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Everything posted by Slick

  1. My understanding is the weight restrictions have been in place for a few years now (there's signs that haven't changed for a few seasons that clearly point out weight limits) and it's only the weighing pads that are new, which is what both WhiteWaterWorld and Wet 'n' Wild have had for years for certain slides. I've also heard there's no actual scales or anything in Abyss so I don't know how that came to be in the first place. Maybe they're just asking operators to be more vigilant? In which case, what's the pig bit?
  2. I reckon one of two things has happened here: 1) Whether it was guest complaints or wanting to minimise wear and tear (probably both), the park consulted Gerstlauer over the break and found that that running the ride at the upper-end of the heat limit combined with having passenger loads in the upper-end of weight limit was making the ride rough. The ride is designed with a 650kg passenger weight average (track calculations, trains etc.) so then the easiest solution was to pop in a solution that gives operators an easy way to keep an eye on a total passenger load's weight. 2) Someone at Lloyd's or the park did a new RA over the break and decided the 650kg suggested limit could interpreted as a hard limit if an accident was to occur and decided not to take the chance. If it was Lloyd's, the two choices the park would've had was to either do as they're told or have no insurance at all and thus not be able to operate the park. Either way, the park could do a lot more in future PR issues to quell public backlash and get ahead of it before it got really out of hand. A business their size should definitely invest in having someone on retainer who understands their business and can respond on their behalf. From the outset they needed to be transparent and explain what's going on and why. Here's an example of great immediate transparency squashing confusion and speculation: Also, weighing folks is unusual for a dry ride, not un-common for wet rides, if I was the park I would've released something like the following: Acknowledges the problem, states the facts, it's transparent, and for anyone who still feels jipped there's an out. It's honestly just really hard to argue with safety too, and if everyone else globally is doing it, it shows that it's not just Adventure World being over the top.
  3. There was a crane hovering around the ride yesterday so seems likely.
  4. If that’s the case over completely reducing the depth altogether then that’s fair enough. I guess a thoosie needs to jump in the water at some point and find out. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  5. Agreed. I understand the parks have become quite risk averse, but I personally believe that we’ve well and truly arrived at safety for safety’s sake. Another example would be the tiny half sized pool fence that covers a tiny chunk of the Main Street fountain or the removal of all of the flower beds at Movie World because a woman tripped on one.
  6. Next year they’ll just give everyone life jackets and crash helmets to wear in there.
  7. I'd love a mixture of this and a vertical garden, especially when it comes to hiding the Sky Voyager plant area.
  8. I'm starting to realise that there was a great opportunity here to bring a first nation's artist in to make something brilliant.
  9. I miss those hand-drawn maps of yesteryear.
  10. They’ve been putting F&B trucks for 7+ years now. Here’s an almost identical truck setup for Fright Nights in 2014.
  11. Same Arrow chassis underneath with an updated fibreglass shell, speakers (lol) and new restraints that are modern spec. It's also probably the nostalgia talking but the OG Cyclone trains were kickass, especially when the red lighting ran. Speaking of trains, back on-topic, can't wait to see these trains with the zero-car attached to the front. The paint scheme on this Helix-style Mack trains is looking super badass in the light of day.
  12. Just saw this too. The waterpark is looking really, really great. 🍻
  13. Not to derail the topic completely, but I’ve often wondered if it could be retrofitted with the more modern Vekoma bucket seats with lap bars. It would eliminate the horrible shake it’s got and make it a really good family coaster.
  14. Soo… We’ve all seen the POV now… What’s up with the launch having no build up or visibility?
  15. The 4K version is up. A million, kajillion times better. Now that we've got a solid POV, can we confirm the rumour that this is running quicker than the OG Blue Fire in Germany? I've seen some photos of it and the orange is just stunning against the blue sky. Also really keen to see it with the zero car on the front - the trains already look sexy AF.
  16. Weather, train load, track warmth and a bunch of other variables would also play a role into how fast and intense a ride is throughout the course of the ride. A very minor role, but enough to swing the numbers ever so slightly that it would probably account for all these different numbers.
  17. I've always felt it's super arbitrary to begin with. Most governments set limits these days on what's allowed, and ride makers are able to design all of their coasters to come right up to the limit. To me it's a bit like saying a car's got a "V6" - it's nice but ultimately it's a laymen's indicator of "good."
  18. You’ve misread - my opinion hasn’t shifted. I’m not going to alter my opinion just to curry favour. Independent voices matter. They should be respected. Folks here do, and some parks don’t. It is what it is.
  19. What’s the difference between an iPhone and a cinema camera? What’s the difference between someone who’s never touched a GoPro before versus an academy award winning director like Steven Spielberg? The difference in this case might not be that extreme, but when clients hire me, they hire me for my expertise, not my camera. Having the wrong settings on the GoPro has made some of the transitions look really jarring. As a first impression, you want it to be pristine, because especially online, you often don’t get a second chance. I wouldn’t be giving people any reason to doubt how good the ride is or what Dreamworld is capable of. Respectfully agree to disagree. Apple doesn’t pull access from tech reviewers like The Verge, Engadget, MKBHD etc. etc. just because they don’t always write glowing “10/10, amazing, wonderful” reviews.
  20. It’s a great ride, why release a POV that makes the coaster look worse than Rivals? I’d be down there tomorrow to film a POV if they wanted the help. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  21. https://fb.watch/7VaWd1faVe/ Drone footage of the full cycle in action. Nice to see the layout of the exit and how it links in to the rest of the ride.
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