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Mad Hatter

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About Mad Hatter

  • Birthday 01/05/1981

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    Keeping it AUS - Lethal Weapon

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  1. when we were there for slayer last year, there was a bench seat against the wall. Just above it was the plaque.
  2. there is no way you could get a car repaired and back on track within the time frame of the next show even if you have the most minor of accidents or even most mechancial failures. Got to keep a few cars as spares that can simply be swapped over in the event of something happening, but they could also rotate the cars through service and strip down and rebuild them as per a maintenance schedule. Its not like a ride where they can stay in service for thousands of hours with minimal down time, this particular package is very tough on gearboxes, differentials and even things such as wheel bearings and the like, even the chassis and roll cage structure is prone to mechanical stress. They would to have a service plan that seems them stripped down and inspected along with wear items replaced, could see the car out of use for a number of days before its returned to service.
  3. Sorry, but you are wrong. It wasnt baked in an oven, it was fried. here is an example. http://www.wentz.net/donut/history_of_the_donut.htm The american donuts are actually the very same dutch ones. They arrived in america and were made just the same as the dutch ones, deep fried with a centre filled with fruit or nuts. And I agree, churros are much better Yeah, and how are all their stores doing now? same thing happened on the coast. AND FYI, you dont have to proof the batter, they use an active yeast. With everything else you have to make, you simply dont need to take more time to make something when it isnt needed. About the only thing a bakery might proof these days are some specialist doughs, biscuit bases (largely to keep them fresh over a number of days) and maybe if they have a large number of loaves to bake the next day. edit: its not an oven either. Its a just a cabinet, similar perhaps to display cabinets you might see out the front (for instance, the pie warmers). All it does is provide a warm, moist place for the yeast to ferment, doesnt get anywhere near hot enough to be an oven, its just used to warm.
  4. sorry, but thats just not a donut. There should be some dough, hence the name, it shouldnt be a light kinda fluffy cake consistancy. They were always deep fried, so you have it arse about backwards, its only been an american thing to do it differently recently baking or part baking them. If you want to find a source of donuts, look towards the dutch. Dutch donuts (called oliebollen) are what is essentially traditional donuts, a puffy ball with a doughy centre, sometimes they are filled with fruit and spice. The resulting donuts are crisp on the outside, but doughy inside. See where it came from? and fyi, I am best friends with a couple of bakers who make 3 different varieties of donuts, including the original dutch ones.
  5. very overrated if you ask me. Light and fluffy, but overly sweet in most cases, their plain donuts dont really taste like donuts, its kinda hard to explain. Donuts should be crispy on the outside but kinda gooey inside, should have some sort of weight to them.
  6. yeah, i just went with the vip pass this year instead. 10% off in store isnt worth spending an extra $100 for and most people Id go to parks with have passes now too.
  7. went a bit stingy on the annual pass things now I reckon. When I originally got mine you got 50% off for up to 4 guests in the month of your birthday, now its only 25%. If you have a mega pass the discount is. If you just have a single pass.
  8. ok, birthday suits are now perfectly acceptible costumes now its marketed at an older audience. They did want to amp up the level of excitement didnt they? Just an idea (that doesnt mean a whole lot now), how about having the last 2 nights the adults/teens orientated event, alcohol etc not so much of a problem then. Could give the kids a chance to get in on the fun earlier in the month, then let the grown ups come out to play. Im not sure what im going to go as this year. Any ideas? pirate last year which went down really well with the japanese tourists in the park but short of maiming someone in main street, its been done. Everyone says to go as hagrid, but come on, just how freaking exciting is a 6ft 6 man with a pink umbrella and a beard
  9. anyone notice the chairs at 0:50 the reporters were sitting on? plastic fantastic found in wet n wild
  10. they also warn you in park when filling out the forms, when you are about to have your photo taken, then hand you a slip of paper with all the limitations on it when you are given your printed card. If you had any problems with the dates you had ample opportunity to do or say something about it then.
  11. went yesterday and its gone a whole lot of classics again like singing in the rain.
  12. from what ive heard, its not so much money thats an issue, its just poor decisions along the way which havent helped. Underestimated the wear and tear on the vehicles is a big one, if they had a chance again they probably would have gone with full tube frame chassis like the stunt car built in reverse. Would have made repairs much easier and could have swapped out the drivetrain to something else that will cope a little better. It really is a show that could have 3 or 4 sessions a day in peak periods because its over so quickly, but the reliability suffers greatly when you amp up the amount of drive time. Its a trade off, the more indepth the show is, the longer the cars are out on the track which increases the chances of a failure. Police academy was such a good runner because the human element took just as much (if not more actually) stage time as any vehicles part of the show. In saying that though, the driving quality is excellent. Some really hard stunts performed, made it seem effortless. Wonder how many cars were binned during pre production though
  13. no glass wear no eskies and no commercial food. Thats all it ever should (and was) be. No way known at all they can justify stopping people from bringing a sandwich into the park.
  14. I thought they built the exterior set and shot on location in guanaba?
  15. http://www.parkz.com.au/forums/index.php?showtopic=3806 this might be of some help to you.
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