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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. But if the car had jammed, Why were the other cars coming through and bashing into the one that had stopped. The whole point of a block system is to stop that from happening. Im unsure why they have more cars than the ride can handle, but they are probably just spares as Huss said. I used to go to that place heaps when i was younger. We lived nearbly and rode our bikes there, It was so cool. It was pretty nice there .
  2. I wasnt really talking about just a normal breakdown, they happen all the time., I meant actual accidents. Take the Melbourne Show mad mouse incident. Had the operators not put so many cars on the track, The block system could have stopped all those other cars form ramming into the back of the one that had derailed. Im uncertain as to how the car derailed, but somthing had to be wrong with it for that to just happen. And when i rode it the ride did look a little bit iffy. An accident would only happen if a fault had been ignored. as daniel said, proper matinance minimises problems and faults should not be allowed to get to a stage that an accident happens.
  3. Here is a pic i drew of your ride, Themed to the jungle theme i thought of before. It is called treetop terror
  4. Even if an accident is a result of technial faliure, It boils back to human error, by improprer maitenance or by the operator not doing their job properly. Rides just dont fail for no reason.
  5. I already knew about clothoid loops, but now I understand, Because an Inverter ship is powered, It can make it round its revolution. I think the only way we will see a circle loop on a coaster is if its on of those ones with the 3rd Rail like runaway mine train at Alton Towers, But Then again , whats the point of going to the effort when a clothoid loop is fun anyway 8)
  6. Yeah, I live in Shepp, You live in Melborne so you should know how to get here. If you dont, Just head north out of Melbourne on the Hume freeway, Then Turn off onto the Golburn Valley freeway at Seymour and go along till you get to Shepparton. Anyway, Back on topic, Here is a somewhat smaller ride called "Bathtub Splashdown" It is a childrens flume ride with bathtubs as boats. It also has shower sprayers, squirty taps, Toilet Fountains and the Resivoir has tranlucent floating spheres that look like giant bubbles. Here It is
  7. I try not to let roughness bother me, I ride for the forces, turns, thrills ect. And I have ridden in the back seat of bush beast and scenic railway, and the ride wasnt to bad, I didnt hurt myself. Also, why would a circular loop break necks, Bountys Revenge at WL swings in a perfect circle and I dindnt hurt myself, Oh wait the restraints hurt a bit. But anyway I didnt break any bones, And I have been on full revolution rides also like kamakaze at the Shepparton Agricultural Society Show which had good restraints and I didnt hurt myself one bit.
  8. One thing, I thought of a similar ride the other day, It did not go head first, but the car was capable of spinning, The track was not fully vertical, but twisted and turned on its way down (Think a mad mouse mounted verticaly on a wall. It was called tetris the ride.
  9. They are meant to be conceptual drawings, So it is ok to omit some detail, It was more to show how the ride would look with theming ect. Sorry about the OTSRs, i havent seen a real huss rainbow, just a transportable ride called alia baba. Had I known i would have drawn in lap restranits.
  10. If the tower was fairly short, say 30m ant the part of the track where you go upwards again was gradual, it could work. Sounds like a fun ride and it could have various posibilites, Like a jungle themed tower with a headfirst dive toward a pit filled with spikes (Think Tony Hawk) but the car sweeps up in time , missing the spikes by a meter.
  11. Back on topic, I heard on the news that the person had stood up during the ride > was flung from it. Most accidents on rides are caused by rider stupidity or not folowing the rules. I think people may become scared of going on rides, but I think this is because the incidents happen so rarley, that it is sort of a bad novlety if you get what i mean. Things like car accidents happen frequently but we dont get scared of going in cars so it amazes me when peole have said to me rides are dangerous, but they are not.
  12. Good idea about the wall being knocked over Flea, i hadnt thought of that, It would work well because you could have sound effects etc. And GoBoi, The spray idea was exaclty what i was thinking, have a look at the top of the wave an you will sprayers, they would be angled so they go onto the wave. Anyway, here is another concept as i promised, it is a B&M inverter called "Storm", it is meant to be like it is going through a flooded area, hence the waterfalls and lakes. The rides track is silver, like a cloud in a thunderstorm and the supports are black with rust brown splotches to give it a run down look, like it had been hit by a real flood. The ride was sort of inspired by nemesis at Alton Towers (for some pics go to www.rcdb.com and search for nemesis. The elements are a corkscrew (wing over), Cutback, Barrel Roll , Vertical loop and another corkscrew (wing over). Some of the themeing elements would be a waterfall running into the first tunnel, seqential water jets either side of the first drop, A 20 meter high jet in front of the vertical loop to create a near miss similar to the near miss on dueling dragons,and a 50000 litre water dump underneath the U turn before the loop. I will be posting my next ride, bathtub splashdown soon...
  13. I would probabley start the park with just the main pool, flumes and inner tube slides, then just open one new ride a year till the park was full..
  14. To go along with the theme park i have designed, here are some concept drawings of a couple of rides. The first is a boomerang coaster called "Tsunami", the second is a Huss rainbow called battering ram. I will be adding some more pics soon...
  15. I have drawn up the waterpark. It goes at the top left corner of the park behind bathtub splashdown. see the post entitled water park Design drawing.
  16. Here is the water park design I promised to go with the theme park I designed.(See the post entitled Theme Park design drawing) "It is called aquanaria and has a Roman theme to it. Just a quick note for it, When a slide is two dark lines with the middle shaded it is an open section. when it is completey dark it is an above ground enclosed section. When it is completley shaded (no dark lines) it is an underground tunnel section. Dark lines surrounding blue is an entrance or exit tub. These are the rides: 1)Aqueduct Splashdown - NGBS InternationalMaster blaster 2)Coliseum Twister -White water west (WWW) Super bowl 3)Canals of Venice -Australian waterslides and leisure (A.W.L.) Flume Slides 4)Roman Rapids- A.W.L. Inner Tube Waterslide 5)Chariot Racers- A.W.L. Racing slide 6)Kids Pool- A.W.L. Children’s area. 7)Deep Pool- 1.6m 8)Main Pool- 1.0m 9)Temple Tumble- W.W.W Custom Boomerango 10) Ornithopter- Setpoint swing thing. 11)Feast Pizziera. Here It is
  17. Thanks, Expect the waterpark design around next week. :wnw:
  18. Here is a theme park I designed and drew up. Its called Lake Valley. I Would Build it in the north of Melbourne somewhere around Bunker Hill because the hills could be used to put rides on and it is near the hume freeway so it would be easily accessible. It takes a little while to load. The Rides Are: 1)Bathtub Splashdown-Intamin flume 2)Jet Zoomer- Intamin junior coaster 3)Whirlabout- Intamin swing chair ride 4)Banana Boat- Huss pirate ship 5)Fish Frenzy- Huss Magic 6)Tsunami-Vekoma boomerang 7)Stingray pool 8)Shark Attack- Chance double inverter. 9)Reef Explorer- submarine ride. 10)The storm – B&M inverter 11)Raging Torrents- Intamin River rapids 12)Turbine- Huss Giant Frisbee 13)Pipe-maze- Megatoy playground. 14)Overload-Huss giant topspin. 15)Volcano chase-Mack Wild mouse 16)Compactor Reactor-Intamin flume. 17)Ferris Wheel- Intamin ferris wheel 18)Battering Ram-Huss Rainbow. 19)The Mace-Huss Flyaway 20)Crumble Tower- Huss Topple Tower. 21)Mine Blaster- S&S power double shot 22)Stampede- Intamin wooden coaster 23)Pump Wagons-Rail trolley ride. 24)BOT-Koba robotics Robo coaster 25)Immersion-Intamin simulator 26)Amphitheatre 27)The Dark Knight- B&M Standup 28)Labyrinth-Maze 29)Frog Hopper Boat) Lake Runner Dock. I will be posting the plan for Aquanaria water park soon.
  19. Sorry, I meant the screams you hear when your are on the ride, at the top of the tower inside that roof type thing.
  20. I like Luna Park Melbourne, But I guess im just biased because im victorian The park has a nice feel to it and I like the old feel of scenic railway, It would be a cool job operating the brakes since you ride standing up a the back of the train, and you get paid for it. The ghost train is funny too, especialy the bit where all the dolls heads spin around, I cracked up when i saw it. Its pretty good value too. a tower based ride would be cool but i doubt Port Phillip city council would allow it.
  21. Cool, Thanks. It was my first ever visit to wonderland, thought it was pretty cool. The best ride was easily space probe,(My first ever feefall ride) by the way is that spew on the TV screens at the top and were the screams i heard sound effects or just the other cars being dispatched? Demon was fun (my first ever ride on a looping coaster, Im not a wuss, i just never get to ride them, i live in country victoria) Its cool on demon because you are never quite sure when the train is going to drop down but i suppose after a few rides you would get used to it. Snowy river rampage was really good, exept my phone got wet on that bit where the boat goes over where the water sorta goes upward (near the first bridge). Bush beast was a walk on, i took backseat, it was rough, but better than the scenic railway at luna park. A good ride. I did other stuff but i cant be bothered writing it up.
  22. I was recently at wonderland (23/12/03) I thought it was pretty cool, but i wanted to know what the story on the TVs on the queue line for space probe is about. It was a walk on, and the TVs werent up very loud so i couldnt find out what the space probe story was. Could someone who has watched the whole video tell me what the story is. Also, when i was there mountain cascades was shut for some reason, all i could see was the landing pool, and a box shaped flume giong into it near the speed slide exit. Could someone post some pics of the ride, tell me the layout and tell me what you do on it. Did i miss out on much? is it fun? Thanks in Advance>
  23. I think a ride seaworld could consider could be an S&S power space shot, it would be a warner village first, an australian first and because it has a tiny footprint, you could stick it virtually anywere a 10x10m space is.
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