that sign that says how fast you travel? For future reference, don't bother looking at it, it is showing false numbers because of the faults currently taking place in the computer system. Now before i go i've got two things to say. Please don't blame DreamWorld for everything that goes wrong on the TOT, let me remind you that the lsat time the technology was used on the TOT was in the American Army doing some very, very secret business with missiles etc. And lastly, i do not have a photo of it yet, but just as you come out of the second loop of the ThunderBolt and into the corner, on the right, there is this... station like building.... i thought ,aube it was originally for taking photographs back when they first started, but i still can't figure it out..... Rivhard, i hope you know what i'm talking about...... Cya everyone!
  20. I've got to say that this is some of the worst news i have ever heard in my entire life, that is, in the matter of theme parks and centimental value. I remember, living half in Sydney, half in a town called Bathurst, that every weekend I would go past that gorgeous park next to the M4.... "someday mummy, will you take me there," the 8 year old pleads. Now the 8 year old grows up, still saying the same thing, although, this time, his dreams are shattered by a internal corporation who doesn't give a crap about one of the best parks in the southern hemisphere. Well, here's a toast to ING and you bastards at Sunway. But before i start, one thing i remember seeing the last time i went on the m4 that the space probe had a huge sign on the top saying the company that had funding into the SP, was that ING or something else? If so than i'll presume my toast. Firstly to ING, why gund the Space Probe when you can but the park and turn it into a cockroach infested craphole? You make me sick. And to you, Sunway, where the sun out of your ass is as bright as the sun. You are pathetic. Utterly, pathetic. You are what make terrorism, not freewill. You are what killed alot of people's place of hapiness. You destroyed Syndey's hope of having a nice, big themepark that could and did compete with the rest of the big boys (unlike Luna Park Sydney). Bloody Sunway, may your financial future be rotted like your half pumping heart. And here's to Wonderland, you were fantastic, and i will endeavour to visit you during the holidays. And on one final note, i have an idea. Thinking about rllercoasters etc., i think DW might just be looking towards BB and Demon, and maybe even Beastie, just a rumour to get your little hearts going, and one i thought would be nice is the Space Probe could go either a)into sea world instead of an impulse roller coaster at the small park on surfer's paradise c) where the Expo '88 tower is now. Rest In peace you mad park, may your fans endeavour to move to the coast..... PS: any swaring in this post is just a one-off, no other swaring will be displayed anywhere else on my behalf....
  21. Technically, the spelling is either, or should i say, the capital is either! Basically the logo represents it as Dreamworld, but it really is DreamWorld....... Go on, ask me another question, please?
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