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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. @Dean Barnettis the argument than in the event of a non launch the ride system is better if its rollback is higher? But, Hydraulic launches can have varied rollbacks. It's not a case that all rollbacks on LSMs are low and all rollbacks on Hydraulic "almost make it over" I've seen ones that go less than this even, as in a few meters up the curve. Xcelerator
  2. The next park on my list in Scandinavia was Tusenfryd (Thousand Joys) https://www.parkz.com.au/attraction/tusenfryd Initially I wasn't going to Norway at all, but it turned out a couple of things I wanted to do on a planned day in Gothenburg were closed, so I got a cheap flixbus ticket and got on the bus at 5am for a day in Oslo. The bus had me in Oslo by 9, that was enough time to grab a quick brekkie then backtrack to Tusenfryd. A regular urban bus goes there, only took about half an hour and the bus was quite frequent, so no problems using public transport. The park is stretched out along a hillside with rocks and boulders....very Nordic! In fact the hill is so steep some escalators take you up to the park from the entry gates. So my first ride was Speed Monster. Remember back in the mid 2000s when everyone was getting Intamin hydraulic launch coasters, including us? Tusenfryd got one too. It's the best thing here and I did several laps throughout my visit due to the good throughput. The launch is powerful as you'd expect, straight into the pretzel like Norwegian loop, which has a good flick and twist at the top. The pace continues as you make a big turn through some trees, before a good ejector hill. The finale is good too, with a corkscrew and a couple of good twisted airtime hills that have some good laterals. The next ride was HuriHuri, which opened this year. It's a zamperla spinning coaster and could best be thought of as a slightly more sophisticated version of those SBF spinners. Mild family thrills. Throughput was terrible. The gates at the end of the platform were not automatic so the op had to go close them manually. It reminded me of the op having to attach the plastic chain on sea viper....x4! You can see the queue that built up after I exited. The other big draw of Tusenfryd, a Vekoma wooden coaster that has had both GCI reprofile it and now has Gravity group trains. Looks good on paper, long drops down the hillside, big camelbacks, fast pace. But it's absolute trash. Gave it a go front and back, in the back you can literally see the cars full on bouncing up and down and shuffling like crazy. Bahhhhh Continuing into the park I headed down the hill into the Viking themed zone, which had 3 big rides. No real wait for SuperSplash.....a Mack super splash. It wants to be a water coaster with its camel back, but it's more like a shoot the chutes. You ride in a huge 16 or 20 seater boat. Lift hill, small dip, gradual U turn, and then the main drop and floater hill Mack water coasters are known for, with a splashdown that gently spritzes you. The other water ride is Ragnarok, a Hafema rapids ride (They built the rapids at Universal Singapore, and at Phantasialand) It has a bit of Viking theming but it's all foam and not that well maintained so it's peeling The rapids themselves are great, some good turbulent sections, a whirlpool where you pick up speed as the track goes around a spiral before a curved drop out the middle. There's also a 2nd drop that's damn steep too he 3rd ride in this area is Thor's Hammer, a 4d motion base dark ride by ETF. It had a good vibe walking in because the whole thing is underground. The motion is pretty gentle compared to the Six Flags JL rides, Spiderman, Transformers etc. I couldn't really follow the story, imagine a few screens with Viking guys battling. The media on the screens was top quality, like Hollywood standard, but I guess because the screens are so small (think smaller than JL at MW) you didn't quite get that sense of awe. That and the fact its not in 3D. The intermediate scenes were nice enough too, there was one nice bit with a troll forest. So in conclusion I think to work these motion base rides need to have huge sets to really envelope you. Lunch was down in the Viking area too, they had a stand sponsored by the local dairy company, selling flavoured milk and toasties....Was like being at the royal show/ Ekka! Moving on, they had Western Express, a Roadrunner clone but it was on a metal base frame. Yep yep yep. I wandered up the back of the park and saw the foundations of the Gerstlauer suspended coaster. I was too big to ride the world's smallest coaster, Dvergbanen. Took one look at the upcharge haunted house and couldn't be arsed. They had a couple of other flat rides such as a space shot and another zamperla giant discovery called spinspider, but wasn't in the mood for a nauseating flat. I finally reached the last coaster, Loopen, an older Vekoma loopscrew, so called because it has both a loop and a corkscrew It has a fairly compact layout, but the fan turn was so jarring on your back. A graceless ride I do not remember fondly at all. Spinemelter 3000: ******************** As for the park, before my visit I was told it was Six Flags Norway and it is true in a way, it was a bit run down in places, a lot of bitumen pathways and chain link fences. Have a look at SF Saint Louis in comparison and that's the vibe I got. They are in the midst of giving the park a facelift, with two new themed zones, Route 66 and Expedition Lost Kingdoms. In amongst all that they also have a bit of a Viking Zone, and a Wild West zone, and a bit of fairytale kids zone, but the wierd thing is they dont actually have names for these area, or promote them on the website like they do for the other two areas. https://www.tusenfryd.no/en/oppdag-parken/planlegg-ditt-besok/temaomrader It mostly seems to be new signage on some attractions, and some face lifted buildings, but I Think because all the in between spaces are all bitumen and chainlink the intended vibe of the zone doesn't carry through. Eg in route 66, where are all the American road signs? I finished up mid afternoon with some more rides on Speed Monster before taking the winding path downhill instead of the escalator for some interesting photos. (And the photos of this park can be viewed here https://www.parkz.com.au/search/photos/location/tusenfryd ) And then back on the bus to the Oslo city centre to spend the remainder of my day, eventually getting a coach back to Gothenburg at 11pm, just as the sun was setting)
  3. Thing is I've been to parks overseas on peak summer days and for me it still should be no more than an hour.... maybe 90 mins if its absolutely rammed, and even then a 90 min queue would only be one some rides, on a handful of days per year. If a park is getting 2 hour queues outside , it needs more capacity or it needs to stay open much longer.
  4. Further info here. https://www.broadsheet.com.au/melbourne/entertainment/article/pass-go-monopoly-dreams-20-million-indoor-theme-park-headed-melbournes-cbd-2022 Will be located at Melbourne Central.
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/north/shylah-rodden-allegedly-causes-crash-on-western-ring-road/news-story/935ccfb8b63d6fc77a795402c0086215%3Famp&ved=2ahUKEwjl2orT17T6AhUW-jgGHZ5jA8cQFnoECC0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1dU7DABzkelCS18d-34zGh Found this news via my normal source (A Simpsons Shitposting group) but it's not the first rodeo for the woman involved. Last year she flipped a stolen car on the Ring Road under the influence of meth. Terrible that it happened regardless.
  6. The posts on Parkz of people "surprised it wasn't mentioned" are now more common than articles that actually reference the incident.
  7. Sunny Bay: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sunny+Bay+Station/@22.3241205,114.0388693,3392m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x3403fc15915a872d:0x98a6ff95fdd9031a!8m2!3d22.331731!4d114.0289607
  8. But if they put up a larger fence we wouldn't' get construction updates 😥
  9. Do you think Mack had a crystal ball it would fail? If an idea failed would you attempt it again?
  10. Wait I'm suffering from Nelson Mandella syndrome. I could have sworn the last round of photos had some slide parts up. Looks like they just haven't done anything since January.
  11. I had a look today. Whatever water slides had been previously built have actually been taken down and new fibreglass is wrapped up in the car park.
  12. The top coaster list is the top 20 coasters in the North East US right?
  13. "Those other children are being naughty and are not supposed to be doing that" "If those kids jumped off a cliff would you do that too?" "If you climb on that, you wont be getting any more food from here and we'll go home" Anyhow that's probably what I would have been told by my parents in the 90s.
  14. Latest update, the Maurer is progressing well and the station for the SFC has gone vertical, as well as the 2nd tunnel. First tunnel too:
  15. BonBon Land - Thursday 14th of July https://www.parkz.com.au/attraction/bonbon-land Much like Legoland, BonbBon Land is a rite of passage when in Denmark. For those unfamiliar, BonBon is a Danish confectionery brandwith lollies that look like bird poo, rotten fish, puke etc: These themes carry through to the park, so if you love toilet humor, you’ll love BonBon Land. The park started next to the original factory, which is now disused, which creates a bit of a depressing atmosphere coming into the park because it’s this collection of moss stained old of sheds as your first impression and the main entrance and dirt car park is around the back in a field. It hardly screams fun park. Overall the park feels a bit of a step down compared to the rest in Denmark. It’s a bit more weathered and run down looking, and the attractions are adequate but nothing that really stands out.There are some huge bits of theming in the form of large animals, but it has a certain papier mache look to it. My visit was really to see the weirdness for myself and to try the worlds first Eurofighter, among other things. As for the rides I did: Vild-Svinet (Wild Boar) The Eurofighter which started it all, and for the first attempt its pretty good and surprisingly, not that rough. Tiny vertical drop, a nice sweeping stengel dive, a forceful loop, couple of helixes and its done. The thing that sets it off is all these boars driving go karts around the track. I dunno what it was, but just the arrangement of them along the track was flawless. Han-Katten (Male Cat) Another Gerstlauer coaster was next door. It was a compact spinning coaster that “looks like” it should be a standard layout. But surprisingly, only 2 of these have ever been built, with most parks electing to get the bigger model. The car was unevenly loaded so it was well and truly going by the 2nd switch back, and didn’t let up until the end. The layout actually has the same elements as the bigger gerstlauer spinners really, just in a more compact package. Not bad overall. I still cant decide what the station is meant to be like, is it an old suitcase or an old radio? Viktor Vandorm (Viktor Water Worm) This was a relocated family coaster from a park in Germany, with long turns and an even longer train, so it just rumbled along at a fairly consistent speed. To fit what was a coaster on a hillside to this new park, the had to both elevate the station, and build a trench in a lake below the water line. Rejen (Shrimp) I popped up here to get some photos of the park. Standard dry dinghy slide endemic in Europe, but the middle bump is smaller on this one so some good airtime. Hundeprutten (Dogfart) A pretty old Zierer family coaster with a basic single helix layout and a station canopy that reminded me of a rural service station. They did have a giant dog statue, complete with coiled up turds made of ag pipe, and a giant kennel with a speaker that played a fart sound effect. Was ok. Soloven (Sea Lion) Had no idea this existed before I got to the park. Same boats as WWF, but no drops, so it was a slow boat ride past themed zones themed around the 7 continents, in a great cartoony style. The Asian section was funny/borderline racist. You go past a pagoda building and there’s these full on ninja sounds / faux chinese speech from inside: “hhyaaaa chikkaa newwwwwww” or something like that. Australia had a lengthy section (Often overlooked on similar “Around the World” boat rides, with characters being eaten by crocodiles, and a weird mix of Sydney skyline and outback backdrops. Svend Svingarm (Spinning Swing Arm) Zamplera Giant Discovery. Not as speedy as the intamin version, thinking back, Its the slow build up of speed which makes this feel nauseating Cobratarnet (Cobra Tower) A medium sized drop tower a bit like the one at LPS. Quick and intense. Den Skore Skildpadde (The Giant Turtle) Had to ride this one (I seem to end up on wave swingers a fair bit for some reason) purley because of the silly turtle theme, and it even had seats themed like turtle shells. Mageklatterne (Seagulls) Im pretty sure this was built by the same manufacturer as the sky cycle at adventure world, though these had seagull scuplts on each car. A bit of work to pedal the car, but you got some good views of the flat rides at the front of the park. Kragetraeerne (Crow Trees) Cool to see this rare ride type. It’s a family drop ride (I think the only other is at Tripsdrill) , but you sit on a large, floorless cantilevered platform. The ride rises and falls a few times as you would expect, but then at the end the platform randomly gives way and tilts forward, flinging you forward in your seat held only by the lap bar, then it decides to drop. For most of the morning the tilt aspect wasn’t working, so i waited and came back till that was going. Baever Rafting This was the 4th rapids ride in as many days, so they were all a bit repetitive at this point, the usual wave generator, tunnel, waterfalls, and tossing and turning in the rapids, all whilst staying quite dry. Nothing really stood out other than the collection of beaver animatronics at the load station. Praerie Expressen Walked into this not knowing what it was. It was inside the wild west zone through a doorway in one of the buildings, so I was thinking it was some mini train ride behind the buildings. Anyway, it was a triotech shooting gallery, where you were traveling alongside a train as a sort of scrolling shooting gallery. Aparently this was their new for 2022 attraction…. …Alongside this! In the end I stayed for around 4 hours, and concluded with a couple more laps on Vild-Svinet. The weather was threatening to rain all day, and when it did I made my way down the road and went to the Forest Tower at Camp Aventure, only 7km away. As always, more photos are here, let me know if there is anything else you are curious about at BonBon Land. https://www.parkz.com.au/search/photos/location/bonbon-land
  16. My bit of speculation Has a sliver warrior. Looks like it has a bronze warrior: Will trident get a gold warrior to complete the trifecta?
  17. Nice. Was this here last year? Curious to see how they do a haunted maze.
  18. A multi pass launch on something like TTD would be a downgrade though IMO. The whole point is 0-120mph like a dragster, not being a giant Wicked Twister.
  19. If anything was going to go, it would be Iron Dragon? That all said, if you wanted to do extra elements on TTD, could you make it a long skinny layout in the middle of the current footprint, sort of like this. Obviously you would need some trim brakes after the main top hat, and then the remaining elements quite a bit slower!
  20. ^Not necessarily. From another site: Red Force (3 car trains, 180 km/h) has a launch track of ~155m. TTD has an overall launch track of 175m (I measured after the transfer track until the track passes over the building with the launch technic.). TTD launched to 193 km/h. So actually, updating TTDs trains to the new ones and using all of that track for an LSM launch, could actually do the trick.
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