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Everything posted by HussRainbow

  1. It wasnt even a Zierer, so it doenst bother me, cos that italian made one they have is crap
  2. that was funny!!! lol, and nice to see the ride has a sign!
  3. No there are more than one type of tree, there is only one type of flower, there are small hedges, and small trees, and the building parts are similar to RCT2, all in all, they are ok, the trees arent as nice as rct2
  4. Hopefully the frame rate for the game will be better with the final release, cos even fast computers, and good ATI cards are getting crap FPS
  5. well at least your not the only one, I hear ATARI will be releasing an updated demo, after the games release, which is kinda pointless, but anywho, i've had no problems
  6. bounty would be out of the question anyway! 1. They Have a Ranger 2. It's bigger than Ranger 3. It would get even more complaints!
  7. ahhh yeah Gazz, thanks man, I just realised that a lil while ago, but I didnt think to edit it! , lol Im thinking of that Matterhorn type ride, called the Rage!
  8. yeah lol the rage, at that park in perth! was fkn funny ahahahahah
  9. well you should go, wouldnt you like to ride it full of naked men?
  10. it takes a little while to get used to! I kinda wish the controls were the same to RCT 1 & 2
  11. this has been happpening to quite alot of people, especially on the ATARI forums. Many people are having trouble with Service Pack 2, for XP PRO, but I have SP2 and the game runs perfect.... Sorry I can't help. if you check out the forums, ull be able to find help there
  12. yeahh, oh well, if they keep them in good condition, it should be ok!
  13. so I'm guessing you didn't really enjoy sitting through the Exorcist? But anyway, I doubt Lp will get in anything that is massive, it could be a park version of a popular travelling ride, but who knows
  14. Hehehe, its a great Demo, got it shortly after Liam got it! (Thanks Liam) and I love Ranger, can't also wait to ride Zipper lol
  15. it would have been cool if LP had purchased a Rainbow, and placed it where Troika is, that would have been totally AWESOME!!!
  16. In all honesty, the residents are a bunch of morons who just want it their way! jeez imagine if they were in control. It would be filled with all pissy rides, that basically do nothing. I also LOVE the sound of the Ranger and Rainbow. They are fantastic noises!
  17. HussRainbow

    RCT3 Update

    its also for computers that aren't as fast etc etc, and can pan out easier, the performance
  18. HussRainbow

    RCT3 Update

    yeah me 2, can't wait to have a go, but ill still buy it
  19. HussRainbow

    RCT3 Update

    the Demo will be out tomorrow this is official, stated in an ATARI press release
  20. 1. They look like them, just enough for you to know who they are but they don't look good enough!! 2. I hope Luna Park sells Ranger to a travelling family, because it would be a fantastic investment!!! 3. Rainbow is a bit louder than Ranger too!, becuase the motors work harder to power the conduct system in the lower arm, so that rules out luna buying a Rainbow 4. Lol, no probs Patt
  21. And thankgod wittingslow decided to keep Rainbow. Obviously found it more appealing to riders, than the pretty intense looking Ranger, specially cos at the shows rainbow and ranger were the 2 biggest rides, in the early 90's
  22. yeah it would be good, awesome views of the harbour, and having a bit of fun at the same time! also your av is fine I reckon, its only Regan, lol or just have this pic, its from the RollerGhoster
  23. I agree with you on some level. I really hate when they have famous people on the backdrop, and they dont even look like them!. I much prefer a backdrop like what Wittingslow Had on Rainbow, nice lettering with stars and 2 angels on either side
  24. but dude think, if Ranger is ok, Rainbow would be too! just place it further back, and not so close to the water. Or does Luna Park wanna boot Ranger still?
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