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Everything posted by Dylaan

  1. Isn't 60 metres 180 ft or is that what you're saying? I'd would be nice to see a stand-up in the next few years but given the fact that they are mainly made up of inversions and not any airtime hills etc. I'd much rather see a new concept. C'mon Giant Ball Coaster! Anyway, only time will tell!
  2. I thought they had three trains but only ever used two at a time. Or is the third one a spare and only used if something happens to one of the trains? If it isn't, then they could easily keep two trains running all the time apart from running costs and swap them around for re-furb.
  3. No, I haven't got any pictures, but I know someone who does! And yes, definately go straight there as soon as you arrive. The best part of the park IMO and I'm sure lot's will agree, especially with the addition of Tornado. Ride that one first. Now about photos, Tony's probably the one to ask. As for the other rides, I'm not too sure if he'll have any, but seeing though he works at WNW he just might. Anyway, you best talk to him for more info... Note: if you are going to link to other sites, please do so using direct links to the relevant content. -Richard
  4. Hopefully, you're right. It would be great to finally go there and get a chance to ride it. So there's nothing like it in the world right? Bring on another record for Scenic World! The sad thing is, they probably were just referring to four years time as a round-a-bout date. It is quite possible that it will not open then, but it's also possible that it will open early... anything's possible right guys? Let's hope it opens one day anway...
  5. Yeh, that's what I had in mind, but 'someone' didn't have the same idea... The lift hill took ages to get to the top! I ended up trying to lie down, your back gets really sore after a few rides. What else can I say about it? It has eleven corners and it's made by Wiegand. http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/coaster.php?cid=32
  6. Well I told you that I'd dig this video up once I got the chance so here it is! For those who don't know, Toboggan Hill Park is a very small amusement park. (If you can really call it that). It has one proper ride, which you guessed it, is a toboggan. Last holidays I decided to take my camera with me on it and recorded an onride video. Please keep it in mind that this is my first park related video. The only problem is that I started recording from the bottom of the lift hill, so the video goes for 5:34. - Onride Video
  7. IMO the entrance doesn't matter much because once you're through the gates you completely forget about it until you leave at the end of the day. (Even the signs saying 'Movie World 2km' are enough to set a mood though).
  8. Forgive and forget right? I thoght Scenic Railway wasn't a coaster but just a train they used for mining coal or whatever back then. Ok, what was the second one because IMO SR doesn't count?
  9. So I know this is a little bit off topic, but firstly, what was Australia's 1st coaster and was it steel or wood. (I'm guessing wood but you never know).
  10. Or maybe, they're just trying to confuse us... It's working! Nah, I know you guys know what you're talking about but it makes absolutely no sense to me!
  11. I sware someone said that it was going to be a dark-ride, that's the only reason I made the assumption. Oh well... EDIT: 333 Posts Heheh.
  12. I have absolutely no problem with releasing my information on the internet. I'm the same age as you, my parents don't really care as long as I don't organise a meet etc. without letting them know! (Yes, that may come as a suprise for some but half of you already know)! Anyway, back on topic, it would be nice if it wasn't Vekoma but I'm not too worried. If it's a dark ride, and it's made by Vekoma, I'm guessing one of those things like Hex @ Alton Towers. As long as the ride is good I'll be happy.
  13. Yeh, I go there every time we go that way. Shame it's so expensive though. (It's become a tradition). I remember when they used to have heaps of things to do there, but due to the damage caused by a huge storm in 2002 or whenever it was. Now all that's left is a giant maze randomly themed to a wombat, indoor rock-climbing, these weirdo petrol-powered bumper cars and the toboggan its self. The last time I went, I think it was last holidays, I recorded an on-ride video of the toboggan out of boredom. I know it isn't a real coaster but it was still fun. Unfortunately, about half way down, a slow girl got in the video and kind of wrecked it as I had to almost stop and wait. I'll see if I can find it, and I'll put a link on here.
  14. I can see a flame war starting here. I never got to ride it, even though my relatives live in Sydney. :'(
  15. There was a link to one on the thread mentioned above, however the webmaster seems to have deleted the article. I didn't try all the links, but I don't think any of them work.
  16. I didn't ever hear much about it either but all I know is that most of the scenery and theming was never fully replaced in some of the sections. I'm sure someone started a topic about this a few months ago. Sorry, but I can't help you.
  17. Wooooo! My dreams have come true! Well sort of... Is it an enclosed one or not? I'd prefer an enclosed one though, bring on Disco H20! THANK YOU MAQUARIE LEISURE! Definately going the day it opens.
  18. It looks great! Especially the larger model! Just think of it as a Screamin' Squirrel with a launch and rotating cars. I think one of these in Australia would be awesome, especially if it's a brand new concept. It could be better, but it's a start,
  19. As far as I know it's still there. Whether it's still open for business, I have no idea. My Grandparents live down that way so we pass it every time we visit them. Actually, I just had a look around on the internet and found this: Well there you have it. Another amusement park gone! Shame, even though it was a small park, would've liked to go there. Oh well!
  20. Wow! Looks great! I still can't believe we're finally getting something good! Happy Happy Happy! EDIT: Wait, is that a purple piece of slide in that first pic? It looks quite large. Please be a Behmoth Bowl or whatever they're called! Eh, Tony, ZC Colours.
  21. Wet'N'Wild? WTF? Unless it's to do with the half-pipe demos they've had going on there and the H20 Zone. I seriously doubt it will happen! Here's me jumping to conclusions again but Sea World is the only place I can really see it fitting in.
  22. Well something like they did with the Reef Diver (Enterprise) would be fine with me. As long as it's a good ride I couldn't care less about theming etc. If it was a coaster, yes, I love immersive theming. This isn't a coaster though, so unless it is, I'm not worried.
  23. EYE have no god damn idea what so ever! Please don't leave us wondering...
  24. I really like the changes you've been making, especially the ones to the front page! They make it look just that bit more attractive. Keep up the good work!
  25. Matt, I found the bolt while queueing for Terror Canyon which I mentioned in that post. I just thought it would be a cool thing to keep even though it's just an ordinary bolt. Glad most of you liked it and hope it didn't take too long to read!
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