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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. Virtual queing is where a perk has a set of turnstiles at ride entrances, you just walk through and a ticket is printed with a designated boarding time, you rock up at that time and you get your ride. so you are free to do what you want. Another system is one where you rent a transponder that you scan at the ride entrance, It beeps whem you can ride and you have 10 mins to get to the ride. At WnW, how would you go carrying around a ticket for each slide? they would have to be waterproof and you re-ride slides all day so the park would go through thousands of tickets that wouldnt bio degrade as well as a paper ticket. The other system wouldnt work at WnW for obvious reasons. Now, for DW it think it could work, for example, GD could have one axis for virtual and one axis for standard. On WO have one side for each. On the coasters have the left hand seats virtual and the right hand seats standard. You can see what Im getting at. i think DW would probably go for the electronic system for the extra money it makes. Edit: Darn you beat me.
  2. I think the illustrator of the brouchures was Van Murray, he also did those "Hunt for Hooroo" books (like an Australian veriosn of wheres wally)
  3. Once I had a dream i went to Alton towers, but I awoke before I got to ride Nemesis :mad: another time, I had a dream I was at a really cool waterpark, and I went on this tube slide with all these T junctions and fountains.
  4. Well if you check out http://www.google.com.au/search?q=richard+...le+Search&meta= then you will find plenty of Richard Wilsons, It would be a pretty common name wouldnt it? I remember searching for my name on Google and the first result was my name on the about page of this site. BTW, I think this goes in the Chit chat thread, it has no relevance to theme parks or coasters.
  5. Good Article, I agree with Rich, we pay $40+ to visit, and on top of that, rip off food prices, we expect that we get a good day of entertainment for that money, DWs rides are OK but what good is it if we cant be on them? Only %4.7 of CPs guests arent doing something, but at DW %75.5 arent doing something. DW needs to add some high capacity rides to swallow up these people and give better value. In response the other post Rich, I dont think were that islolated, but if you were a park manager and you knew good rides like B&Ms were avaliable, would you hesitate in buying one? their performance is proven beyond doubt, and your research has proven that they can support a big ride. The issue of not being able to get one because of money is unfounded becasue TOT was expensive, and other smaller parks such as Mirabilandia have invested in them. Maybe we are a bit Isolated becasue of the lack of large American style rides, Only in Australia could you convince people to travel to the GC to ride 2 new waterslides. Anyway, back to the topic, Maybe you could try comparing it with a few other parks, maybe IOA, SFMM, AT, DCA etc. This could really help your case. Hopefully some DW people are reading this (Do people from DW, managment especialy, know about this site? Maybe you could visit the parks wearing a roller-coaster.com.au shirt and you know, spread it around, chat to people about it)
  6. Was what i said that incorrect? Ah well, ill have a peek at your article later on. BTW, in your chats with Tony Braxton, did you ever mention about what new rides you think DW should get or how good you thought the park was? Does he even know who B&M are?
  7. He, He, He, good on ya, he really is a funny bugger. Cant belive my sister chucked out Rude Bastard though, it was halarious, ah well. Im goin' to get myself a bottle of Schooppys.
  8. Everyone changes their sigs a lot, but Daniel, you should bring back your Rodney Rude avatar. Wheres Rude? get him on, fix him up.
  9. My parents are definitley anti ride, at WL the only ride we could get them on was SRR.
  10. I think that the ride will still look impressive, the way that it swings past the 90* point will really be cool. We cant really judge it yet because few of us have seen one of these rides in the flesh, I mean, in photos TOT looked smaller that what i expected it to be, but in real life it looked amazing. I dont think they got the giant version because of money reasons and because the would rather let people queue than have a good capacity ride, Its not like we are an american park that needs higher capacity rides. Come to think of it, are any of DWs thrill rides that good in the capacity department? Anyway, here is a drawing of mine for a possible theme. It is to do with container ship wreck with life boats scattered in a pond, the ring of seats painted yellow so its like one of those circular life rafts, shipping containers piled up as if they have been knocked out by a wave, fountains and other nautical stuff. And a possible name I thought of : "Mayday"
  11. I remeber seeing a review in the Shepparton News of LPM, they really needed to fix up some of the pictures, one of the pictures showde a pirate ship and the caption said "one of LP's many exiting roller coasters". Another pic showed the facade of the Sydney luna park. The review was just one pulled from media releases so it wasnt that interesting. BTW Zamperla, do you live down at the cattery?
  12. My shoes Will fall off, I dont like the sound of that, will that mean we will see a nice circle of footwear around the loading platorm of Gyro Swing 1 at DW every time it operates. or maybe they could encourage riders to wear shoes, give people around the ride catching buckets and turn it into a midway game
  13. Simple solution to stop people taking cameras on rides: Park makes own footage for download.
  14. Yeah, why piddle the parks funds away on a ride like demon, oh wait, maybe they want the claim of the fastest triple loop coaster in the southern hemisphere, is that record true anyway? did they sift though every triple loop coaster and find it was the fastest, and what about he Southern hemispehres other boomerangs? there would have to be some. And having the SH's fastest triple loop coaster is no impressive record anyway, the SH used to have the coaster with the most inversions. as the saying goes "theres lies, darn lies, and statistics" Now where were we, oh yeah, i remember, nah, no demon to DW thanks, already have one piece of 2nd hand stuff, who would want more, I'd rather a flat for the same price. The only way you could convince me that having the Dee at Dw is good if if it were an enclosed dark ride, that would make it different enough and the GP would eat up a claim like "southern hemispehres only enclosed fastest triple loop coaster", oh dont get me started on that again. The rumours bull****, the page at sreamscape also has about the Gyros swings name being Cliff Hanger, before the name being canceled. Wouldnt be suprised if the bulk of that sites news is just pulled from forums, and some of the news is way off, like WL planning to get a 9 inversion coaster. Demon id rather Daemon
  15. Can someone answer my question in regards to the manufacturer of spin dragon? also, who says a top spin has to be Huss? maybe other manufacturers have smaller/lighter/cheaper models avaliable. Tis may sound crazy but they could possibly make their own, or have Huss or whatever custom build one suitable.
  16. Read over the past few pages, there are some real gems in there.
  17. Thats some nice use of NL in the screen LOL. I have heard the X car can comfortably hold people upside down for 30 seconds. Check out their rapids coaster too, A perfect melding of rides.
  18. A search on google for sliding coaster proved fruitless, but I did come across a rather interesting site, could be useful if you want info on other coaster types.http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/v/a/va...vac3/table.html
  19. How many letters? that will really help, or maybe you could do one of those things where all the letters are jumbled up. Anyway, how can you get in trouble, DW aren't gonna track you down with the cyber crimes unit and why do they care if 100 or so people who geniunely want to know find out, the GP dosn't know a thing anyway, hell, I even told someone who was planning a trip up to QLD about and they didn't know what a Gyro Swing was! And when I tried to explain it they still didn't understand. Just tell us.
  20. Was it deleted? or is wonderbus2003's real name Daniel? :confused: Daniels last post was back on march 28th. The way we are gonna get new rides is by you starting a carnival ride company
  21. Uh, Daniels only post was about when the TOT was built. What about spin dragon? who made that? just get them to make another one. One thing i'd like ot see come onto our circut is a pinfari express..
  22. Again, maybe a mini frizbee could be made, we have a portable pirate ship so it could be the same structure, just with a 12-15 rider or so car.
  23. Maybe they could make a mini top spin that comes under weight restrictions, and have 2 of them running to keep capactiy up, or maybe they could get special permission to drive with heavier trucks, it happens when they have to move large bits of machinery over the continent (i remember it being in the paper when this massive bit of mining equipment came through town)
  24. LOL, good one richo. Dont really see what sets huss apart from other ride makers anyway. Of course the ride is in the middle of "crap", its a construction site. Check out http://www.waterfrontcity.com.au, its got some nice pics of how the finished product will look, and it seems like a better than federation square. Still would have prefered the park, even if it was just a few modern rides with equaly modern buildings as a part of the development. But the waterpark is nothing to be sneezed at and no doubt i will be spending hundreds on V-line tickets to visit frequently when it opens (if it opens) But i guess something cool may happen down the track elsewhere....
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