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strop last won the day on July 22 2015

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About strop

  • Birthday 14/09/1978

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    Hervey Bay, QLD

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    Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster
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  1. Here’s some photos I grabbed of Renegade Racers back in the last school holidays but never got around to posting.
  2. Looking over Nearmap, I've spotted what appears to be the attraction's name. "Renegade Racers" (??) can just be made out on the roof of the control room. Images: Nearmap April 10, 2024
  3. They used the same image to promote the event over the Christmas holidays too. Here’s hoping it means they are actually planning on opening it and it’s not just a case of slack marketing.
  4. While I love this kind of effort in marketing, it’s a little sad that the bus stop has more theming than the ride appears to have...
  5. While the length of time for SX360 to open has been excessive, I believe that would have been due to changes in regulations between the purchasing of the ride and the commissioning. There is nothing to suggest that there will be the same delay with The Rat and I would expect to see it testing soon and would be very surprised if it wasn’t open by Easter.
  6. Calm down chief, we're on the same side. When I started this thread in July 2019, it was to highlight they'd be announcing the opening "in the coming weeks"...
  7. Last night I caught the very end of a television commercial for SX360. Unfortunately, it didn't run again while I was watching so I didn't catch when it was opening. The listing for the ride hasn't been updated on the website and the only indication of it being open is it is included in the artwork for their Ride the Night events running every Friday night in December and January, so this would suggest the ride might already be open if not could be by Friday. Their recent post states the park has now returned to 7 day trading until the end of January, but seems to contradict the above post that they aren't open for day trade on Fridays. Great to see them returning to normal and finally opening their new ride. Hopefully The Rat isn't far behind!
  8. I am hoping to get there before Christmas. Will certainly grab photos if/when I do.
  9. The latest Nearmap update of the Sunshine Coast (29 Oct, 2020) shows plenty has happened at the Palmview park. A large rectangular slab has been placed adjacent to the yet to be opened SX360. Plenty of orange track, grey trusses and a crane are all clearly visible. This also means we now have three coasters under construction at the same time in South East Queensland. Coaster cars perhaps?
  10. Have you ever unwrapped a present that was in an iPhone box, but when you open the box it was a pair of socks? That’s what riding the “new” scooby coaster is like.
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