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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. I thought of a launch system of my own for a TOT style ride, on the launch track have an array of bar magnets angled at 45 degees with the north pole pointing upward in the direction of travel. Then on the train have a bar magnet at an angle of 45 degees with the north pole pointing downwards against the direction of travel. Becasue the like poles would be angled at each other, there would be a repelling effect, pusing the train foward from one magnet to the next. You could put some sort of magnetic insulation on the southern pole too to stop the train from becoming stuck.
  2. That looks cool, WB has no shortage of movies containing car chases so it would be easy to theme. I want one Hey, Imagine if they did one based on the Freeway chase in the Matrix Revolutions, that would be awesome.
  3. 11mb is a bit much on my connection, do you have any stills of the park?
  4. I suppose. I think its bad to compromise ride for the sake of a statistic that will only stand for a couple of years or three, espeically if this statisic is one only enthusiasts will really remember and the GP will probably get wrong. Xcellerator is a far cry from the 400 ft were talking about here too.
  5. Sorry, what I meant was that we should have maybe just a six flags style park (with some improvements to their formula of course) in Sydney or Mebourne, aimed at the people who live in the city, but not just a minor scale thing wiht just ex carinval rides or a collection of bobsleds and waterslides on a hill.
  6. I dont think its a letdown at all, I'd rather the adrenaline keep pumping for a longer period of time, and the ride not just being a one trick pony. I like what has been done with storm runner how it has interesting elements after the top hat , and more coaster should take a leaf out its book. So with Xcelerator, you would rather just the top hat to be there and nothing else? Unfortunatley due to the nature of ride physics the elements after the launch will not be as big, but it has been well and truly proven a ride can still be fun until the end even if the drops etc arent as big.
  7. Well, maybe they could have a trim brake and get it to the speed of say a normal hyper, and then build the coaster.
  8. Id say SF is the least likely because they are badly in debt.
  9. There is no real limit if the resources are there, you would just make transitions more gradual etc so you could put up with it. If this happens to be true, I hope it isnt just going to be launch, top hat and brakes like TTD because that is a waste, They get the train going at 195kph, only to put it through one manouver before dissipating all the momentum in the brakes, I mean, the train has just come off the worlds tallest drop and the best they can come up with is a brake run, why not chuck in some major airtime hills, helixes, inversions, maybe a second top hat, now that would be the best coaster ever.
  10. Well, maybe thats what we need, a regional park. And that last comment about AT not being a destination park is stupid because it has 2 Hotels, which might suggest people go there for a holiday. The point i was making before was that a park nned not be on a major freeway for it to work.
  11. Well, AT is off the beaten track, but it is popular.
  12. Well, I can think of some sites where a park would work in Melbourne. I think our goventment would back it well. But Rich, why do you think IOA si a joke? it has good rides coupled with good themeing, which would be what I would be trying to achieve. Im sure if you stuck down a tivoli, a fume ride and a rapids ride, a couple of nice dark rides, a spattering of flat rides and top it all off with a unique floorless coaster and a woodie, with good landscaping then I think people would like it, and as long as you put in a new ride very year that would beat whatever the GC was doing, then you would have a sure fire sucess.
  13. Im not complaining.
  14. I reckon if you built a IOA style park it would go down pretty well.
  15. No, I meant the things visible in the centre of this photo:http://www.rollercoasterpro.com/updates/kb.../IMG_6759.shtml
  16. Because QLD is warm and a major tourist destination, and becasue nobody seems to think its wothwhile building a good park, even a waterpark in Australias two biggest cities. I serously just want to get a swag of cash, build a park in melbourne or sydney and blow the GC parks out of the water and show the australian GP what theme park really means and that there is more to a coaster than 2 loops.
  17. Are there any photos? Did they have the water people in the seats?
  18. Whey do you come down to Yarrawonga? do you go boating? the lake is full of trees which is why we are a bit wary of boating there. What are the slides like, I know there is this one with a loop at the start with a couple of turns, but there is alos this other one which is not as good and it is a farily simple layout. Mulwala also had that crap dodgems/mini golf place. Now back on topic, I wonder why parks dont buy even a few of WLs kiddie rides, its not as recognisable as say a coaster, and it would be a cheap way of entertaining the kids. If I were running another park here I would snap a couple just to boost things a bit, but I wondnt add them as a substitute for something else.
  19. I know those slides at yarrawonga, they looked OK, but they never seem to open. Another of my crazy Ideas is to combine BB with the beach as said above, with more slides and a couple of carnival style rides (no they woulnt be permanent travellers like at LPS, just park model rides with lots of lights) and have a pleasure peir themed park. But that will never ahppen, but its fun to dream.
  20. I think the wheels are made of nylon. BTW, what is with that nova wheelie bin thing in your sig?
  21. I would assume they are the same, I think they are both made by AWL, maybe email them and ask.
  22. I beg to differ and I think more coasters with insane helixes should be built, they are a good way to boost the intensity and it would be easier than say an inversion due to the closeness to the ground.
  23. Thats pretty funny, but that would actually be a good ride if it were built in real life, you would get the swing of the main arm, the rotation of the wheel and a side to side swing from the gondolas.
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