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Everything posted by Nightshifter
it's great to see luna park gearing up for the christmas holidays, but hey lets not go nuts, the park will be packed out everyday these holidays. New rides and ice skating sounds kool for the break. With the comments on luna park buying wonderland rides, i dont think that'll happen, if luna park wanted some big rides, they wouldn't go for wonderlands rides, however they might fetch a cheap value compared to other rides. Wonderland flat rides i must say are in good condition IMO. They are repainetd and refurbished well some of them, but they are still maintained well.
More Rides At Sydneys Luna Park For School Holidays
Nightshifter replied to Mrmoon427's topic in Theme Park Discussion
to tell you truth people, get it through your heads that Luna Park is not an amusement park for adults. It's a small park that was built some 80 years ago and provided entertainment for kids and today the park as we know it will never get any more rides and will always be known as a kids amusement park. There are rides that a remore thrilling for teenagers and we see that there, but the park was built to provide a lot of entertainment for kids, and Luna Park needs to aim higher than a carnival. theres nhothing wrong with the park and for you people to already start complaining after being in rehab for many years and spending over 50 million to renovate, you shouldnt really start complaining that they need more rides or this needs to be done. You really got to understand that money is a big issue theser days and you can't just waste it all the time. They spent a lot of money and have made a great historic park, nothing more. -
went past yesterday, and the demon is completely gone from what it seems from the road. Not a piece of stucture in site, there are a few cranes butt hats it. Next to the bush beast you can see part of junk or crap that must have been destroyed and removed. I'd say the bush beast is going next. And then a truck came out yesterday with a piece of track on the back, so yeah nothing of the demon appears to be visible no more.
im trying to say that the top of the demon is removed and all that stands now is the bottom half of the lift hill. So when i saw it, all i saw was the bottom of the lift hill going up and the top part completely removed.
but then again, i understand about the extreme g, force on a coaster, but we are comparing the speed difference here, come on a rocket goes thousands of kilometres an hour and the worlds fasteset coaster barely reaches 200 km/hr like come on a roller coaster can go as fast as it wants and IMO i think they can make a coaster go up to like 300-400km/hr reaching heights more than 200 metres high easy. But then again coasters that go this fast shouldnt be launch coasters becasue people can suffer neck injuries but if the coaster gradually picks up speed, there less of a chance of a person getting injured. The easiest way to do this is a lift hill continous circuit coaster like millenium force. Reaches a great height and gradually picks up speed when it drops.
i mean if ur in a rocket travelling thousands of kilmotres an hour i dont see why not u can travel more than 200k/hr on a roller coaster. Maybe it might not be as safe but you can still make a ride that fast. Discussing the height of a coaster, it really doesnt matter becasue height doesnt affect a human, but the speed and g force does. If a proper train is designed and maybe the train is like almost enclosed like a car, it'll be more safe.
hey everyone, went passed wonderland today, half the top section of both lift hills of te demon are removed, all that u can see now is most of both the lifts hills.
World's Biggest Park Set for Sydney
Nightshifter replied to DaptoFunlandGuy's topic in Theme Park Discussion
um if u read, it said that the land isnt for a theme park, it tell u at the bottom of the article what will be built, and theres no mention of a theme park and i would never see a theme park happen in australia in the next 10 years. All these ruomers are all wrong and you will never see a new theme park, all we will have is new ride at already existing theme park and the only park to do this and has been doing it lately is dreamworld. -
i went pat wonderland last night from about 7-11, and nothing went wrong, there was no smoke or fire, i dont think a cold day like yesterday would occur at wonderland in such places from a bush fire, i know it's a bit weird for someone like me to say this, but maybe u should make sure the info is true before u write, i know i do now.
to tell u the truth, its bull becasue now that there is all these new buildings against the cliff and hoe above the tango train is a large office, there would be lo sound, these residents live above luna park on top of a cliff, like it's not like they are level with the park, yeh then it would be loud, but even whens this cinema is built it will help block sound easily.
i think melbourne luna park is a cheaper looking imitation of sydney's luna park. Sydney's looks more themed, classier, better at night has a better front entrance face and i think it has better rides as well.
ive never been to melbournes but sydney was the best park with the big dipper and im pissed how people complained to stop operation of the ride. The queues at the moment are just too long for such a small park, and they need more rides to at least loosen the crowd through the front towards the back. Coney island needs air con becasue on weekends when it is busy, its just a nightmare and too hot.
umm wheres this video! Like wasnt is supposed to be on last weekend or something?
someone said that the coaster in richie rich is the iron wolf? im not too sure me self.
yeh i have everything i have the wizards fury just cant be bothered scanning ill see thanx neway!
hey thats my picture.
if anyone has visited the website lately there is a new design logo for the wild mouse and now there are on ride photos: http://www.lunaparksydney.com/visitor_info...ames/index.html
Secret Luna Park subdivision raises fresh tower fears By Tim Dick, Urban Affairs Reporter October 20, 2004 Page Tools Email to a friend Printer format Subdivide and conquer ... the decision to split Luna Park into four sites has aroused suspicion. One of Sydney's most controversial sites, Luna Park, has been secretly subdivided into four lots without public notification, exhibition or consultation. Under delegated authority, the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority in June approved the application to rearrange the site into four separate land titles, a move that has angered locals and the Mayor of North Sydney, Genia McCaffery. It splits the site into four chunks - the amusement park, the brasserie, the car park and the clifftop site, which is the subject of a long-running wrangle over a proposal for a 14-storey tower. The managing director of Luna Park, Peter Hearne, said the park had long been comprised of different land titles, and the subdivision was merely an appropriate consolidation that better reflected its uses. "It makes sense," Mr Hearne said. "I can't understand what the problem is. It makes sense to, in fact, represent what's actually happening here." But Gerard van Rijswijk, chairman of the group the Protectors of Sydney Foreshores, said pieces of Luna Park were being removed from public ownership with no mechanism to ensure the proceeds would be used to support the park. Advertisement Advertisement A 99-year lease on one of the sites, the car park, has been granted to a Multiplex-owned company different to the one that holds the 40-year lease on the amusement park, Metro Edgley. Mr Rijswijk also fears the new title could allow a higher tower within current planning constraints on the controversial clifftop site. That small piece of Milsons Point is the subject of a report to the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning, Craig Knowles, which is on public exhibition until next week and recommends against allowing the proposed tower. Cr McCaffery said because residents were not notified, Mr Knowles should declare the entire subdivision invalid. "I know there are concerns about [the authority] and its ability and willingness to properly consult with people," she said. "[it's] one of the requirements of a consent authority, and they have got to learn about consulting, and they are not good at it." The car park was built to provide parking for the amusement park, not for use as a commercial operation, she said. "Now we have it being subdivided off and operated as a totally separate [entity]." The authority's spokeswoman said that "the subdivision does not change the possible uses of the land and will not impact on the amenity of users of this or neighbouring land".
i agree wonderbus, i mean dont get me wrong, i think that the space probe would be perfect for LUna Park, but it doesnt fit in with the park's reputation as having smaller thrill carnival rides. The space probe as we already know was designed for a space reason with the theming at the top etc. But i think that luna park could make the idea of having the Space Probe work int he park. At this stage any great new thrill ride will make the park better.
What would you like to see happen to the Bush Beast?
Nightshifter replied to Wonderbuzz's topic in Theme Park Discussion
i think it would be a biggest shame to throw out the world's first drop ride of it's kind, the space probe. I think its more exciting throught heming and the way the ride appeals, it looks very attractive and i like how they make the ride drop at different times. Theres no other drop ride in the world as unique as space probe. None go under a cover at the top and none have a tv countdown. It deserves a place somewhere, and i would like tosee it at Luna Park Sydney if anywhere. -
What would you like to see happen to the Bush Beast?
Nightshifter replied to Wonderbuzz's topic in Theme Park Discussion
no man, i respect what you have to say, i'm posting just reinforce what you said, but i didn't say the price was $400 000, i said it was inbetween the $150 000 - $250 000, but if i was wrong if it is a little under or a little over i wrote that it is under $400 000 for sure, its not $400 000 its under that mark definately. But no i know im not the only person here who knows more, im telling everyone now, i dont know everything as a certainty and i will never be certain until its on tv or something. Im not a fan of rumours but there have been stax. As far as im concerned i think no rides will be moved around australia and nothing new will happen in any park in the near future, if there were anything, dremworld would be the first to make a new ride for sure suprising us with new attractions every year. -
What would you like to see happen to the Bush Beast?
Nightshifter replied to Wonderbuzz's topic in Theme Park Discussion
my friend went to the park, becasue they are selling off any last merchandise, and any thing from the park such as the space probe sign, demon sign, and any scenery and anything they can sell is being sold, he said the rides are being fixed becasue there are many buyers both in australia and overseas willing to buy the rides. If the space probe and demon arent sold to anyone, any there is a ruomer that a small park in america wanted the demon (only a ruomer) that both rides will be sent to the malaysian theme park. At this stage the large beach tower and slides are on sale for $150 000 - $250 000 that is a fact, i know for sure the price is in between that park or maybe just a little outside that mark, but it is well under $400 000. The space probe sign is on sale for $20 apprantly, everything is really cheap there at the moment. -
What would you like to see happen to the Bush Beast?
Nightshifter replied to Wonderbuzz's topic in Theme Park Discussion
it would be great to relocate the bush beast to say movie world to add to their wil west collection, there is only the wild west there so it could make a good impression on the park and i mean when u re-esemble it i think it will be better because the tracks would be more looked after and possible smoother, like the cyclone which when it was reopened in dreamworld it was much smoother becasue it was facelifted. The bush beast is a classic roller coaster and Australia's only proper wooden roller coaster. Both beastie and bush beast should be bought and relocated in Australia. -
Heres my onride photos as promised!!!!
Nightshifter replied to DJKostya's topic in Theme Park Discussion
hey i have on ride photos of me on the space probe and the demon, i got them for free at the demon manor from a friend who works there on the last day that wonderland was open to the general public, simply go to my site www.ajamfrodo.friendpages.com and go to the photo section. Please give feedback, sign in the guestbook please i need some comments. -
i actually thinkt hat it would be great if luna park bought the water slides from Wonderland and placed it behind Coney Island, not sure if it fits but then again it would be great to see a few slides behind there for a water part of the park, it will be small but something different is always good. Wonderland could purchase a few of the kiddie rides seeing though luna parks kiddie rides suck big time, they could possibler get bountry revenge to replace ranger, because bountys is more attractive and is much more exciting. I would replace the wild mouse with an updated and bigger and better version of a wild mouse roller coaster, or possible a small launched coaster or a spiral coaster, but then again i dont think they can remove the ride for heritage reasons, same as the ferris wheel.