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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. No because if I rode Crazy Coaster at the Melbourne Show, and then the Ekka, its still the one ride. Nah, RCDB list relocations at the bottom of the page. On coastercount if you have already ridden a coaster in one location, it is blacked out in subsequent locations to avoid counting twice. General consensus seems to be that relocations don't count twice. ********************** So re the crowd control and clutter arguments. -Ive never felt that MW was that dense in terms of ride anyhow. There's definitely the ability to fit more in. At some parks a themed zone might have 3 or 4 rides, but at MW there are several zones anchored by a single ride. So if it works elsewhere to have 3 rides close together, why would it be problem here? For example areas like Ocean parade back in the day had a denser collection of rides. -The area used to have the entrance Arkham, its quieter than what it used to be. The Lethal courtyard was always a ghost town, so its nice that Wizard of Oz will make better use of that. -In terms of Aesthetics, right now the site is gravel and the back of the JL building, with a few AC units and so forth. Putting a ride in the middle would actually help hide those AC units etc, and would be a good excuse to do some landscaping and walkways around the ride to replace the gravel. -Surfrider is a pretty simple design. A couple of extra spikes sticking up wont look to cluttered imo.
  2. The launch is behind a fence, with a roof where you go under.
  3. You can already walk under several sections of Superman though? ' Like, I dont feel that there is anything different about the first helix compared to the 2nd. I think the only reason the other area wasn't used was because it would have been more paving and more area to clean daily.
  4. IDK what anyone else thinks, but I have wanted MW to put a ride in the middle of the helix literally since Superman was first built. I was even mildly bummed out that Batwing wasn't built in the helix back in the day.
  5. So, do you get crowd congestion with JL, Batwing, DCR and GL in the one spot?
  6. Anyhow, doesn't change what I originally said. The looping starship was seen as a crowd pleaser back in the day. Intamin don't make it anymore, so the suspended double hammer was seen as the next best thing, especially with the gimmick of floorless seating. Broadly the ride movement looks the same to a potential rider or bystander, even if it's not free swinging like the original looping starship.
  7. WTF? He believed that the looping rides were a crowd favorite and tended to be popular with spectators, and Doomsday is a modern take on that style of ride. Like, you genuinely cant see that Bounty's and Doomsday are from the same family of attractions?
  8. Fun fact: Tim Fischer was a fan of Bountys at Wonderland and the other looping starships at the Paramount parks, which is why MW has Doomsday.
  9. Could it be Mr Freeze? World's coolest coaster. ***** Does this also count as a multi-type coaster? 😁
  10. Lex Luthors Oscilotron or something like that? Big generator that creates earthquakes? That all said, Metropolis is the area around Doomsday. The superman area I didn't think had an external theme outside the ride.
  11. What dates are these for? I've been looking and it has all still been around $3000!
  12. For a larger ride it would probably be more of a trolley with larger tubs rather than a single tub.
  13. When is anyone getting re-rides these days? The queues are rarely that short. And if the park is empty enough that there are spare seats for re-rides, they probably don't need a 2nd train that day.
  14. Put it in Nickelodeon Land. Avatar Airbender or Timmys Halfpipe Havoc.
  15. Anywhere? The pathway could just be a narrow straight one like Green Lantern. Doesn't have to be a set of switchbacks.
  16. So what is a reasonable number of rides to do on a busy day and feel "satisfied"?
  17. It's the same model as Bombora Bounce at Aussie World.
  18. At any park it’s not physically possible for everyone to rope drop, and as the crowd surges in, someone is always going to be at the back of the pack. So inevitably a large number of a guests on a busy day can encounter long waits right from the start. Cant all be first. Example: When I was at SFOG and they had added VR onto Dare Devil Dive, capacity was horrible. I literally rope dropped that and was on the first car of the day. About 5 mins later when I exited, the wait time was already up to 2 hours.
  19. You need to see the forest for the trees. Overall if Scooby is pumping, then the occasional empty pair of cars isn't huge setback in the scheme of things. I think the stated capacity of Scooby is 1000 pph. Say you had to send an empty pair every 10 mins to catch up. Thats 48 out of 1000. Boo hoo.
  20. BTW Have seatbelts become optional again now too? Big Dipper and Leviathan don't have them.
  21. I think perhaps the solution is to design procedures in such a manner that it is easy for staff to work efficiently and staff members arent "rushing" to do a good job. Like if you look at the videos @Dean Barnettposted of Europa park, the staff aren't exactly running on the platform to do their checks. In fact they look quite relaxed and comfortable with their work. The other point I'd like to make is that rides CAN go fast here when required. Eg Scooby when it has all cars on by definition has to load and check quickly or else it causes a backup and then a cascade stop with the block system. And even if the line is long, it still is always moving because it runs pretty well IMO. I think it would help to do the following on major rides at our parks. -Always ensure the load gates have a couple of groups staged. Should never be a situation where the train is just sitting in the station empty and the sorter is still letting people in. No sacrifice in safety to do this, since everyone is behind the gates. -Explain the safety rules more regularly, instead of when the train is sitting there and people are waiting behind the gates. It can waste 10 to 20 seconds when the train is parked. Instead, perhaps have an auto spiel saying something like "For those of you joining us, please do this, this and this" They dont need to "stop everything" for the briefing. At Cheddar Point staff on the platform have a headset and loudspeaker so they aren't constantly having to yell strain their voice to explain the rules. They are able to explain in quite a catchy and friendly manner, and people follow. -Open the gates as soon as the train arrives. The people coming on actually encourages people to vacate the seats quicker. No sacrifice in safety here because the train cannot dispatch with more than 1 person in the seat, so extra people clear out quite well. At the moment some rides wait until everyone is well and truly out the exit before opening the airgates. Eg In that video of Europa park, on the Mack water coaster you can see people are filing through, entering and exiting simultaneously, which works very well. -At some parks, the operators will start moving down the train and close harnesses for you. Those nips and tucks would help create a smoother flow imo. The goal isn't "Faster Operations", it's "Higher Capacity"
  22. But don't the rides these days basically prevent you from sending a train if both the belt and the restraint aren't in a safe position? Of course, safety is the #1 priority, but having heaps of random pauses and gaps between each step of the process wouldn't enhance safety either.
  23. 9 News report: https://twitter.com/9NewsGoldCoast/status/1617791075439214594?t=cgb7EMsVmtE_d2MeAll4vQ&s=08
  24. Stupid poll idea: What was more confusing, the ramps around Vikings Revenge or the ramps around Giant Drop?
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