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Everything posted by aidan

  1. As if, Never ever compare Superman Escapes theming to WWF, Superman escape is horrible compared to WWF. With superman they could have at least made the entrance look more like a city because it IS supposed to be a city.
  2. Lmao. Isnt there two nights? like the 1st of November aswell?
  3. They are building that water pipe to take water away from Hinze dam for Brisbane.
  4. Im sure some people from the warner parks have said things about them buying rides from a closed down waterpark in USA.
  5. Other workers from themeparks have given out more information than that though.
  6. Wow I didnt know any of that thanks for the info.
  7. Wow talk about bringing back old news, lol. Wasnt this like 2-3 weeks ago.
  8. This is getting stupid... A big brother chair touring shopping centres and the side stars are ex housemates? you have too be kidding!
  9. Im sure something has gone wrong with the Giant Drop before, I remember hearing something about a really loud sound and there was some debree. But nothing that injured someone.
  10. Short post but what happened?
  11. I was in that line aswell, there was a line up for the line then they let us in in chunks when we finally lined up they told us to evacuate then the lady over the mircophone said you may stay if you like. My friends were horrified who were watching outside, they thought if fell back into the building and it crashed.
  12. I drove past Wet'n'wild today and wow, big difference. Looks like some big work will be happening there, everything is bare even the old cave there is only the dirt hill, some old brick retaining walls and about 8 poles holding up the terror canyon platform. Obviously they are planning on keeping terror canyons.
  13. Im so slow! I went to movieworld today and Mike was so funny! Me and my friends wanted to go after he went.
  14. Thanks for the photo, that looks so different. I wasnt expecting it to be like that. wow.
  15. That would be pretty fun having a really long start up going down the mountain till the bowl.
  16. Well Virus you said there is nothing wrong then you said it needs to be repainted so thats saying there is something wrong with Dreamworld.
  17. It was also used on the sequel but not as much, its on the end sequence.
  18. TWO words pointless post. Why has this thread been brought up again.
  19. I saw that and I found that really funny, the best bit was him being the kid going down the sandpaper slide.
  20. If its a third terror canyon I would like too see how they would squeeze in another splashdown pool.
  21. I love the terror canyon, I find if more enjoyable than the black hole because I like how the slide is going down a hill and the blackhole is just on a steel tower which I dont find enjoyable.
  22. I was thinking the exact same thing with the nuclear power plant painted in the distance, they should also have the giant sun blocker from who shot mr Burns (maybe even have a sun dial like the one on the show with Mr bruns with a chalk line on it shaped as him) and Lardlad donuts and the top of the burning tire pile painted. (Sorry simpsons nerd, lol)
  23. Sorry I wasnt snapping at you just making you aware that something was wrong with it, for me I havent heard of this Imagicana and sounds like an alright idea.
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