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Everything posted by Dylaan

  1. It's morning and I have a headache... something isn't right...
  2. Especially when you know the manager....
  3. They do that.... about going down backwards... it's pretty crazy cause u think you're about to hit the water and then you go flying around another coner. Not to mention capsizing when you hit the pool at the end!
  4. Oh well.... you can't hold on to things forever....
  5. Hehehehe..... I have good memories of it. Was waiting for my turn.... a kid pushed me.... let go of my tube it went down before me..... lets just say the life guards weren't happy. Still fun to do backwards though...
  6. Off Topic: "Please DO NOT feed the ibis!" LMFAO! When I went there at the cafe there was a table with heaps of left over food and this ibis landed on it and drank all their coke and grabbed the chicken and flew off! I recon the sign should be more like: "Please don't feed our ibis. They will just help themselves to whatever you leave on the tabe..." Anyway, who the heck is Fluffy?
  7. Yeh, does anyone know how fast these things go? I know I'm probly wasting time but I've never seen one before....
  8. Shame they're re-developing it all into commercial/industrial.
  9. I have a feeling we might see loads of smaller parks pop up in the next 20 or so years.
  10. Apparently so, if you don't belive us just ask an op!
  11. Some of those rides just being destroyed though.... don't you think it's sad? :'(
  12. Shame to see it just all trashed like that!
  13. Well you all know who I vote for! Say, someone should make a poll!
  14. Just wondering, where can I find this book?
  15. Yeh, I find queues much easier to wait in if they're not in direct sunlight. They need fresh air though, just take the Cyclone's queue for instance!
  16. I'd like to see something put on that island too!
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