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Everything posted by Dylaan

  1. I might try to make a track file for Superman Escape but I think it will be pretty hard to do. Rct3 doesnt take up much space unless you have all the expansions installed and its still not much compared to my 160gb hard drive.
  2. I was walking home today and I saw a bit of newspaper blow past and I stopped it and it was 1 of those pages!
  3. Great ideas all of you! You should open your own park, WVTP would be jealous!
  4. The files are attached! [EDIT]: I haven't done WWF or the Looney Tunes Coaster. You may be able to get the files for them of an RCT2 version of Movie World. Just ask Matty_0_911, he did an rct2 recreation and im sure he will have the files still! _CompactInverted_MovieWorld.zip
  5. Just thought I'd let you guys no that I heard theres a cyclone up near NE Queensland. Hope you can still do it though!
  6. Wondering if anyone has any time to make a recreation of Movie World for RCT3, I can provide track designs but for the rest you're on your own!
  7. They all have some great pics but I recon that the 2nd one is the best buy! Unfortunately, I don't have a credit card and I can't do transfers with my account. Sorry. :'(
  8. Ocean Parade wouldn't be itself without it! It is one of the most loved rides that still stands at Dreamworld! It will be a very sad day when they have to tear it down!
  9. I can only make it to MW on the 1st of April now sorry guys!
  10. Sry can't make it on the 18th but I might go on the 25th!
  11. LPS have one of them from the chrisy holidays!
  12. I used to have loads cause my dad gets them from WVTP for school trips etc! Don't have any tho! As for coming I doubt I can make it altohugh I might try hitch a ride with my friend... (its his bday 2day)... hope i can come tho!
  13. Lol, maybe that locker isn't meant to?! It took them a while to realise that superman needed hiding. Trust MW to try fix things up but I'm sure it will all be going smoothly again soon!
  14. Wow Gazza, you might even make history. Lets hope this guy is right!
  15. All I remeber is seeing a red ramp sorta thing and lots of temporaty fencing and the ground was all overturned. I saw a group of guys using the emergency exit a few weeks ago wen I went so we just followed them lol! It might have been you our some1 else from this site!
  16. I was just amazed after I went on it watching people leave the slide and fly through the air momentarily. It has so much air time for a waterslide!
  17. We couldn't be bothered taking the long way so we took the emergency exit and thers like a real big ramp and construction and everything. The ramp is probably left from extremeworld though.
  18. Yeh, is it as fun as it sounds and do you need to be a rocket scientist?
  19. I think that the theming needs improving by the sound of it but its sounds like an awesome ride so does it really matter?
  20. Sounds agonising but not too bad! I would like to try it but I don't have an annual pass!
  21. I went there on the day that Toasted TV was there. (I cant remember when but I remember seeing people from 10.) And I rode all of the slides and I loved them all but freefall are the best! You finally reach the top and you are all puffed from the stairs. (The line wasn't too bad as it was the first thing we did.) And we were looking at them trying to decide which 1 to do. I decided to give the ones on the side ago first cause they looked awesome and weren't all freefall. Both my friends did the middle first up but I have to say the sides were so much more fun. (I ended up doing them both!) You ride it like you do on the twister, legs crossed and hands behign your head. You sit down anxiously waiting for the lifeguard to let you go and then you're off! As you go over the first two hills you get so much speed you can feel the water tearing up your back and you wonder if it's safe or not. Then you hit the freefall section and instead of going straight down like intended, you go flying forward, out of control before re-uniting with the slide. The last bit is so damn good and you're thinking whoa this is awesome, and then you go flying along back in a horizontal position as the ride ends. I did it again 5 times! As for the other one, it's more a one ride, damn that was crazy, I don't think I'll do that one again today. You are even more nervous this time and as you go down the first little drop anxiety kicks in. You then begin the steep descent and after few seconds, you begin to think, oh no, this thing is going really fast and because you're not looking down you don't notice that you're only halfway there! You keep getting faster and faster and you wonder when it's going to end. Finally, it's all over and you begin to relax. The ride is so intense most people uncross their legs halfway down accidentally but the result of hitting the water with your legs wide open.... well it would be painful. Anyway, they are all great rides and loads of fun the sidewinder slides aren't exactly extreme and the middle freefall slide is extremely intense but you'll always regret not doing them at the end of the day!
  22. Me too but cyclone is worth the wait.... they need block brakes and 2 trains because loading takes ages though!
  23. Nah, Eureka is fun but cyclone is better... and with MW getting an accelerator I think DW will get a new one in the next few years!
  24. It broke down when I went about a week ago.... unless that was the same time as tom was there. I agree who gives if it makes noise. Would you be more thrilled on a silent ride or one that sounds like its going to screw up and that you're all going to die! And, The Theme Park Master, you're complaining about every damn thing at dreamworld and when you're not you're starting scams. (I've never seen a worse home-brew official logo!)
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