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Everything posted by Slick

  1. Alright Joz, just settle down.... ....settle............. Like I said before, dreamworld's theming in certain spots is utterly crap, but there was an insentive. Just look at Ocean Parade and WipeOut in particular. I think you'll notice that the themeing for that is damn nice, with the shark, the working waterfall, the malibu surfboards on the sides, the annual repaint, the sand, the housing etc., they are all nice (nice is an understatement, by the way ). And you look at the job they have done on rennovating of what is now Nick Central. Man that place has an atmosphere of its own, when there's not 1000 people there, that is. But now you look at what they have done to the Tower Of Terror since they shifted the entrance to the other side. THE THEMEING IS BLOODY SHOCKING, and if you look closely, the theme is just to hide those real electrical cables overhead. And to prove this, next time i am at DW (some time this week hopefully) i will take photos of this menace of paint gone wrong. So here's a message to anyone who bags DreamWorld, I AM WATCHING.
  2. Jee, sorrrrrrry. :confused:
  3. Here are some answers to your post: A)yes. B)The cables are reinforced to withstand much more than a tree falling down. C)There was very bad weather on the day which caused the tree to snap. :eek: There you go.
  4. Holy crap! Man, that's going to spark a bit of friction for DreamWorld. I'm guessing midway through the cable car track the tree fell from the island, over the river and onto the cable car track. I would hate to be the ride-op when that happened. News from Sky News that the tree fell from the Australian Wildlife Experience part of the park, near the Emus!!!!!!
  5. Cool... a new site...... this way i'll have competition when my site opens.
  6. I must admit, MovieWorld's theming is absolutely excellent, and coming from some one who would (metaphorically) die for DreamWorld, it is a tad hard to say. But you look at the Tower Of Terror. Curently, the head is not only being re-painted, but almost replaced as it partially caved in, which will make the TOT head, look fantastic when it's done, BUT, what about the other theming? If you can remember, black walls and some paint to represent a door on a wall is NOT going to cut out as themeing, nor is a Novelty sized tap head going to cut it for the Giant Drop. But now you look (thanks to Ian's great post at Ozcoaster.net) at the Goldrush sign, and that is a work of art. And also, how could you say that DreamWorld is cramp? I think some one is not only talking out of their ass but farting at the same time (see the pun there kids?) DreamWorld has land free at: a)down the sides of the park next to the ThunderBolt and RockyHollow area b)the middle island c) behind the quarantine centre at the Wildlife Experience d)the Thunderbolt site e)When BB finishes (which it will) there's some more land So think before posting, or you will be fired back at like some russel crowe movie. And that's my 20 cents, yes, it's worth that much more.
  7. Oh crap he is gonna blow so many cells out of his brain...... Wait a second, did he ever have any??? Nah, i'm just kidding. By the way, those photos are good, good to see that some people still ENJOY the place.
  8. And what was our original subject :x
  9. Let me give you an example of what I mean... You know how you can get those glass cubes with a laser cut image inside? That's it. It's a similar technology, they use a laser in this instance to guide to a certain point then cut the laser off. It's sounds a bit weird but look it up. Be amused.
  10. Cool video and all BUT, what was with that g?
  11. Actually, thanks to my 2 years ahead knowledge about the subject, you can project something into mid-air, but at a price. Bascically Joz said that the beam will keep travelling but actually what they can do is project multiple lasers certain distances and... and..... oh i'm buggered...... It's 8:00 and i've spent too many nights playing Desertcombat on Cogs. Bye.
  12. Nice update indeed. Just aout those Iron Henges. Those have always been there near the Big Brother Walkway because of the fact that when raining, it makes an excellent pool. Don't get wrong, let your imagination run wild guys, but that's all it is. I mean, would YOU like your 10 grand camera wet while shooting people coming out of the Big Bro. House? I didn't think so. PS: THIS IS MY 200TH POST. YAY. OH YEAH BABY YEAH!
  13. I do actually believe that "if" Wonderland was refurbished accordingly, they would have a multi million dollar profit. That means that they could reconstruct Hanna Barbera Land and change it to MarvelWay or something corny as such. Now come on, now you don't need an iq over 120 to realise that (mind you, my iq is 121!)
  14. Look at it from a DreamWorld season pass holder's point of view. Wonderland is going down. It's simple logic here folks. I'm not saying this because their rides are supposedly "not exciting anymore" but you like at Dreamworld right now, as in, Thursday 15th of January, 2004, and think, wow, the new theming and Tomb Raider is excellent, and everything is just so pretty where as you look at Wonderland and go "which mardigra character died here?" PS: love your sign offs wonderbus, keep it up!
  15. Hoorah for SeaWorld.... Street parade anyone? Alright i'm just kidding, and that hologram sounds cool. Basically what happens with that is a projector places an image of someone into thin air without having to project onto a wall etc.
  16. Very true about the new painting and stuff. My sister-in-law (at Skyreach) has had probably 4 booms sent out to Dreamworld for painting and saving that Tower Of Terror head from collapsing!!
  17. I thought i'd have a look around and here are some more photos:
  18. "Some people never lose a toe.. ...but then again some people..... Like Cletus! The slack jar yokel! "...Hey I can see my mumma from up here... ...hey ma', get off the dang rooooof!....." Yes.... Yes...... Patronise me of you must!
  19. Sorry if what i said cam out differently to actually what i meant! What i meant was a cool idea is to have a strip running from the Cyclone coaster to the Defunct Thunderbolt site with a couple of cyclone themed rides.
  20. Rides or no rides, Universal is a great day out. Having been there, i must say that every single show is e"X"cellent. PS: Back to the future is absolutely unreal. Best Simulator in its category.
  21. I went there in 1998, and it was closed. bummer. Stoopid maintnence.
  22. Talking to people as high up as Rob Buchanan (manager of operations), Dreamworld is reering up that wow factor again. And seeming Maqcaurie Leisure (bless them all...) has got one BIG BIG budget to spend, as i always say, expect something big. And let's not forget how we felt when the shocked us with the first rollercoaster ever to hit that 100mph mark plus that Giant Drop, ooh yeah, all it needs is a storyline.....
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