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Everything posted by Dylaan

  1. If your pointing out that most rides without inversions are kiddie rides, damn your wrong! But, you're probably not, or maybe you were pointing out that they're both not woodies... Anyway, hyper coasters are some of the best out there, yet as far as I know they have no loops! I'll leave you to decided, and if I'm wrongly criticising you, I'm sorry.
  2. Great to see they're doing something about wind! There's nothing worse than being there on a cold windy day! That is insane! :'( I saw we all sign a petition! They call it a 12 month annual pass, more like a 9.5 month annual pass! And it's WAAAYYYY more expensive than WNW's! I say we boycott buying annual passes!
  3. ROFL! No, I'm suprised you didn't know but I guess not everyone follows the theme park industry overseas... Yeh, google is god! It's definately open and cost a damn lot of money to build! However, lots of people are saying that it didn't live up to expectations of being the 'Thrill Ride of the Year'. It is still up there high in most people's list of favourite coasters, definately! Anyway, would anyone mind taping it for me and posting it somewhere as I haven't got cable? Thanks!
  4. Who was it that made that website? I'm guessing it was Joz or whoever he is but not 100% sure. (Oh, and if it is you, don't knock ZC. )
  5. Well IMO suprise is one of the contributing factors to how much you enjoy a ride! If it's too predictable, it mightn't be as good as it a ride that isn't. (Of course you can argue that, but my point its that not knowing what's about to happen is one of the best things about dark-rides etc). Anyway, I guess I can't really judge it until I've ridden it! EDIT: Here's the link to the Beyond Tomorrow article. Click Here!
  6. Wow! I had forgotton how fun these looked! I think I remember more now about an episode that was on Beyond Tomorrow... That video was infact of the ones legoland! I'm pretty sure you get to create the ride-sequence from a series of motions which you pre-select on a touch-screen computer. It prints out a card with a number on it which you give to the operator. I recon they'd be fun, definately if it was set up in the same sort of room as SDSC with lasers etc!
  7. What do you mean by a robocoaster? Are they those seats on the end of an industrial robot or are they that weird concept coaster on RCT3: Wild? If it's the later one, I didn't think there was such thing, but if it's the robot, yeh, might work!
  8. I love them, it's just that they make me sick. Therefore, I regret riding them! I rode that Angry Beavers thingy 5 times in a row and didn't get sick but I wasn't feeling 100% either. I guess everyone has different tastes. It really, really sucks though...
  9. Tell me about it! I was sick on the teacups. (Not the ones at DW). I used to be fine with spinny rides but something changed. It really, really sucks!
  10. Geez that would suck having one of those, but I like the idea of a HUD. Maybe put the countdown and such on there, they could even have on-board audio or something... Anyway, with a bit of luck, things won't come to this. They would certainly degrade the ride experience IMO.
  11. Or, they could just use the existing exit somehow. Just an idea...
  12. WOW! I had to read that about 10 times until I realised it wasn't a joke! Again, wow! Looks like Australia is finally getting all the good things waterpark wise! It just keeps getting better! Great news!
  13. Sorry, I was merely replying to your actual post. I read the title once, and that was on the home page. I have no idea how they work on GD. I'm guessing they're just earth magnets but when am I actualy right about something these days? Like I said before, ask one of the 'senior' community members.
  14. I know I'm one of the people that knows hardly anything about this topic, however I have a slight understanding of them. Anyway, I think TOT has two sets of brakes. The electro-magnetic ones, and the 'earth magnets' situated in the 'bog area' behind the station. If the power goes out during the ride, obviously the electro-magnets aren't going to work. That's what the earth magents which are located behind the station are for. Being completely unreliant on anything else, they still will work during a power outage, thus making them 'fail-safe'. Mind you, I bet the deceleration would be fairly uncomfortable during a power failure as I think you make a rather abrupt stop as opposed to regular operation. Like I said, I'm not the guy to ask about this kind of stuff. If you need any more information try Richard, Adam or Gazza.
  15. Not as many people in these forums are as lucky as you... Surely it would run better on a beefed up pc then one that isn't? I have to agree though, it was poorly designed, especially since NL manages to be far more realistic yet it runs smoother. (Then again, NL doesn't have to process huge parks overloaded with scenery)... Back on topic though, it would be nice to see some more re-creations however I understand your situation and have tried and failed to do a few myself. They're definately a million times more difficult and time consuming than they look! (And they look pretty darn time consuming I might add)...
  16. What would be wrong with it? Personally, I wouldn't mind having it at WNW at all! Sure, it is a dry ride, but that doesn't mean they couldn't do something to make it fit in. Anyway, what does it matter if it's a dry ride. It might be a bit out of place but it is still just as fun. Doubt it will happen though. WNW has just finished expanding in terms of the H20 Zone however it would be something to compete with WWW. Then again, they've got DW next door...
  17. Well that type of slide is generally more risky than a regular body slide, but if you follow the lifeguard's instructions properly you should be fine. I have a rather fond memory of my friend catching a little too much air over the final hump and landing uncomfortably as a result. He turned around to watch the next person coming down and the first thing I noticed was a HUGE rip in his pants that wasn't there before. Pretty damn funny.
  18. Unless your computer is a behemoth you'll have a pretty hard time running large parks. I've got a mid-range pc and it can barely manage to run it, takes half-an-hour to load. Try turning reflections and all that off and see if it helps...
  19. Say it with me! "Chu don't belong here! Baaahahahh" Yeh, me and my friend have fun saying that line and no matter how many times we hear it, for some reason it never gets old.
  20. Well I'm just going on what she said, that's all. I'm talking to them now and they said they got out without asking which I don't believe. Oh well, thanks for clearing that up.
  21. I'd love to see that one! Did it stop or did you just pull them back down? I've never been stuck on the lift but then again I've only been on it six times...
  22. My bestie went to Movie World yesterday. She said that on WWF they were half-way up the main lift when it got stuck and they were asked to get out and were lead to an exit. Firstly, how often does this happen? Secondly, what is the procedure for evac from the main lift? Thirdly, what could cause this to happen apart from maybe a power failure? Thanks guys!
  23. I'm pretty sure this just happens if you are the the first car to enter the lift. We rode six times and the first five, there were already other people in the lift. The sixth time, we came round the corner and there were already two cars in the lift. Up it went, I guess there's a set of blocks right before it. We were worried it was going to keep going. My first ever ride on it, it stopped for about 30 seconds just after all the sharp turns, and yeah, it starts to roll really slowly after it gets released from the brakes, we thought something was wrong.
  24. So when it says two parks over three days does that mean you have 3 days to visit two parks or do you get to hop between two different parks for 3 days?
  25. Wow, I never realised they came that close to parts of the Cyclone. Has anyone been on it lately? Either that or it's just the angle the picture was taken from. The park looks like it covers a decent amount of land, although I know it's small, it's more than I expected. Oh, and here's the picture:
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