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Everything posted by aidan

  1. They should be hurrying up because the batwing logo is always on the movieworld adds in the papers now saying launching december 06.
  2. The ferris wheel is massive! Its going to fit into seaworld so good, it is an attraction that belongs in Seaworld permanently.
  3. Yeh mickey_079 said that its a surfers term for when your in the barrel of a wave. Huey is a surf god which is themed to the wave pool aswell. I don't think its very AMATEUR at all.
  4. Thats so funny, hahaha dancing around a street sign. If they did it what would people think if they drove by?
  5. Good find Ozcoasterfreak, I have always liked that part of southbank if has a great look to it, that will be good if they add a lazy river. and Myk, what the...
  6. My feet get burnt aswell especially in H20 zone which is bare as hell with hardly any shade. I wouldnt leave my thongs at the bottom of the towers because I have seen people kick peoples thongs or throw them away.
  7. Wood seems very unique, they are really great, even though the wood on the coasters have been treated at the back of my mind I always think about termites.
  8. Lol Mickey I would never want a home and away or neighbours thing ever!, The shows are everywhere and they are always on.
  9. Just go on them and judge them yourself, thats the best way because everyone has different opinions.
  10. They could build a diagon alley and have a gringotts simulator going down the tracks to the banks vaults. Or in the more recent Potter film going through all the triwizard tasks like flying away from a dragon, the dark lake escaping the mermaids and creatures or going through the enchanted maze.
  11. 20th century FOX made "The Day After Tomorrow".
  12. They are both good. This thread is gonna start off another wood vs steal fight.
  13. All im saying Myk it that they wouldnt make a ride on The poseidon, there are so many better choices than that.
  14. That would never ever happen it would stress the tigers and the noise of it would freak them out.
  15. Their shop was really cool in surfers they had moving hands like thing off the adams family, freddy cruger, jason and other cool things.
  16. Yeh the ride was build ages ago, I had no idea of a book before the ride because on pirates one in special features it had Walt Dinseys ideas about it.
  17. They wouldnt make it to poseidon because it wasnt a very popular WB movie. I would like a harry potter ride because there is 4 movies to work off aswell as 3 other movies in the future so I think there is potential for a Harry potter ride.
  18. I was going to wait for it on tv but im watching them on youtube, thanks for the links.
  19. I have been reading that website for like 2 months now, I love it.
  20. I cant get on the website its too crowded. dammit.
  21. Wow great work on getting that park map it looks good.
  22. I went with some friends and we went on the cyclone twice without getting out because people were still entering the park, then we went on the wipeout twice (same deal) then the reef diver and ufo ride which I forgot the name too. After all that a few of us were sick in the nice gardens which were not so nice afterwards.
  23. Oh my god that thing scares me. I would never go on that ride.
  24. Lol, A tilt coaster sounds like a good ride but I don't think one should be put in dreamworld.
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