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Everything posted by aidan

  1. aidan

    WWW Game!

    I sent him a link to it shortly after his post, lol. Maybe I should have posted it on here. anywho here is the link Line Rider
  2. My sister was going to go to Movieworld but I told her to wait because most of the good rides were closed.
  3. Is it even a song? I thought it was like a 30 second short song that is just replayed on the adds.
  4. Toasted twisters are the bomb.
  5. I stopped laughing after about 30 seconds, the only funny things were those teacups.
  6. I would drag myself on it, lol. I dont need help.
  7. Mine would have to be superman escape.
  8. Its only because its very tucked away and not many people realise its there, I really like the area because it isnt too packed and you can play anything you like without waiting for someone else to finish.
  9. That is really impressive, well done movie world. People used to say it wasnt a good one compared to the ones overseas well this ranking shows them wrong.
  10. aidan

    WWW Game!

    Wow that game is really good, reminds me of line rider.
  11. Its a good idea but the movie was made in 2002, its too late. I think they should do your idea but with Order Of The Phoenix which is coming out this year. It should go into the dark forest and thats where special effects with centuars start attacking the cart so it goes really fast and does inversions and bunny hops. Then the train should run into grawp the giant where he starts ripping up trees and trees nearly fall on you. It should start going again and do more roller-coaster type things and then see Proffesor Umbridge being tied up by the centuars and then the end. I don't know how it would be pulled off but It would be cool.
  12. When i go on saturdays I go on the slides while the movies are on and the park closes when the movie finishes. Just try to get on as much as you can in the day then you know which slides are good.
  13. Hahahaha I find that funny because I got a Speedy Gonzalas too.
  14. Thats really lucky, the biggest thing I could get there with tokens was a plush doll, lol.
  15. Where in ocean parade is there room for a coaster? lol. If there is a coaster coming it should be put at the back where not many peope go. I always stuck with the roller coaster on the island but its full of nature.
  16. That is so cool! this is going to be great, couldnt have asked anything better myself.
  17. It hasnt been updated for ages now, I really want it to be so I can see superman escape, H2o Zone and white water world.
  18. I was refering behind the mountian not the outside ride section.
  19. Shrek 4-d replaced the marvin the martian show, the superman escape replaced the movie magic show as Harrop said and also replaced the loony tunes dance show. Now the loony tunes show has been placed where maverick was.
  20. Do you mean buses from where your staying or from a themepark? If its from a hotel or something im sure there would be buses to the airport.
  21. Yeh thats true I was on the front seat on the leathal weapon and half way up the hill lift it started pouring and it was really painful> The rain felt like little rocks hitting your face.
  22. This probobly wouldnt work but as you can see there is a bridge near luny tunes villiage and as i recall there is a big wooden gate where the actors dissapear into to they could open that up and just theme it. Near the entrance maybe they could squeeze in a walkway there.
  23. Once I went to Movieworld, it was pouring all morning and all the scooby doo ride flooded and that closed, Lethal weapon was closed because of the lightning. WWW was still open but it was bad. So movieworld can practically close all its big rides if it rains too much, I dont know about the spaceshot. Another time at wet'n'wild by the way it was my best visit ever it was like 2 in the arvo and this huge fork lightning stuck and everyone screamed and nearly everyone left then half an hour later it was sunny and all the slides were open again and all the hired tubes were just floating by themselfs.
  24. I just made the carpark different, looks pretty packed there, is that too small for the future?
  25. Thanks, I did it really quick I was gonna photoshop some rides in the picture I want there Oh well. I dont like the whole new main street either, it would take the glamour away from the origional. To build a new main street three quarters of it would be fake or maybe more because even now there are heaps of buildings that are nothing.
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