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Gold Coaster

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Everything posted by Gold Coaster

  1. Exactly. I loved Stephen Gregg's comment about looking forward to sharing the market. Very diplomatic. Better press than saying 'We will crush the hell outta Wet'n'Wild. You're going down, Menzies!'
  2. Wow. Think about how many melanomas were brewing that day...
  3. Haha, you can't fool me - I know you're really coming up for the Rosey Tea Cup Ride
  4. I also heard something on SeaFM offering a prize of entry for a person and 3 mates or something like that yesterday
  5. Yeah, I missed it too, forgot but Grant Denyer's a family friend so I'll give him a call and organise a tape then convert it into DivX.
  6. I disagree. I think for many people, quality over quantity will be the deciding factor. WWW doesn't feel pokey nor do its attraction have a 'ride only once or twice then you're sick of them' factor. Not to mention that the park is brand-spanking new and not slightly rundown and standard of technology much higher. And if I was a family, being able to hop between WWW & DW would be more attractive than WNW & MW: easier to do too
  7. Best ride has to be Super Tubes Hydrocoaster. Definitely get a few rides in on that.
  8. Batman the Ride 2 is CRAP. I actually enjoyed the first ride film they had more and it was actually more intense I think [well seemed so to me]. I've never had a headache on this current one. I'm actually going to go say the Looney Tunes River Ride as it's still reasonable to do the once given its age and if it's a hot or rainy day, it's a chance to get out of those conditions. The pre-show is corny as though.
  9. Umm what? Who says they're not going to do an official site? Someone has just registered this particular domain name for the site and is affiliated with another enthusiast site, ThemeParkVideos. How is that linked to MW not doing one?
  10. yep you certainly do... it's over very quickly, but worth the queue time. I wouldn't call it the signature attraction though. IMHO that has to go to the hydrocoaster. I know that the Nick area will apparently have characters like Chuckie, Angelica etc... Wiggles is the only other area... I'm thinking they will bring those characters over too when they're not at Wiggles World.
  11. Wow, what an awesome day. Almost experienced a major delay in getting there due to having an appointment at Movieworld but that got shifted so I was there on time. After a speedy "check-in" at the ticket booth, we were through and promptly dumped our stuff in a locker. $8 was the price for an all-day locker - some rows weren't working though. But yeah, absolutely fantastic. Best ride is definitely the Super Tubes Hydrocoaster with some excellent airtime, magnificent speed and a high 'Oh Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit' factor The Rip is fantastic though not quite as fast as I expected... quite a strange sensation and better than the Green Room IMHO. The B.R.O. was quite fast with confined tunnels and I stopped at the very top briefly, Daniel & his girlfriend got majorly stuck and so for once I actually won on a racer slide The Green Room beats Wet'n'Wild at its own Tornado game, feeling steeper, faster and wetter - no water curtain at the end but that doesn't really detract. Temple of Huey was fun and you can go in a single tube or the multi-person tubing. You can actually choose to go backwards which was fun. Nick Pipeline Plunge was massive, with no age restrictions and the body slides are actually quite long... lots of water activities for the kiddies too. Cave of Waves was pretty evil, even though it's a smaller pool the wave patterns are really cool but everyone uses the tubes. It's not a place to try swimming thru the waves. As it is, when you are on a tube, you do have to keep a close eye that you don't get someone's feet in your face. Went to 'Bite Me' for lunch and the combos are mainly quite expensive. We went with the Lifeguard Combos which came to about $10.50 and have pizza (Cheese, Supreme or Meat), postmix soft drink and chips. Upsizing the postmix from regular to large costs $1, the chips to large 50 cents. They didn't have any WWW-themed napkins, food containers etc yet though. Gift shop was decent and the actual WWW merchandise actually really good... boardshorts, tanks, tees, the usual deal plus some other bits and pieces like magnets etc. Quality good, and not TOO expensive. Shirts were about $30, board shorts $60, magnets about $10... and of course there's Billabong branded gear, flipflops and all that kind of thing. The media were out today in full force as were members of some champion lifesaving club etc. A helicopter flew in close to the Cave of Waves to film but the most bizarre thing were the fireworks in the middle of the day (which apparently sprouted glitter). An FJ Holden and the dog head characters also did the rounds. Didn't really look at Wiggle Bay closely but it looked like a nice area for toddlers. The queues were often overly long, the rides took a bit of time to all open (due to test runs etc) but all in all it was a really smoothly-run preview day. Cannot wait to hit the park again and I doubt I will bother with Wet'n'Wild much anymore if at all. I now come home with a bag of slightly expensive WWW merchandise and sunburn but most importantly the pleasure of having had a really enjoyable day. Will be heading back there Friday to mainly focus on photography/video as well as next week with various friends.
  12. they will probably add one at some stage, but they're starting small. well, off to whitewater world now
  13. YAY! Tomorrow! This park opening, Thrillville and Wii all in the one week! Talk about a magnificent week for geeks.
  14. Gold Coaster

    The Wii

    Yep. I will be picking up my Wii at the midnight Pac Fair EB launch. Have preordered the Wii, Red Steel, Zelda, an additional nunchuck, additional remote/Wii Play pack, classic controller and 2000 points card. All completely paid for exact for the console. Will probably pick up a third game as well. What are you all getting at launch in terms of games/gear?
  15. Thanks GoGoBoy. A visit will certainly be a pretty amazing day out.
  16. haha - or the waves in the wave pool 0.5 metre higher.
  17. 10. The unveiling of the new Flowrider. 09. Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom at Buccaneer Bay 08. Whitewater Mountain now 'Temple of Tweedy' 07. In a world-first, Super 8 Aqua Racer now a 32-lane octopus slide 06. Manboob Model Quest 05. Demolition of the waterpark for the construction of timeshare unit complex 04. Free Heath Ledgers for the kiddies. 03. A B-Grade celebrity singing a dodgy cover with an even dodgier celeb partner 02. The chance to go down the Tornado - without a tube, HEAD-FIRST 01. Wez'n'Will action figures for every partygoer
  18. Under Dreamworld's new media policy, theme park websites such as this one, Dreamnova etc will NOT be invited to media events. The reason for this is that they no longer see any benefit in having us along. I for one find this puzzling being that they are launching WhiteWater World, the show Nightmares etc in a bid to take on Warner Village Theme Parks in a bigger and bigger way yet they're not going to allow websites which have international exposure to both the casual parkgoer and enthusiasts who discuss the finer details of how rides function to have access to these events/privileges. It's a kick in the teeth to every site out there as well as people in this community who take an interest in the latest developments. But, I suppose, if they put sites in a position where they will be biased in WVTP's favour, then that's what they're going to have to deal with.
  19. I thought I saw something about maintenance on the site recently.
  20. How do I find out which rides are undergoing maintenance at LPM ? Is there a part of the website that tells you? Could be going down to Melbourne tomorrow and would want to hit Prison Break Live, Scenic Railway etc.
  21. I'm not of the suburb but the apartments on the site are called 'Magic Mountain' aren't they, guys?
  22. Internationally, it's Splash Mountain with the Jurassic Park one a close second. Australia, it's Wild West Falls followed by Rocky Hollow then Vikings Revenge I don't believe in acceptable levels of wetness... to me, anything is acceptable - it is a WATER ride after all!
  23. Looking forward to hitting Kraken next year - for now, I'll just send daggers of bitter bitter envy your way, Ian. You haven't been to Orlando 'myk'? You'd be in seventh heaven. The parks here are much less appealing once you've been somewhere like that - as good as they are getting, it will be awhile before we have the same kind of deal. Which is common sense really, but it doesn't stop me missing overseas parks
  24. Yeah, why go on day 2 when you have the chance to go to an opening. could always go all-out and hit the park everyday in its first few days of operation, that way even though you have a busy park to deal with, you can still have a decent run all-up. also, i suppose, the cap will keep attendance to what it would normally be anyway. new signs - 'Welcome to our Worlds' at the entrance near the Big Brother gate. there's also the Whitewater World on the southern side of a sign near the motorway as well as a park sign at the entrance booths.
  25. Yep will be out there, can't wait. Gotta love the new signs too.
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