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Everything posted by Andy_q69

  1. Wow cool, it is an ACE Classic as well as all the other clones it has running around the world. The Scenic Railway in Luna Park Melbourne is there also!
  2. Wo0t I went on a spinning mouse at the Easter Show It was called Wild Mouse and had a 'Spinning Mouse' sign at the front also.
  3. Me visit 3 times a year? I don't think so! :mrgreen: A 10 drive? 10 seconds, minutes or hours? :shock:
  4. So your thinking that is what happened to TBB? It sounds a good reason to me!
  5. Flea and I have just came back from another exhausting ride at Wonderland. Unfortunately, TBB was closed again (of course!). We stayed in Transylvania for the WHOLE day and rode Demon and SP. Well, we did happen to go to the pay phones at the ticket booths at the front just to confront a few mishaps with the call I made, but not going off topic, I don't think I'll mention that (hahaha ). Something tradgic happened today while queuing for the Demon. We were waiting there are I was staring at the Zodiac. I kept a close eye on it and it came to my senses that the ride was stuck! :shock: I go to Flea, "Errrr.. The Zodiac is stuck!" and then Liam RAN to see what happened. I didn't follow him because I was keeping our spot in the Demon queue because we were in two goes. I was up to the airgates and was hoping he would come back, but he didn't, so then I had a ride on the Demon, car 2 which was one of the roughest rides I've ever had on Demon. When I exited I only knew one place where he could be... Near the Zodiac of course! So I ran up and met him there. He told me that a toddler (about three years of age) went up and ran in the loading platform when the cars were coming down. He used hand gestures to measure how much he was this close to being crushed by the cars. The ride op used the emergency stop button when he saw the kid run there and was informing about 20 people in the cars up above what had happened. Overall, the ZOdiac was out of service for about 10-15 minutes.
  6. When did that Super-8 like slide get put in? Was that the thing they were talking about? Because I think someone saying 'Nothing else like it in Australia' is kind of stupid when they probably knew about it.
  7. Well, the last few times I've been to Wonderland, the Bush Beast has: -Had a broken airgate -Was closed down for an hour -Has two stuck lapbars -No yellow train in the transfer track -The whole train had to be fixed so it went outside near the transfer track, went on brakes and got fixed by mechanics -Chain lift went psycho when going up -Got tested 2 times without the crowd being told what was happening There are A LOT of reasons why they have shut this Beast down. To get this roughness a little 'unrough', get the trains fixed, get the airgates fixed, and to clean a few things in the station, (Because there are lamps covered in lots of layers of cobwebs, etc) the path outside because when it rains the path is VERY slippery. (I like to skid down there when that happens ) So yeah, there are plenty of reasons why it is down and there are some we probably don't know of..
  8. I don't want Jamberoo to close! I want future school trips there!!
  9. Hey, here is the back of my Wonderpass. I scanned it just a few minutes ago because I was VERY bored... Sorry is the sides are a bit cut.. Although you CANNOT see the front of my Wonderpass because of obvious reasons
  10. Speaking of Movieworld, the Matrix show thing is going where the Harry thing was? Or somewhere different?
  11. What is the site? He won't tell anyone. :twisted:
  12. Movieworld has a lot of white-roofed buildings! Where are you getting all of these photos from CokeCool?
  13. Cyclone isn't there.. Bummer
  14. Nice photos. Did you take them? If so, when?
  15. Relating to the Six Flags Magic Mountain topic, what is next years new attraction going to be? (If they are going to get one) Will they keep going for the title of Park with the most rollercoasters (Even though they are tied with Cedar Point). And, what would be CP's new attraction?
  16. I saw that video two days ago. Watch all of them on the Vekoma website (ewww). They are pretty cool. Thank god this topic got to two pages!
  17. When I first saw the cow on my first trip to Dreamworld with Cyclone, I couldn't stop p|$$in myself laughing!! Hahahaha. The other scenery in the queue line is really good, but the cow kinda wrecked it, lol.
  18. It was only a joke Slick But I was still watching the Rugrats due to we waited 15 minutes
  19. I can also remember it too. Dam ToT, it ruined the best part of the Rugrats show I was watching!!
  20. What would be the sound Superman: The Escape make at Six FLags Magic Mountain? Would that be loud? Rabid disney?
  21. I've been browsing through a couple of sites these days and managed to come across a site with a glossary of coaster related things. It has all you need to know, so if you do not know what brakes are, you can check in there. (You MUST read if you don't know what brakes are!) Enjoy! http://www.coasterville.com/glossary.htm
  22. Andy_q69


    I had a Bush Beast and Demon Recreation. But I messed it up. Flea also had a Demon one, but there is a dam good reason he shouldn't show it!!
  23. Flea is correct. The jets never get you these days. What we noticed today is that the geysers go off about two times each time a boat goes by. For what reason, we have no idea, or maybe the geysers were just being tested that time we managed to look at it. And the only reason why Liam went on the Rampage with me is because I forced him to. :twisted: Anyways, besides all that, boycotta/Nightshifter, can you please put paragraphs in your post(s)! Because it is really irritating me reading it and other people get agitated sometimes as well. It will be really nice of you to do that from now on.
  24. It's alright, I think the whole of Sydney can wait a whole other year without no new rides. It has been experienced for the past 7-8!
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