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Everything posted by Shaun
I agree a Marvel show would be good but if they don't do a real good job at it it would probaly turn out pretty crap. Depends how much money WL is prepared to pay for a decent show. I also agree with the Marvel advertising too lol GoBoi 'Come to our park cause we have a comic book store........' They must have soemthing more than a shop in plan for the Marvel name. Shaun
Rabid Disney, Nightshifter isn't gunna learn about the industry if he doesn't comment or ask questions is he? Way to shatter confidence. I agree too though that the park people probaly don't know what there on about but good on ya for doing some reasearch, intresting anyway. The whole ponit of forums is to share and discuss info and you can take away whatever you like from it. Your not going to learn anything unless you say anyhting are you? Shaun
Thunderbolt was also my first major coaster............ Sticking up for the flats, my last trip to DW the ride that was the most fun was defenitly the Wipeout. The Wipeout proves that simple flats can fit into a park reall well and I think that new flats in the area would really add to the fun of ocean parade. Now I think about, when the Cyclone was built that really sealed the fait of the Thunderbolt. As someone else said the area was way 2 small for 2 coasters, if they were planning on keeping the bolt you think it would of been logical to build your 2nd coaster away from the 1st. The Thunderbolt getting replaced (that's how i look at it) really will be a good thing for the park as it will open up so much valuable space that really will controbute to the park well. It is sad though.... Shaun
Australian Idol at Luna Park Melbourne
Shaun replied to Nightshifter's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Lol driving behind a volvo............. Volvo frivers are scary if you ask me Shaun -
Australian Idol at Luna Park Melbourne
Shaun replied to Nightshifter's topic in Theme Park Discussion
You think they would of put them on the scenic railway for the promotion of it? Did look a bit lame on what ever you call it coaster but i sapose most people down here wouldn't know any better. Shaun -
Liam's Theme Park Videos - Sling Shot and Fly Coaster
Shaun replied to Flea's topic in Theme Park Discussion
This Vomatron sounds cool. So is it one of those big propeller things that everyone makes, like the fabbri booster or zamperla's turbo force? Mondial and gravity works also makes one and who knows who else does.... If that's what it is, I think it would be **** scary to ride. Just the size of them...... I hope it is one anyway, it would go really good with the other rides ('atractions') they already have. By the time you have done each of the 4 rides that's probaly $100 bucks gone! Probaly even more! If there is two if you thats $200! Shaun -
Liam's Theme Park Videos - Sling Shot and Fly Coaster
Shaun replied to Flea's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Thay have a small bungie jump thing there aswell don't they? So the sling shot is worth the $45? Shaun -
Liam's Theme Park Videos - Sling Shot and Fly Coaster
Shaun replied to Flea's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Cool vid, good job on it. Its good to actualy see the rides running. When I was up there on the coast we would of driven past that place i don't know how many time but I never saw any of the rides operating. We even parked out the front for 20mins waiting to watch but it never went. Do they get very busy there of a night? How much they charging for the 3 rides now? Do they have like a package that includes all of them? The portable sling shot charge $30 a ride!! I dunno wheter i would pay $15 let alone $30! Thanks for the video Shaun -
Nick Central's come and Thunderbolt's Gone, so what now?
Shaun replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Maybe it's not just your ordinary coaster...? I'm hoping it wouldn't be just an ordinary coaster, maybe one with reclineing seats or maybe one with no floor at all? It's only a rumour though........ -
Nick Central's come and Thunderbolt's Gone, so what now?
Shaun replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
That's definitly what I would chosse/want to put in there, the 'coaster STYLE ride with 3 flat rides .' I think a coaster and 3 flats is a bit to ask for all at once though I'm hoping though Shaun -
Here's my unbiast point of view, i havn't ridden iether or seen ither in the flesh to be exact but just from see the pictures that I have I would have to go with Demon. Demon for me just looks more intimidateing with it's tight twists and it's black dangerous character. To me the cyclone looks like one of those coasters that you would find at a seaside park (that's pretty ironic now I think about it...) and doesn't have much character at all. Thats just my opinion though and that statment sounds even mroe ironic now i think about it but I would still want to ride Demon first if i had the choice. Shaun
Don't be like that Richard................ If you think about Dreamworld do do an excellent job at themeing. With the perilous plung I think that if dreamworld wanted a boat ride like that the could probaly find a better ride then Perilous plunge. If DW wanted real themeing and a decent story they would be better off doing something like MW's wild falls or SW's Bermuda Trianlge and going the whole way.
I think the best thing they can do is to put top quality, well themed flatrides in there. A coaster would take up way to much costly room. I reckon they will still want to keep up the great carnivale style atmosphere they have going in there, but to atract old patrons back, in Particular teenagers they are going to have to put some new, more exciting atractions in, which will mean they will proably have to replace a few of the old rides and maybe modern up the place a bit. I don't think it took people long to catch on that the 'new' luna park melbourne was just the old one with a bit of a paint job. Luna park can't just depend on their advertising to get people to keep coming back, they need something new and exciting...... lots of potential anyway Shaun
Over in the US, Paramount's Kings Island is building a new huge water park to open in 2004. "Inspired by Australia's breathtaking Gold Coast, the new "Down-Under" resort area creates an exciting new world of exotic exploration that encompasses more than 50 water activities." Some of the major atractions include: Jackaroo Landing Tasmanian Typhoon Kookaburra Bay Just something intresting i found I thought you would all like Shaun
Can these type of rides be themed at all though? From the pictures I have seen they look ugly as. How are you ment to theme a ride that just has a lift hill heading up to no where and then a huge river/waterfall comeing back to the ground..........just looks out of place to me? Sorry but i goota stick to a coaster for that area or at least a couple of thrill rides in there with a really well done theme. Shaun
Whops sorry lol :oops: I'm so used to writting 'TottalThrills' in the adress bar.... :oops: I found it at www.ultimaterollercoaster.com/ in the international forum. Shaun
I just read on american forum that Lunapark melbourne is up for Sale. Didn't the owners just buy it recently, 2 years ago? I don't know where they got the info from?, I'm just passing on what i've read. I don't know if I'm aloud to say but i read it at www.totalthrills.com under the international forum. Also you will be happy to know that the post also contains a link to the gallery on this site Shaun
Hi Mx5_boy My parents arn't into rides but they do enjoy a day at a themepark. They arn't anti-ride people, they will still go on them with some light proding but generaly they are happy to just enjoy the atmosphere and have fun with the family. My little sister on the other hand is like my protege. I drag her onto all the rides with me and although a little reluctant at first, she loves rides of all sorts now. It so good to watch someone else ride a ride for their first time, just to see the satisfaction in their eyes afterwards and my sister has ridden with me on a lot of my first time rides on coasters. And also unlike everyone else she actualy enjoys (or politly pretends to enjoy) listerning to me droan on about all my coaster knowledge and opinions and I lazy i think the ride op's or ont he wipeout. Just remeber i'm from a diffrn't generation here Shaun
I'm also looking forward to seeing your site Ricahard, the preview looked great. The most improtant thing to me apart from a good forum is lots of good photo's showing all the intresting parts of the ride, eg. not just overviews of the ride but shots of the cars, lift hill, station, main mechanics etc. whcih I'm sure you will have Richard after seeing some of your gallerys already. Djrappa- there's not much in the way of forums about show rides unless you can speak german but there is a good Australian site on our local travelling rides called www.ride-extravaganza.com, that a very Knowledgeable fella called David runs. Shaun
I went to luna park for the first time on the last lot of holidays and thought it was a great place. Personnaly I didn't like it that much but it did have a great atmosphere, and the kids all love it. In my opinion it is really a kids park, the place was over run with them when I was there, it could be diffrn't a night though. I was disapointed with the scenic railway though. When ever the car got to the top of the hill the 'driver' would chock on the brakes and bring the car back to a crawl, building no momentem or speed at all. Also it ran very slow lines all day so unfortunatly I opted not to ride it. Most of the rides ran very slow acutaly with only 1 person operating it took ages for the loading process. I don't know if you have ever been to StKilda but lunapark is in an excellent spot there on the bay. Don't laugh but it reminds me of surfers paradise down there on the beach Shaun
I don't know how your sites set up but wouldn't you just create a new section called 'portable ride' and just have a page on each diffrn't ride? But like you said if your not intrested it's not worth doing a half assed job and wrecking the rest of your site. Just on the portable rides, the topic is very intresting at the moment now that wittingslow has gone broke. Shaun
Is there going to be anything on the show ride type side? eg. a data base of all the traveling rides? Shaun
So TRR's had a rotating station, neat, I sapose that explains that part of the station to the right I wonder why they got rid of it, needed too many staff? I thought there had always been dinosaurs or something in that first cave? It's really nice to hear DW improving/looking after their themeing. Great post slic, and i agree that the back half of the park map is pretty out of proportion, that island is huge! It's such a nice island though too just go and clear. So the paddle steamer doesn't run anymore? Do you think that if they built on the island DW would start her back up running again? Shaun
Totaly agree with you jaggie. Why can't managers take a little bit of pride in their park, spend a few extra dollars and make a great place worth being prowd of. I reckon a great theme for a drop ride would be to a missel silo. The tower would be built in a bit of a hill and would have like and 10 meter high concret cylinder sourounding the bottom of the ride. The stair way to get to the loading area at the bottom would wind down like a stair well through the inside of the concrete cylinder with windows at regular intervals on the inside wall of the cylinder so riders would able to see people loading and takeing off in the cars below and also hear all the echoing industrial nosies comeing from far below. The whole place, including the loading zone would be dark and porly lit with old blinking worksite lights and look like something out of a james bond movie. The whole place would be made of concrete and when the ride was finsished you would catch an elevator back to the surface. The tower would be probaly built in a bit of a hill so that you didn't have to build the tower to far into the ground. So to enter the ride you would walk to the top of the small hill where you would walk through the entrance and then down the spiral staircase (spiraling around the tower) to the bottom where the loading zone is. I reckon an intamin 6 sided tower would be best as there would always be lots of movement and noise in the loading area to keep up the atmosphere. I hope you got the general jist of that but I think the ride would have an oustanding atmosphere, with like a 'walking down to your doom' sort of feeling. I got more ideas for that tower but thats the basic idea Tell me what you think Anyway i hope I havn't got too far off topic Shaun