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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. I think they are teaming up to make better Knex Coaster Models. A ride like Mr Freeze Could be done fairly easily with Knex.
  2. cool, How big was the Knex Pack you won. also, was the knex activity popular on the day, maybe if it was they could open a knex activity zone in the park, just another cheap thing for them to open...
  3. so did anyone end up going? If anyone could post a couple 'o' pics it would be appreciated.
  4. It depends what you mean. If all the animals suddenly went with the park as it is now, I think it would die because it would have not enough to do in comparison to other parks, People usually go to SW to see animals and it would suck without em. If you mean seaworld In its location, but with more rides instead of animals, I think it would work because of its nice location.
  5. Its not gonna put any rides in jeopardy if it doesnt get built so its no real issue for us visitors.It will still be popular without it. i can kinda see where the aparment owners are coming from, I mean they've paid $10 000 000 or whatever for a shoebox, they'd want good value, maybe if it(the office compelx)waw redsigned it would be ok.
  6. Only after a few sucsessful runs, but they would shut the ride down anyway as its a serious problem, unless it was to do with getting the brakes open
  7. Andy, Just read the help file, It tells you how to make a simple coaster, you can then expand on that.Try using the premade elements, They can be useful, especialy when making cobra rolls.
  8. Id like to see a standup because its something original in Oz and peole will think its cool that you get to stand up. But the ride I really want to see is a flying coaster because it would be so cool to be able to have one of those here, and again, Its new, its different its unyewsuall . For non coaster attractions, id like to see a ride like perilious plunge type ride, water rides are alway popular and it would work well in a marine themed area. A cool flat would be a Huss topple tower, that ride would be insane.
  9. Maybe when Im older I should start a consortium to build a big park, I had a go at calculating the cost and it came in at around $300 000 000. (It was a big park with around 6 coasters) It would be pretty viable because if its there, people will go. I cant imagine people just having a big park in their city and not going to it. Back on topic, I think wonderland could do a bit more with the marvel contract, even a couple of flats with names like "Spideys web spinner" or "Incredible hulk rage" would be ok. that would give them more of an exuse to rhapsodise about it. I wonder why people would pay $50 to see costumed characters at a park when you can see them free at a shopping center. I would go if there were new rides and stuff. Also , wonderland might have to pull something out of the hat soon with luna park opening, but then again, thats just crazy talk on my part.
  10. They could put it outside the park somewhere, That way people would be able to go on it whenever they want, but even then, It would probably be more viable to just get a plot of land somewhere and just whack down a couple of rides like it and have a mini golf course, like what is on the gold coast. It would work well in view of a main freeway. I remember there was once was a bungee place near the Western Ring Rd / Hume Fwy interchange in Melbourne. Yay 50 posts.
  11. Well im not complaining, A frisbee sounds like a cool ride. It is sort of a major ride, just look at the size of the one at PKI, Its gonna stick out like a sore thumb! It would sort of make sense for DW to buy one, with its high visual impact, good capacity and broad appeal.
  12. I Think both Sydney and Melbourne could support large theme parks, People may not neccisarily come just for the parks, but seeing a large park may encourage people to come not just for the park, but for a whole holiday. Melbourne has a few "Adventure" parks around and they are usualy pretty busy whenever you visit, so why couldnt they support a big one, It would be really popular. One thing that suprises me is our lack of waterparks. All our capital cities should have one (Exept for Hobart because its too cold and darwin because its not big enough ant its too far away) And we are a nation of swimers and sun lovers and everybody likes going on waterslides, plus you could get a park with 20 or so slides up and running for under $10 000 000 so i wonder why no one has entered into this fairly untapped market.
  13. Thats why I siad as another option they could remove current slides and replace them with a dense group of slides. Doing this wouldnt be too costly, and they could dub it as an all new attraction, or even a new themed area, Maybe what they could do is have a main tower and have 8 or so slides winding tightly around the tower into exit chutes. Then have a lazy river circumnavigating the tower.
  14. Maybe the ride itself would be better suited to smaller aplications such as a wild mouse type ride where most of the ride is downhill and the bunny hops would make an ideal place for the jumps. As for the transitions, If you look closley on the pic you will see that the beggining of the regular track has rails that taper to a point. This means the wheels wouldnt suddenly hit anything. They would gradualy come into contact with the rail. You were right when you said it would have to be quite precise, but extra bracing around the track and careful construction would make it possible. One technical limitation is the fact trains cant be used because the connectors could not go anywhere exept in the middle on the car, which would be quite inconvinent. You would have to use a single car vehicle with back 2 back seating (5 or 6 seats on each side) to keep capactity at a tolerable level. Here is a ride layout as i promised, Its called "Stunt Driver"
  15. If they made it with custom made parts and made several layers to make holes less visible It could work. I wish I could go there on the day wearing a jacket with deep pockets.
  16. I think SW should shut he water park down and give the slides to wet n wild, It takes up a lot of room and it would detract from WnW. If they didnt want to get rid of having a waterpark, they should demolish the current slides and in their place build a dense tangle of slides at the resort end to save space.
  17. Here is an idea for a ride I thought of a while back, Its called a crossover coaster. The ride is basicaly a floorless, inverted hybrid. The vehicle has dual wheel assemblies. One at the bottom and one at the top. The main drawcard of the ride is that it can conbine a standard rollercoaster with an inverted ride. At the beggining of the ride the car goes along like a normal coaster. But there are transition sections that allow the ride to switch between an inverted and normal postiton. The way it works is by lining up the track with the wheel assmeblies, so it can roll off one track and onto the other. This enables new never before seen elements such as a combo vertical loop. Where it starts off normally , but finishes in an inverted position. The dual wheel assemblies allow for simulated jumps, where the ride would appear to jump a gap in the tracks (But the upper track would keep hold of the car). This ride could have many themes, From a ride themed to flying with a normal track on the ground as the runway, That leads onto an inverted section to simulate flying. You could also make a mine themed ride, with exiting jumps over chasms or a stunt show themed ride with run ups and leaps over obstacles. here is a pic of the vehicle which shows the way it can transfer between normal and inverted positions. I will be posting a layout of my ride soon.
  18. An indoor crocodile enclosure isnt too far fetched, I have visited an animal sanctuary with indoor crocodlie displays, Its not like they put in a massive croc like Steve Irwin wrestles. Just little fresh water ones no more thain 1/2 a meter long. Edit: I just realised something, Using a laser projection tequnique like for those glass cubes wouldnt work. It takes a machine the size of a fridge to produce the lasers for glass cube production. Imagine how big it would need to be to make an image big enough for a crowd full of people to see at once. Im aware that the power of lasers wouldnt need to be as strong, but the laser unit would still be very big indeed.
  19. Maybe they might do that tequnique, but do it in water to make stuff appear, like a cartoon caracter or something to intergrate with the show.
  20. Said What? If you're referring to the refit. I read it a while back, cant remember where, I think It was coasterforce, but not all of their news is reliable. If your're referring to some kids hating baths, Its sort of a known fact.
  21. Yes, They are shower heads, And they do spray down on the riders. I heard Alton Towers was having its log flume refitted with these boats, (cant remember who makes the boats) so i thought, why not make an entire ride around bathtime. But now in heinsight i wonder if kids wil actualy ride it. I mean most kids hate bathtime.
  22. Something like a wooden wheel would look ok.
  23. Pretty cool, but i probably wouldnt have the sun in the middle.
  24. No, Current technology is not advanced enough to create a hologram in thin air. However there are other ways it can be done but they require an actual display panel, they are.. Glass Hologarm: If you have ever been on skytour at the Sydney Tower or on red hill mine at Sovreign Hill you will have seen this. It basicaly involves projecting an image onto a glass pane. This gives an illusion that the image is in thin air.You can probably bet on this being the one they will use at SW as they will project it onto the tank. Laser Hologram: They have this on display at Questacon in canberra. A laser is bounced off a 3d object an onto a sreen, So when you walk past the object appears 3d inside the screen. However, Because they require actual objects thye are space consuming, And they cannot be animated and because a laser is used, They are not coloured, but rather all blue or green.
  25. Post it. You could probably draw it way better than me. Anyway, Here is another coaster i have drawn. It is called the dark Knight. It is a B&M standup with a vetical loop, sea serpent roll and two interlocking corkscrews. The ride basicaly winds its way around a medieval battleground with catapults, balistas, battering rams, fire effects ect.
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