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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. At the end I heard the boat goes down an actual vertical waterfall.
  2. I know this is pulling up an old post but what was Popeye and Blutos Bilge Rat Barges like? Is it as good as its cracked up to be, and what is the waterfall element on it like? Is it better than Grizzly River Run?
  3. Sorry, I thought the rules of no alcohol before rides would be the same as WnW's no Alcohol rules, but then again swimming kinda different to just walking around.
  4. Uh Screammachine, Shaft of Terror was built by Ronald Bussink Professional Rides (Their only coaster) and Anaconda was built by Giovanola, one of Only 2 Giovanola Inverts (The other one being The Euro Star transportable coaster (but strangley, this ride has 4 across seating). Those rides really look cool, that Helix on Anaconda is awesome. I have a mate who comes form SA and he said the park was really good.
  5. What sort of a spiel did you write so they would send it to you. And Rich, I think your'e wrong, Gyro Drops were avaliable when Rainbows End Built Fear Fall but they still picked a giant drop, And I think that they still have a market for smaller parks. Just because a ride hasn't been built for a while doesn't mean it will never be built again. I really doubt they would wast website space and screw customers around by having rides that they dont make anymore listed.
  6. Well its for Nick central so its not, plus it make a mention of it being for dream copters.
  7. But Shockwave at Drayton Manor Park Opened in 1994, 4 years after B&M became their own company. I think they still have the right to make it. Maybe they didnt send ifo because I went through the info request forms instead of just sending a straight e-mail.
  8. If it were out of production then it wouldn't be on the website.
  9. Hey, no fair, I e-mailed intamin requesting plans for their impulse coasters, to no avail. What did you write in you email so they would send it?
  10. Well some of you have already seen some of my names for my coasters: Spinning Coaster - Spinsanity Sit Down Looper - Twisted system Inverted - Fireball Frenzy I know they are not great but anyway... W00t 300 posts and still going strong.
  11. Yeah and DW still has the worlds tallest freefall ride, and I think most members of the GP still think TOT is the worlds tallest coaster. It would be way too hard I think
  12. It didnt hurt my shoulders, but during the ride the restraint kept closing in more putting too much pressure on my chest, why didnt it just stay at the position it was locked in at the start of the ride?
  13. How could Intamin make something so painful?
  14. I was more trying to fit it on a small site because of Sydneys high land prices. Whoops, maybe 17 is too much I didnt really know the correct number for a park that size, removing them would free up space for open areas or gardens. but many of the outlets are small and would not be "meal" food outlets, they would be places like Boost Juice, Kernels Popcorn or Wendys Ice -cream. Re Daniel, no you would not have to wait. But the number of rides would soak up the people well As for there being 47 attractions, thats counting every kiddie ride and non ride attractions eg the mini golf course and the playground. and the park would only start off with 21 rides. And anyway, I put in the large number of rides because Im a park nut and thats what I wanted. Oh its fun to dream.
  15. well I have 17 food outlets incorporated (Represented by red stripes) so that would be enough, plus there would be numerous vending machines and cart stalls. Yes, this would start on a completely cleared site, and Im sure easments would be worked around. also, this time i put in some maitnence areas (marked by green stripes) so I havent forgotten everything.
  16. I have added a couple more stages to my park design, the size now sits at 200m x 300m (How much would this cost in sydney). It also has 47 attractions, but of course the park would not start of with all of them. The Attractions: 1) Speedbikes - Vekoma Motorbike coaster 2) Farmyard Train – Zamperla Kiddie Train 3) Detonator – Zamperla Energy Storm 4) Battle of the Tomb – Vekoma Madhouse 5) Roar – Zamperla Explorer 6) Ice Breaker – Intamin Spillwater 7) Sky Diver – Proslide Dry Boat Waterslide 8) Busy Balloons – Zamperla Samba Tower 9) Swamp Romp –Intamin Tow boat 10) The Spider – Zamperla Telefighter 11) Krazy Kangaroo – Zamperla Barn Stormer 12) Carousel - Zamperla Merry go Round 13) Time Warper – Intamin Pasquier Ride 14) Ghost Tower – Interactive Rides Frequent Faller 15) Sky Cycle – Zamperla Sky Cycle 16) Riptide River – Intamin flume 17) Volcano – Intamin Drunken Barrels 18) Evil Labs – Walkthrough Maze 19) Timber Terror – Intamin Wooden Coaster 20) Black Dragon – B&M Inverted Coaster 21) The Hawk – Zamperla Volare 22) Alien Attack – Sally Interactive Dark Ride 23) F16 Force – Intamin Rocket Coaster 24) Flying Fish – Intamin Flying Dutchman 25) B.0.T – Zamperla Rotoshake 26) Ferris Wheel – Intamin Ferris Wheel 27) G2 – Intamin Gyro Drop 28) Canyon Rapids – Intamin River rapids 29) Funny Frog – Zamperla Jumping Star 30) Battering Ram – Huss Rainbow 31) Disco Whirl – Huss Breakdance 32) Traffic Jam – Zamperla Dodgems 33) Play Zone – Megatoy Playground 34) Putt Putt – Mini Golf Course 35) Man Overboard – Interactive Rides Sky Skater 36) Fire Rescue – Zamperla Fire Brigade 37) Vulcan – Huss Topspin 38) Fireball Frenzy – B&M Floorless Coaster 39) Jungle Jeeps – Zamperla Jeep Ride 40) Spinsanity – Maurer Sohne Spinning Coaster 41) Tornado – Intamin Impulse Coaster 42) Mechanical Mayhem – Zamperla Disk O 43) The Virus – Zamperla Hawk 44) Satellite Spin – Zamperla Mini Jet 45) Sewer Rat – Proslide Dry Boat Waterslide 46) Mini Jetter – Mack Powered Coaster 47) Immersion – Intamin Simulator So anyone who says Sydney cant fit a big park is lying. Aslo, I have devoted 100m x 150m for a car park, It would most likley be a multi - deck, but to discorage people from taking their cars , there would be a possible public transport rebate on your ticket price. Enjoy:
  17. Uh, no! WnW is the smallest of The GC parks, just pull out a Brisway or what ever and have look, MW covers WnW on two sides, from memory it looked at least 3 times as big.
  18. I think WnW should get one of these, http://www.pax.ru/eng/products/restaurant/index.htm It may not be a water ride, but Daniel would like it.
  19. Hey Shaun, been laying lots of the 4:1 and 10:1? i work there too, and if the manager is being slack, it has a flow on effect and we can get a bit lazy too, but if the manager is telling you to be quick etc, everything runs better. DW does need to boost its attitude all around, starting with the supervisors etc. Maybe the best way to see change is for us here to send a steady flow of complaints, and maybe that will make them lift their game.
  20. Does anyone know about that park in Melborne named Wobbies World? we went past it in the car once and all it was was just an empty block with a run down sign, i also remember reading of it in an old kids attraction guide book, but there were no photos.
  21. Look at the supports on this lift! really keeping it to a minimum eh?http://www.rcdb.com/installationgallery605...5.htm?Picture=1
  22. Id rather use the space for an Invertigo and as people have said, Demon has had its day and its not a great ride. In regards to saftey issues with coasters above public areas, well what about Corkscrew? Or any other of the many coasters around that run above paths. If you really wanted to be safe then nets would be the go and an absolute no item policy.
  23. Generaly, the toilets would be inside the buildings (Red Stripes) or would be underground facilities like in the city (Except for baby change and disabled for obvious reasons) Really should have marked them in , They would possibly go under Fireball Frenzys station, Under Tornado's station, in the large building under Spinsanity, one in the building beside G2, in the main entrance building, underneath sewer rat and underneath man overboard.The maitnence side of things would add maybe 20m to the length of the park, but I was mainly concerntrating on the ride area so it wasnt added. As for administration, I had already considered that, and it would be on a 2nd and possibly 3rd floor above the entrance building. Staff room would also be in the admin building and a smaller one in the building beside G2. As for the set up costs, Ill have to calculate them. Could someone give me rough costs for Topspins, Breakdances, double hammers, wild mouses etc, maybe Zord could use my design as part of his campaign. If you want me to do a design using the existing WL, prehaps measure out a plan showing locations and waht I have to work with, and Im NOT re using demon.
  24. What have I done unrealistic in this? I drew it to scale and went to all the manufacturer web sites and other sources and got the proper dimensions. This park may get crowded though as its paths are around 10-15m wide but this has been countered with high capacity rides.
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