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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Yeah good points Richard, but I still think it sounds to good to be true for us to get a B&M :? I just figured out how to add pictures! I hope you like it You can see why they call it a cobra roll! Shaun
  2. I would love a B&M coaster over here, preferably a floorless or a flying one You have got to rember just how big a B&M is though. A floorless probaly has a capacity of over 2000 people an hour and do we really need a coaster that big? I mean I would love one and all but are parks really going to pay that much for a ride that will hardl ever run full capacity? (How many people would atend an Australian theme park a day anyway?) That said though a B&M flying coaster would hvae a much smaller capacity. The general public also don't know about B&M and coasters like that so we don't know what we are missing out on anyway so our parks could just build any new coaster and we would be happy with it. I dunno, I just think B&M's are to big, to expensive but I will still keep my fingers crossed for one. :? Anyway Shaun
  3. They just signed this new thing with Mravel so they must be planning something big. Does anyone have any idea of what they are up too? Maybe a new coaster? Anyway Shaun
  4. Do they have a future in Australia? All our rides seem very old? The other day we were talking in my class and everyone in my class had gone to the last show but hardly anyone actualy went on the rides, they were just there for the atmosphere. Do you think we just need a few more new rides or what is your opinion on the whole thing? Do you think that new rides would be sucsesfull? Is there much money in it? Thanks Shaun
  5. I want photos! Have any other rides like this been built before? Does anyone have and pics of the construction or other similar rides to this? Thanks Shaun
  6. I never realised how big the new area was going to be! So what seperates it from the ocean parade? Does anyone know how much money dreamworld is spending on it all? This will make a big improvement to the park and will atract a lot of people to the park. Thanks for the constant update Shaun
  7. There is quite a distance between the two parks ins't there, but i sapose a hotel would quickly fill in that gap but the parks have got a bit of expanding to meet up? I agree with what was said a few weeks back that MW should expand in the opisite direction to link up the Wild West and the Loony tunes land. How cool would it be if they linked up though but I still think it's to far, they could always just pick up WnW though and relocate it a few ks up the road How is Wet'n'Wild going anyway? It must be doing ok because it keeps steadily expanding? 4 million! that's alright. That's like a 5th of our country going there every year! (just an example) Anyway Shaun
  8. Did anyone know that IAAPA (International Association of Amusemnet Parks and Attractions) are holding their summer metting next year at Conrads Jupiter casino at the same time that AALARA is on. I think we are pretty luck get the IAAPA coming over here. Has anyone been to an AALARA (Australian Amusement and lesiure Recreation Association) meeting? Do they have anything there intresting to look at or do? I wonder if they will have much of a trade show with IAAPA their too? Do you think it would be worth going too? www.iaapa.org/products/p-summer.htm Anyway all comments welcome Shaun
  9. They actualy do make movies or something there don't they? What exactly do they make? Does anyone know any movies that have been made there? Just intrested Shaun
  10. Does Dreamworld ever change the ride programe on the WipeOut though? Every time i have ridden it (which was a while ago) it was always the same ride programe and you probaly only flipped completly over 3 or maybe 4 times a ride. Do they ever change it? Can they and do they ever run it manualy? anyway Shaun
  11. Welcome Me too! i love the WipeOut (hence the name) anyway Happy birthday Shaun
  12. "Couldn't have said it better myself" lol Well thanks Joz :oops: I never really thought of that, DW,SW & WW do have some really nice quiet spots that you can just hang around and relax in. Just some where to get away from the rides and crowds. Another thing I like to do when I am bored is just hop on the parks transport system and just ride that around for a while relaxing and watching everything go past. (beets walking ) So you can do this at SW on the monerail, DW on the train and on the Clypso beach ride to some extent at WW but there is nothing like that at Movie World! Another thing..... lol is that all the shows at Movieworld are very full on. Not like at Seaworld where you can just go sit down and watch the dolphin show and relax. The MW ones seem a lot more full on, where you just can't sit and relax . It's hard to explain. You just can't sit and relax, you have got to be concentrating and with all the loud noises and effects.... I hope you get my drift Anyway what i think I'm trying to say is that there is not many places to relax in at MW Anyway Shaun
  13. Diddle Squat? Please explain thanks Shaun
  14. What i would really like to see is a water coaster of some kind or just some major atraction that isn't just a water slide. Maybe something like the new water coaster that Hershey Park in america just built Where would they put it though? Maybe past the other side of calypso beach? Anyway Shaun
  15. I totaly agree with Joz about expanding into a new area behind the stunt show and linking it up to the other areas to make a continues track and I reckon that there would be a pretty good chance of them probaly doing that. Last time I went to MW (before scoobydoo) the park seemed very small and annoying because of all the dead ends and to get to any big rides like lethal weapon or wild west you had to walk up long boring paths only to turn around and come back again. I rember the area between the Gotham city cafe and the wild west ride seemed all very boring and dull and seemed like a lot of wasted space. The thing you do mostly at a theme park is walk, and it's so boring haveing to doubleback all the time along the same long boring roads. Usualy when I'm bored at a park I just tend to walk around and look but you soon get sick of that at MW. Anyway I havn't checked out these forums for a couple of months now becuase no one was talking on them, and today I was bored so decided to have a look at them and was pleasntly surprised to see so many posts and I spent qite a while reading them. It is so much more interesting reading about Australian parks that you know about than reading the overseas forum. I was one of the first members to sign up here (not that that means anything) and am glad to see this site grow in members and in posts. I just wish that I could be up there in the action with yous instead of stuck down here in Victoria. Anyway looking forward to participating Shaun
  16. Yeah I picked up on that too. Congradulations you made it on tv Are you the same Richard that posted all the time on Thrill Network too by any chance? Anyway Shaun
  17. As much as I hate to say it I think Dreamworld should just scrap it and build a new coaster. It would cost to much to fix it up when they could just build a new coaster that would be 10 times better than it, and think of all the publicity dreamworld could get if it got a brand new coaster Waste of money fixing it Thanks Shaun
  18. Sounds good, thanks $4!! what a bargin! Shaun
  19. It sounds great! Can't wait to ride it and I'm glad that Movieworld put it in. (all it needs now is some decent flat rides) Does anyone have or know where I can find pictures from the inside of ScoobyDoo. I doubt that there are any but some one might have some? Anyway thanks Shaun
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