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Everything posted by Shaun
Nick Central's come and Thunderbolt's Gone, so what now?
Shaun replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
I love these posts, this is what I come to a forum for Very intresting and educational, brain food. I still think coasters are still very apealling (sexy) to the 'GP' (Personnaly I would call my self a 'thrill ride enthusiast' as it is not the coaster but the thrill i enjoy, i'm more into flats than coasters anyway). If you ask anyone who has just been to a park what the major caster was called and where it was I'm sure that just about everyone could tell you, from little kids to grandpearnts, these things are very dominant in a theme park and are marketing machines. AS i'm sure your probaly all ware of. I'm not against DW doing up there water park but if they want to market it and try to be good compition for W'n'W they are going to have to do a real good job at it, that's all, and it's going to have to be big! I like the idea about DW takeing up into the 3 markets (rides/animals/water), is something intresting to think about anyway. I just thought of a new idea, what if they built/refurbed the water area and built one of those setpoint water coasters in there!!!! That would be a great idea. Having a coaster in the water area would really draw people into it and who would be able to resist getting wet for such a fun coaster Anyway I don't think i've said nothing new in this post anyway except for the last paragraph Shaun -
Nick Central's come and Thunderbolt's Gone, so what now?
Shaun replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
We could have a '3 park mega pass' lol You make a good point but I still think that a new coaster would draw heaps more people into the park, for at least the short term anyway. The thing I personaly don't like about having a water area is that it's a place that you have got to spend at least half a day there. You just can't jump down 2 or 3 water slides then run off to some other area of the park like you can with the rest of the rides. You like have to devote half your day to the pools espicially when the lines are long although it's nice to finish off your day at DW with a swim in their pools. Not trying to sound negative lol but why pay $50 to go to the pools at dreamnworld when I can pay a couple of dollars to go the the local pool that offers neally the same thing, I want to make the most of my $50. As always this is just my 2 cents Shaun -
I also agree that coasters should be spread out. I like the idea about going out behind/beside the matrix and another good idea that some one come up with here before was to join up the wild west area, round the back of the police academy show to the lonneytunes village, like continuing the circuit around the back. You could fit a nice big area back there and it would get rid of a few of the dead ends in the park. You all make good arguments for a new thrill ride Shaun
Nick Central's come and Thunderbolt's Gone, so what now?
Shaun replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
I think that the blue lagon would look good done up but it is still pretty nice how it is at the momment. If people want to go to a water park though you have got rember that W'n'W is just done the road, the majority of guests to dreamworld wouldn't even bring their bathers and many don't even know where to find the pools. It would be a great for people who hold a yearly pass as then you would have the rides and good water slides all in the same park but I think Dreamworld could spend the money on other atractions that would be much bigger crowd drawers then a refurbished blue lagoon. From my point of view i just can't see managment wanting to spend a heap of money on something that is not going to be a big crowd drawer. Personnaly I would make the best of my at DW by ridding as many rides as i could then spend my next day at W'n'W Shaun I too would also like to see a Swis coaster -
Nick Central's come and Thunderbolt's Gone, so what now?
Shaun replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Thanks I'm glad you got the gist of it lol, I was a bit worried there for a while -
Nick Central's come and Thunderbolt's Gone, so what now?
Shaun replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
I think it would be murder to pull down the entrance to DW!! The entrance with the big green steeple type roof really does look beautifull and sets the sceen for the rest of the park. I really would be disapointed if this was to be torn down. Walking towards it from the carpark, it's such a dominant, inviting landmark, and the steps leading up to the entrance just add to the build up getting to the park. The actual part where you walk through the entrance does look a little old but this just adds charm to the building and it still does a great job Once you enter the park it only gets better. You've got that nice big open area with entertainment and the roads heading off to the diffrn't areas of the park, and the fountain in the middle does a reall good job of breaking up the area and and setting the mood for the rest of the park. I think Dreamworlds entrance does a great job of 'greeting' guests and really sets the tone for the rest of the day. The buildings, the fountains, the souviner carts, the entertainment, the green lawns...... I can't belive that someone couldn't like this area I obviously love it and can't imagine the place without it Shaun Now if we want to talk about ugly, confusing entrances with no character, well...... let's just not get me started on seaworld..... -
Well I must admit I have only ridden the one aswell but all i know is that the Giant Drop is bloody tall! You wouldn't belive the view from the top. On the DW web site there are pictures of riders at the top of the tower showing the view and that picture is no exaduration of the view! It goes a good deal higher than the TOT aswell if I rember right. I was reading an american board once and they were talking about how high their Intamin drop rides are and that they would never ride them again (I asume they are around the same hight as the SP) and when I told them how high our GD is they couldn't belive it! They just couldn't imagine the hight. Yes it would be nice to have a bit of a story, some special afects and a cool loading station but I think I will have to vote for the height. Shaun
and arn't we all counting Another thing that may decide capicty for the whirlpool is where you get the tubes from. I wonder if they will just have a heap of tubes around the ride or maybe you will have to line up and wait for a one like with the waterslides? Obviously I don't think W'n'W will want to get all the tubes mixed up between the whirlpool, wave pool and calypso river so they are going to have watch that somehow.... Shaun
I saw the add down here last night advertising the 3 parks and the super pass. The Whirlpool looked fun but it's not qite what i expected. I expected to see waves and white water but it looked more like a tiny, shallow calypso river with a few swirls here and there? :? It looked deeper than I imagined though aswell I'm not to sure about the capacity iether, you don't think they could fit that many poepl on it do you? Looks like one of those rides where you would want plenty of room to move and you would probaly stay on it for about half an hour at a time? You wouldn't want to losse your spot. But saying that I've only seen about 3 seconds of it on the ad so i'm no expert lol Can't wait for those pics Shaun
:oops: look a the expression of the riders in the canoe though? They must of have ridden that ride like a thousand times because they don't seem to fust about a huge coaster diving into the lake with water splashing everywhere right in front of them! Shaun
Totaly agree with the simpsons thing I could of been a good special if they had of actualy put some decent episodes on. All they had were real old episodes way back from series 1. What a let down Anyway, so the hottubs are down deep, and the whirlpool just fills up on top? Shaun
That looks cool! But on closer inspection I think you have been 'had' or you have tried to 'have' us? Have a look at the closest support. And look at the rest of the track in the back ground, it just snakes around 10 meters above the ground doing nothing, what a waste of track. I can just imagine a coaster like that though diving under the water though a clear tunnel but what a bugger it would be to keep the tunnel and water clean... Shaun
Still seems a bit odd having it on the holidays but who knows Shaun
Thanks Nice to know it's apreciated You gotta love flat rides, I find them heaps more interesting than coasters Shaun
I dunno if you are intrested in carnivale rides but I was looking at the Mondial web site under 'news' and it looks like they have quite a number of new products on the way. I thoguht this was pretty exciting http://www.mondialrides.com/ Shaun
The mummy atraction was just like a temporary walk through atraction that they built there during the school holidays when my favorite movie 'the mummy' came out. It was like the school holidays advertising. It was located in that big white building when you walk in, to the left of the fountains. The whole thing was made out of hession bags and it was just like a labronth thing that you walked through with mummys jumping out at you. Groups of 4 or 5 went through at a time in aline with each others hands on the shoulders of the person in front them and you were told 'Don't touch the mummys, and they won't touch you, much!' At the time I didn't think much of it but it was a pretty good tempary atraction now i think about it. They put lots of work into it and they had a heap of actors in it all dressed up wich is a pretty good for DW. I can even say they 'got' me a couple of times too The one thing I rember about it is that for the rest of the day i was covered in hesion strands from walking through the hession that was hanging from the roof and covering the walls. I rember picking it out while i went up the giant drop. I also saw the same atration at the melbourne show the same years so I wouldn't be surprised if it travelled around a fair bit. Shaun
Well I'm glad you ask The claw is made by the good people of KMG and is labled the 'Spinout' and also comes in a few diffrn't sizes. The spinout also racks nicely on one trailer. http://www.kmg-rides.com/ It reminds me a lot of the Wipeout, it looks nothing like it though, but from a distantse it looks very intimerdating, and is a very impressive ride to watch with it's 3 diffrn't motions and the first thing that comes to mind when you see this ride is 'that's gunna make me puke:P' Because of the 3 diffrn't roatations all in opsite directions the actual ride, which apears very fast and out of control, is actualy quite slow and orgainised, and instead of spining around it more 'swings' around. It has a real unique ride, and surpised me because it did not make me fell quesy at all (even when the gravertron can make me puke ) This has got to be my favorite carnivale ride and everyone must not pass it by. Richard also had some pics in his EKKA gallery Hope you found this interesting and this is just my view of the claw Shaun
Yeah I love the claw too, it's easily the best carnviale ride we've got Shaun
So is there a reason that DW doesn't operate at full capacity or are they just trying to save $10 an hour on labour? Shaun
Ahh yes, Your right slick, I forgot about Reptar. Yeah that's they way I'm thinking aswell, Their rides all have to be significantly diffrn't. I like your point about capacity and multi-train rides Richard Ive noticed the same on the Lethal Weapon. When there is 2 train operation there is a lot more pressure to get the trains moving through faster because you've always got the second train waiting. Anyway Shaun
Not trying to put down the impulse, It looks like a great ride but what do you think Dreamworld could advertise better to the general public and which one would apeal more to them out of an impulse and DJV? Also Dreamworld has already got an (without a better word) impulse type coaster with their TOT so i doubt that they would be looking at another........... IMO I think that the GP would love the DJV but like Richard says there are a lot more better coasters out there. Also If I was Dreamworld I would want my new coaster to be obviously diffrn't from the rest. Dreamworld already has a; launch caoster, wild mouse coaster and a looping coaster (I sapsoe thats what you call it?) so what options do they have left? A suspended jumps straight to mind but MW already has one of those......... so what else could they put in there, floorless, standup, flying, 4D who knows...........? They're obviously not going to put another cyclone in there. Anyway that's just my 2 cents Shaun
Hi Rainbow and welcome Rember you have to ride the claw for me at the melbourne show Shaun
If they could get it to work all the time i would have to go the Deja'Vu Shaun
What about Deja'vu? It lloks like a cool little bomarang Shaun
In the newspaper a couple of months back they had a plan of the developed show grounds. The theme park part was very small, although it did have a big red rollercoaster that ran up the side of the showgrounds! It did look big, but from memory didn't look like a fllorless or anything along those lines (It didn't have any corkscrews or cobra turns in it) it was long and skinny. The article also put a fair bit of emphisis into the animal nursery. The show grounds will remain but just be much smaller. Apart from the hotel (whcih didn't take up that much space) I also rember seeing a little convention center, but now I think about it, I think that it's proably the one that is already there.... The main arena is also going to be rebuilt Shaun