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Everything posted by mikk

  1. I didn't make it through the loop and I did nothing wrong, followed instructions exactly and wore their rashie tucked in tight. the only thing I think that may have slowed me down more than others could be that I have high quality board shorts with an inner lining. When I hop in the water they ballon around my waist and the air has a hard time getting out. that theory goes out the door though when i realise that girls in bikinis who also follow all the instructions get stuck too, even when having multiple goes. it would seem plainly obvious though that the ride is poorly designed as far too many people don't make it through the loop.
  2. those of you that black out, apart from doing things to try to be more healthy (eating healthier and exercising) should try tensing the lower part of your body (abs and legs) hard at those places on the ride where you black out. it means less blood moves to the lower part of your body, meaning more blood for your head so you don't black out.
  3. Hello Out of interest, does anyone remember the little building outside Movie World between the Movie World car park and the Outback Spectacular car park? It was situated on Entertainment Rd between Helensvale Rd and the highway offramp (heading towards Brisbane). This one: http://www.nearmap.com/?ll=-27.909457,153.316645&z=21&t=h&nmd=20091111 In Nov 2009 and Jan 2010 it looks like it had temporary fencing around it but the car park had cars in it. By May 2010 the building was demolished, leaving just a bare patch and a car park. In the Google Maps satellite view it shows the building without temporary fencing, cars nicely parked in the car park, and even what looks like a large bin in a side part of the car park. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=en&ll=-27.909494,153.316644&spn=0.000857,0.001206&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=55.623725,79.013672&hnear=Oxenford+Queensland&t=h&z=20 The Google Street view shows it boarded up and surrounded with temporary fencing and a Shuttle bus probably using it as a resting place. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=en&ll=-27.909395,153.316973&spn=0.000827,0.001206&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=55.623725,79.013672&hnear=Oxenford+Queensland&t=h&z=20&layer=c&cbll=-27.909395,153.316973&panoid=UQcXPPYAEvnigrTrHcA58w&cbp=12,261.18,,1,2.6 When Movie World opened I believe that it was a video rental shop, although that business didn't last long (perhaps a year or two). After that it was used as some sort of post production facility for video editing or something similar, and then perhaps later on used as the office for a CG place. Some of my information may be wrong as i'm just going from memory. A few years back I believe it was up for lease for many months and I also remember the building being quite vandalised at some stage. I presume that Village Roadshow owns that land. There must be a good reason it was demolished because otherwise the rental income would be easy money for the owner. I hope it wasn't another one of those Village Roadshow "meh just close it" moments. My theory is that the owner skimped on maintenance and security for a long time and it got so bad that in the short term it was easier just to demolish it. Anyone know why it was demolished or know anything anything else about it?
  4. It's some damn ugly theming. Looks like leftovers from the Ekka, not in line with the gritty Lethal Weapon theme at all. Also, it's been awhile since I've been on the ride, but the Pontiac (black car outside) has had a (cheap) respray at some point, Some of the old cheap tyres and wheels from Hollywood Stunt Driver have been dumped near the car. The ride now is all clean looking where there used to be rubbish around the dumpsters. It used to be cool when the rubbish blew in the breeze. Now the theming doesn't make sense. Is it being rebranded to something else? Anyone notice that Moview World rides used to make you feel like you've been transported into a movie set, whereas now there's definitely less spent on theming.
  5. showing normal movies was a very stupid idea. did they actually think it would work? it should have been kept as IMAX and promoted a little more. where else can u see imax around brisbane/gold coast? i could be wrong though if licensing imax has a huge price.
  6. to at least fix what is broken on bermuda is quite reasonable. things like lights and the mirror are not expensive. the projector could be hidden better. as for the fire, yes that was certainly one of the most stand out things about seaworld that made it so memorable, and let's say they don't want to replace it, but surely they could do better than a broken neon light. every time i've gone on the ride in recent years, people comment on how rubbish it is. things like "that's so crap compared to what it used to be", "there used to be fire", "that looks broken", and "that was a bit tacky". if that's happening every single time i go on the ride, and i'm thinking the same things, then why isn't anything being done about it to fix the basic obvious flaws that hurt the ride the most? what is wrong with management? i say it's just laziness.
  7. those old ads look amazing it's great seeing the thunderbolt not rusting away cos because some beancounter decided they could skip one round of paint. it's true, the ones managing dreamworld's finances at the moment are not fit for the task. hopefully they make some new rides and turn it all around next year because otherwise i think we're going to have a very bad outcome
  8. i just went to sea world yesterday for $38. I had an adults for $38 and children (4-13) and pensioners $24 shop-a-docket. Unfortunately it expires today 12-09-2005 (that's why i went yesterday!) You can get shop-a-dockets from the hotdockets website. Sea World doesn't seem to have any new deals though, probably because the weather has warmed up and its gonna get a lot busier now.
  9. ok so shrek is replacing marvin the martian in 4d. i never got to see that show. was it bad? lets face it, shrek will attract more money than marvin the martian. if it didn't make them more money they wouldn't do it. there are a whole bunch of movie franchises that aren't ever going to see the light of day here in a theme park of their own studio. the only way we're going to see them is in wb movie world. when people are sick of shrek its not hard to change to another 4d movie. charlie and the chocolate factory would make a great 4d movie... but it would also be awesome as a ride
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