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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. Richard, were talking about Luna Park here, yeah having Demon would not be great, I thought people disliked old rides just being put in a LP. Build a completley new coaster that can operate quietly, Does anyone have rough dimensions of the site? Need help remembering the topic? Roller-Coaster.com.au forum nazi's to the rescue
  2. Well, we knew that much, but is there a website they have set up for these things or something?
  3. They all go round and round, how much could set the them apart?
  4. yeah everyone seems to want one of them , but they are expensive and I dont see WnW getting one realisticaly, Id love to see a Toliet Bowl slide get built or maybe a master blaster slide.
  5. It wouldnt cost much for WnW too pull something out of the hat, but I have to question their logic on buliding a spa/whrilpool anyway? Thats something you can already do at an aquatic centre. Well, the ride looks very cool, I really like the colours, Ill have to head up soon and ride it, but untill then the street fighter at the show will have to do.
  6. I think that it may just house ride equipment, eg Hydraulic motors for the dropping floor, transformers, etc.
  7. With the foce issue of my Idea, well It would definitley have a diagonal brace to strenghthen it, certainly not a single axle like on X. Your gyro drop Idea is also good, but would it be balanced properly? A 3rd set of rails on the northern side would be needed.
  8. The helix goes around more than a complete circle. I thought an E-Ticket attraction was one where you get a ticket from a machine that gives a designared boarding time. And a fan turn is like a U turn tilted upwards.
  9. Well, they could do what they did on California Screamin and put in those "Scream tubes". But id bet they would get some ex carnival coaster before my Idea As for a lack of things to do, well you could go up centerpoint tower, visit a cinema, visit the aquarium, visit IMAX, take a walk in a park somewhere in the city, do the bridge climb, go to a museum somewhere in the city (theres gotta be one)
  10. I dont think a TOT type ride would work due to the horrendous noise and it does not really suit LP. It would be better if they buit a coaster with 3 or so inversions in a circumnaveragal layout like BD, and sand filled track for silent operation, and prehaps a DCA style sound tube. But thats just my crazy idea. The food prices sound pretty bad, It would be so much fun opening a takeaway or a fast food franchise just outside the gate across the way with low food prices, and everyone would come to you and you would make a mint off LPS vistors.
  11. More than forur lanes would be possible, many freefall rides have something like 6 lanes. Such as this one :http://www.intaminworldwide.com/img/BILDER..._R/GIANT_DR.jpg The vehicles I had thought of would be a bit narrower so fitting in 4 would be possible. And are you sure you can get your bearings right? If the pacific highway runs north sout, nand the TOT runs parallel to it, then the TOTs vetical section is on the southern side. The GD tracks are either side, therefore they are on the east and west.
  12. So it looks like a new coaster for the GC, but does anyone know the manufacuter or type? And where did you find the news Richo? What was the orignal ghost train like? I never even knew about this place. Cool news anyway, another reason to go up there later in the year.
  13. You should really try the one at ATP next time your'e down Melbourne way, Its really long and good and I think from memory, it actually had a drop type thing, like on a waterslide. ATP also has a very well themed mini golf course with actual bunkers and water hazards, a pair of waterslides, Go Karts and this year they are getting bumper boats. I think ATPs is my personal favourite.
  14. I had a crazy idea for GD, Canteliever seating. Instead of a space consuming 8 across, there would be a 4 across row of seats back to back with another, (Total of 8 riders) The seats would jut out perpindicular to the tower (so you would be side on to the tower). Having seats like this would enable around 4 lanes to run, Doubling capacity, a couple of the lanes could use stand up cars, giving a varied experience.
  15. I really do doubt that MW will get something like Soarin' over Califorina, Plus Rabid has said its going to be of the magnitude of TOT/GD, and that doesnt really sond like it fits the bill. One thing is for sure, we'll be getting some darn good construction pics
  16. I remember hearing it didn't have any PLI, which is kind of risky considering it has Australias steepest tobbogan, which is a recipe for accidents. Id have to say one of my favourite tobbogan is the one at alpine tobbogan park, the park was so well kept and the staff were nice nad the tobbogan is australias longest, which is pretty cool, it was a nice fast, but safe run and it has a really long lift, nad some sections of the lift went slightly downhill so the lift could get to the highest point on the site. Magic mountains was pretty good too, but the people in front were too slow, but toward the end of the day I got some good runs in. The one that was at Kinkuna Contry in Lakes Entrance was cool too, but it was a bit rough compared to others and it was a bit short. The one at thredbo wasnt as good as others i have been on because of the slow speed (There are brake signs on every section!) and because the height limit was higher than others so I had to ride with my slow going dad. It would be cool if parks opened alpine coasters, because they run on rails so there is zero risk off crashing and you can get to 40 kph.
  17. What was the skyhawk anyway? And what was FFSD like?
  18. I meant an intentional hint. And dont you mean psychologist?
  19. Yeah I agree, but there is no excuse for the amount of secretivness around The Claw, It due in a couple of months and if it had been at another park they would have had a webcam or something.
  20. Oh I see, but could the descussion amoungst a handful of people on a small forum really do much damage? Ah well, I guess we will have to wait. Was that deliberate, is it a flying coaster? I have to wonder though, I was bored during the holidays so I filled out the feedback form on the website saying they could put in more intense style rides, and I put in a couple of links to key rides (Superman and Batman naturaly ) at WBMW Madrid and said they should take a leaf out of their book. I wonder if my feedback influenced the decison? Probably not but it would be cool if managment listened to feedback properly.
  21. I dont mean they should have a big ad campaign or anything, but if someone comes up and asks they could say something like "yeah were thinking of putting in a such and such". BTW Rabid, This isn't directed at you for not being able to tell, I dont blame you, its more at managment for being so strict.
  22. Is the ride something Australia already has? Surley you can answer that without getting in trouble. It makes me wonder why parks are so tight lipped about new rides, they think we will hold off a visit if we know what a new ride is, what its name is etc, but even if I dont know anything about it I will still hold off visiting, so they are not achieving anything.
  23. Is the park function the general ride operation, as i theme park, would the other function be test mode. Im probably way off, or maybe it is a button you hit to get the car lined up with the gates? I bet I'm way off.
  24. Its i before e except after c. Hey Daniel, the guy in your avatar has collagen lips.
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