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Everything posted by Slick

  1. When i went there last weekend all it was was a small, yes small empty little hall, but there was still an average size arcade next to the hall not related to Sega by name
  2. I can relate fully!! It's been 4 months since my domain was set to debut! But keep an eye out everyone!!! :mrgreen: Not literally
  3. yeah but what about the ones at WonderLand Sydney!!!
  4. okay.... sorry about that, i didn't realise that it was 2004 financial year! :x
  5. Does anyone have any pics?? I'm yet to go to Wonderland so i have no idea what you guys r talking about!!!!
  6. just on an extra note: just got back from sydney and remembered a bit of news i obtained a while back from DreamWorld: While both rides (due to liability insurance from the start) were only aimed at 160.9km/ph the TOT (to showcase Dreamworld overseas) advertised that using a police module speed camera the actual speed recorded was 162k/ph. And my story still lays with my bro's GF as their were para-medics runing on-site as it happened... so there!!! IT'S TRUE I TELL 'YA!
  7. I do agree with alot of staff... one in particualar though one on off my early trips to dreamworld i remember this very bastardous old man that did the train for the ThunderBolt, but on one of my recent trips to dw there's this new lady who was soooo nice.... she even over the microphone said to have a very good birthday and enjoy the rest of the day.... how nice is that, and hre loading times (for one person) was fantastic, not even a 3 minute wait!
  8. I can guarantee that story is very very true
  9. Okay, since i posted last... here's a couple of things: 1)there have been numerous "accidents" on the TOT but no serious injuries. One such "accident" has occured to my brother's GF (who also manages the building sites of the Matrix Realoaded and the runaway reptar and stuff with all the cranes, but she doesn't really do that much when she's out.... but she gets all the reports of all the construction progress in Brisbane hehe....)ANYWAY one incident happened with her on the TOT..... one day everything was runnign very smoothly than the computers glitched sending her 180 km up the tower hitting the brakes up the top and almost literally sliding back into the station then hitting the brakes very very hard..... she said it was very fast on the way back and then the brakes at the end cause the pod to stop in one big jolt 2)in regards to normally braking, the electro magnets give of an opposite charge, like truning them the other way round except not as powerful. Well there's my 2 cents
  10. Also, i stated that the magnets in the TOT AND Giant Drop COULD last for 1.2 million years.
  11. Its not so much that they use the same magnets, but the fact that the magnets are very closely synchronised so much so as they almost work as a "group".
  12. Well i guess the title speaks for itself, i have emailed them with a couple of questions attached about the TOT etc. Hope to hear from them soon.
  13. 2 things #1) Do you recken that the Cyclone train is just the Big Dipper's just refurbished? #2) If you have a look at this photo, i think you'll agree that the Cyclone cars look very nice and while its not in this photo, all Cyclone cars have a cable of red lighting around the sides which makes it look very nice in the dark station!!!
  14. Has anyone else noticed that the Tower Of Terror is getting....... slower than expected??? Watching the TOT for quite some time i have possibly come to realise that this might be because: a)liability insurance running high b)power bills c)no-one has complained PS: no one, under any circumstance give me the crap that the ride is getting old because, if you knew your facts, you would know that the magnets used in the TOT and GD last for over 1.2 million years!!!!!
  15. Just a quick note: Everyone's saying tot AND Space Probe, how about a full replication of the Tower of Terror and Giant Drop except this time include the "cover" on the top of the tower like space probe??
  16. You forgot the giant drop (while not actually a rollercoaster, still worth a mention) Fastest free-fall ride in the world tallest free-fall ride in the world most advanced technology with the magnet synchronisation techniques used with the tot (not a real record, but still cool) first of a kind with a 8-across gondola
  17. Do you have any photos of it?
  18. does anyone have a list of all the incidents that have ever happened at WonderLand?
  19. While the food at Dreamworld is average, I personally reccomend DreamWorld for their drinks, as they are one of the only parks (i think) to date that have portable slush drink vendors.... oh yeah and the fact that the shop down at Ocean Parade (next to the Cyclone entrance) serves the biggest drinks and the bestest pastries ever!
  20. actually, Vekoma manufacture all their track etc. from a russian factory whereas Intamin manufacture the track themeselves and set it up for the company or either they just sell the concept.... PS: this is from memory so feel free to correct me!!!!
  21. hold on, what do u mean by that?
  22. If you guys really want a decent quality photo of DreamWorld, go to my post "B'day at DreamWorld"
  23. Yeah Richie..... that's what i ment, i think.......... :x
  24. that's also where you got those dreamworld photos from!!!!!!!!!!
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