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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. @Dean Barnett have you ever read AS 3533.1. I ask because that would answer a lot of questions as to why things are done a certain way in Australia exclusively.
  2. How you explain family Boomerang coasters. They are more or less 50-50 forwards and backwards? Besides, as per the original announcement: And the website: When?
  3. Personally I like the trolley system where they come down the train, but for it to work there has to be extra dedicated position or two just for it: https://www.parkz.com.au/photo/31186-OzIris/gallery/sort/newest/location/oziris/offset/18 In my view, if you want to deal with loose items as fast as possible, there's no avoiding extra staff. You either need lockers or double sided lockers, with staff chaperoning guests. Or you need staff working the platform, actively collecting items. ******* The automatic cubby holes Mack and Intamin make are a good compromise, no extra staff, but not as fast.
  4. ^Two rides can have different top speeds but the same acceleration.
  5. Didn't they do a calming area where Taz's dodgems used to be? And they have a sensory guide: https://movieworld.com.au//-/media/project/movieworld/files/safety-and-accessibility-guide/wbmw2301017-attraction-sensory-guide-2023.pdf And they do offer a queue proxy service for people unable to stand in line.
  6. Yeah but If you were sharing the pics, how did you download them in the first place without seeing them in the context of the parks original post?
  7. From memory they would get premium lettuce for Pig and then poke it into a sort of PVC pipe manifold that was placed on the tank floor, to recreate grazing seagrass.
  8. I'd be all for otters, they are cute and funny. With a Dugong, I thought SW only got pig because it was injured, and was rescued.
  9. FWIW B&M Fabricate in Ohio, Vekoma & Intamin do it in Slovakia. Vekoma also have a plant in China. Pivot leisure when they existed.
  10. Multi pass launches are good, but i reckon they are better when its like Toutatis or Ice Breaker or Pulsar and you have bunny hills on the launch so its this alternation between a quick burst of acceleration and a strong bit of air.
  11. I was miffed the space shot was closed when I was there because their version has a dropping floor in the station, so the gondola drops down into underground show scene before the main launch.
  12. Not as scary as being up the top at full speed while spinning around.
  13. I think with wooden coasters you often see a big raft because there are so many ground connections that a big raft is easier than trying to coordinate heaps of closely spaced piles. Premier rides did this on their spaghetti bowl coasters too for similar reasons. https://rcdb.com/528.htm#p=1769
  14. A post by the installers: MJM service from Poland. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0LVs7YhmvFENaPxYpF8LBdLHCYrpWVc7nj35hAsgGA6c9xmq6y63epdUyWvEnuJbhl&id=100054310008764&mibextid=Nif5oz
  15. It is, and it's 100% the best one in Aus https://www.corin.com.au/alpine_slide/
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