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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. Nah, its not too hard Canadian, I just thought a fromum would make more sense.
  2. Have you given any more thought to a Coaster Game Forum? It would be pretty cool to exchange tracks with each other outside of a competitive environment like coastersims. And if the forum fails you can always just remove it.
  3. If it were desgned for midgets, the ride looks about 4 body lengths high. A good pic though,Rabid maybe for your next one you could edit a B&M in the Thunderbolt site
  4. Has the re-opening of the park bought about higher ticket prices? I remember when LPM re-opened individual ride tickets had been bumped up to $7.50. Is the Ski Slope Slide one of those things where you hang of a bar wearing a low friction suit and let go?(Like at Questacon in Canberra) Those things are really fun, and you never seem to get bored (There was one at School camp, so I was spending my free time there)
  5. Hey Huss, How hard do you think it is to take apart / put up the Mega Drop, Is it worth the effort to bring to Shows other than the ones in the Captial cities? (Id love to see it at the Shepp show, but wether they bring it....) BTW, I know SC uses recirculated water, I thought the Issue would be filling it up in the first place. I mean, at one stage we couldnt even fill up a water feature, let alone a large flume ride.
  6. Hmm, I have only ridden on Demon once and have never ridden cyclone. Id found Demon to be exiting soley because It was my first looper (and what a fun ride it was) also it was exiting because I didnt know when the train was going to be released. But I suppose the exitement would go away. Both rides dont really have much theming but Ill say cyclone has better theming because I am impartial to tropical plants. i did find Demon to be a little bumpy but it wasnt too bad. So because I havent ridden both I cant fairly say which was better. But for intensity i think the Dee would win. BTW, has anyone ridden Demon as Titan at World Expo Park?
  7. Almost, Wipeout was made by Vekoma and i think rampage was made by either Zamperla or Fabbari. Gee, 3/4 of the budget on themeing at Disney. Other than themeing of the station DW wouldnt really bother would they, oh well we can still dream.
  8. Yeah, I remeber seeing that on www.australianamusmentfanatics.com, doesnt look that great, I have seen better ones of these "Adventure Parks" I remeber my old town had this place called "Puzzle Park" It had a massive waterslide, big mat slides that virtually covered the length of the park, a human snakes and ladders board with actual slides and ladders,playgounds etc etc. Oh the fond memories.
  9. Ah, i see. Hey I have a handful of pics my parents took of DW before I was born, (they are from around '84) they are of blue lagoon and the paddle steamer, do you want them?
  10. Just a quick question, are the current galleries that are up complete, or are you just getting the galleries up with a few pics for the sake of getting everything ready, to add more pics later, BTW I really do like this new site, very professional and imformative.
  11. I dont think giving a coaster a storyline and a good theme is too impossible, what about Nemesis at AT, the themeing on that thing is cool and it has a story to back it up. And Scott, what is wrong with getting something "Wacky", Id rather a flyer or standup to some sit down that the park already has (unless its a big sit down, im ok with it then) What sort of thing would you like to have instead?
  12. Dont worry Richo, It was a great video, loved the music, i suppose one could skip through that bit while watching, It was more of a download issue for me. What sort of Video cam do you have?
  13. He, He, He, It looks like a giant ring pull. I reckon i'd ride it (my sister was watching the video too and she said she would ride it), but the price sounds a bit steep. Good video but you could have edited out the part where you are just looking at the top car for ages, like maybe one of those "clock" transitions.
  14. And for those of us who watch the AFL footy show....? The NRL one is on at like 11:45 down here and Im not staying up that late. Is it like a spinning ride?
  15. What is the vomitron? Is it one of those things that has a few concentric rings that pivot and you get spun around, like the space rings in RCT. BTW has anyone wasted money on the Oxygen Bar that's there?
  16. Good to hear you have headed down south Willsy, contary to Daniel, Melbourne is not too bad. what part of Melbourne you living in?
  17. Sorry, i meant the new rides. you seem quite in the loop when it comes to carnival rides, do you think mega drop will be heading down here? what about that spinning wild mouse? Maybe the reason some of these didnt come was because of the shows new format (less rides, more of the other diversions) and in Splash Canyons case, becasue of water restictions.
  18. Rich, the floorless Ranger ride is called Hangover. (Look at the side of the gondola, you can see the latters H A N G O V E R) I really do hope all these rides come to Melbourne, they all look great. Looking foward to the pics Flea. BTW Huss, did you go to Moomba? If you did, what rides were there?
  19. Gee ASHLEE, you should become a comedian with all your one liners. Id probably say Dreamworld because its a nice big park with lots to do and it more variety than the other parks. Also, it has the best thrill rides and other rides it has are of a good standard.
  20. go for the big modern coaster, Id love to see a big multi looper built here ,not just fairly average double loopers. I think a coaster would work better than flats beacuse people remember coasters better then flats and the fad of coasters takes longer to wear off. Also, I think driving past a big maze of metal will attract more people than a less imposing flat ride.Think of it this way, if a friend is talking about their holiday up to the GC they always seem talk about the TOT, LW etc and how great they were, but nobody ever seems to talk about Reef Diver or Wipeout. I think the only real way a flat will be popular nowdays is if its something like a big Gyro Swing, so its good that DW is getting one. Another reason I would like to see a big coaster built is because it would force other parks to think of bigger things and this would start a coaster war, which is what all of us would love to see.
  21. Sorry, I had heard a while back that it was at Totemland, and I had asummed it had gone off the circut and TL was its permanent home, but I was wrong, It takes time out to go to the Sydney Show. Yet another ride Melbourne didnt get last year :mad:, just where were all the good rides last year? Oh well, at least you guys are having fun
  22. Arent you guys on holidays yet? we have been on since last week. I was wondering why things were so empty during the day despite it being holidays. The Tiapan was not at the Melbourne show last year either, despite it being there in the past, all we got last year was a bit of a dodgy Mad Mouse. BTW why did they take Splash Canyon off the show circut, that was a really fun ride and really wet. The Ranger was a bit uncomfortable when I rode it at the last Shepp Show, I prefer the Hangover, quite comfortable and you cant beat those floorless seats.
  23. I wonder if WBMW will be extra sneaky and stick a 2 on the SDSC sign, that would be the sort of thing they would do.
  24. There were a couple of ads for Shark Bay on the telly last night. It was pretty cool and the area looks great, reminds me of Survivor (like the tribal council area ).
  25. Hey rich, do you have any pics from inside the ride? Oh and about the rides drop at the end, how big is it and what is with that "unique" lift you said about?
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