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Everything posted by aidan

  1. Actually the price too hire a bulldozer and stump grinders compared too the ride itself would cost hardly anything, and time wouldnt be a problem at all.
  2. If years of schooling has helped I think trees can be cut down.
  3. Wow, movie world is building alot of new rides, Im glad the ramps will go because it takes ages to get too the top and its a waste of time and space.
  4. We just pulled them back down, but it was really weird that it happened and sort of cool, the ride just kept on going.
  5. Once going up the first lift the boat hit the side and hit the lever for the retraint bars and they all lifted up, we were freaking out, and another time I was stuck up the first hill lift for 5 mins for a reason i still dont know.
  6. Some people may know about broken doesnt mean unsafe but there are people who make it sound worst and think differently and by the way Lisalila you are wigning about how people act. SEE THERE IT GOES AGAIN.
  7. I dont know why you would say that he is a fool.
  8. You are winging a bit. Who cares, what about the other people who line up . They bear with it but you act like its the end of the world. Thats what happens when you go on the holidays> thats pretty good luck if Lethal weapon is running two trains. So dont make such a fuss about it.
  9. I love the number 133 FUN. That is awesome.
  10. I never said I wanted it gross colours. I think it would be great if it was painted a dark batman colour. I think that would be more of a batman theme, yeh that is so extreme. I just think if it was left grey they would be slacking off, and you say movie world would be theming it good if they left it grey is a stupid thing too say. Aswell am I the only one who doesnt want it bland grey? If it was themed to a grey building that would be bad.
  11. If they do get one I think it would go next too wild west falls, just a hunch.
  12. It would look really bare and too industrial, if they keep it grey I will be dissapointed.
  13. I think Movie world is the only aussie park doing a halloween thing this year. Hopefully Dreamworld will do a halloween theme next year because they are really good at making those walk through mazes really freaky.
  14. Well what are the odds. When people are scared of rides they are scared they are going too get hurt but you have to think so many people have been on it and it is not dangerous or life threatening.. Pretty bad if it happens too you.
  15. You pull it down yourself and it goes down untill it has you tight in the seat then the workers check everyones bars.
  16. This will be really cool, I have always been interested about theme parks having halloween parties.
  17. I got it and he said it very good and easy.
  18. I hate short lines. They probobly only run two trains on holidays is because of heaps of people (duh) and they probobly fix up the other train and keep switching between the two so they can be looked after so they don't start looking dodgy.
  19. Omg, get over it guys its really stupid.
  20. I also do that I talk too my friends and it kills time so fast, thats why I never go to theme parks by myself. Sometimes I watch the video I don't stand there and wait patiently for the ride to commence because thats kind of boring.
  21. I never said it wasn't important I said they are still building the entrance, they still have too do the gardens and everything. I also said im sure it will look good at the end.
  22. Wasn't it scenic railway? correct me because Im probobly wrong.
  23. Thats a really good point mickey who cares about it im sure it will look good when it opens so stop complaining about it they havent even finished it yet.
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