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  1. Have just got back from Dreamworld after a pleasant morning wandering around the park. Such a different environment without the sound of coasters or Tower running in the background... more like Currumbin. The thing that made a huge impression on us was the incredibly welcoming attitude of everyone working today... genuinely pleased to be open again... the staff were great. I think opening the park this morning without the rides was actually a good idea. The park had the right balance of laughter, solemnity and fun needed to avoid any more bad press and in this, Craig Davidson, Deborah Thomas and the team made a good call (we were able to tell them this as they spent most of the day around the fountain and they were more than pleased to chat with everyone). Dreamworld will recover... the crowds will come back and people will move on.
  2. From the Finance news last week (March 29th). Village have already ditched the Austereo Group.... Shares in Village Roadshow Ltd (ASX:VRL) closed almost 15 per cent stronger on Monday after announcing it had accepted Southern Cross Media Group’s (ASX:SXL) offer for its 52.5 per cent stake in radio broadcaster Austereo. The theme park operator will receive initial proceeds of around $362 million from the sale which will likely result in a pre-tax profit of around $205 million. Village Roadshow intends to put the funds towards pursuing growth in China, investing in its film and music division and distributing $1 per share to shareholders in July. At the beginning of the month the company sold its Sydney Attractions Group for $115 million to England’s Merlin Entertainment Group. Yesterday shares in Southern Cross Media Group fell 1.49 per cent to close at $1.65. Shares in Village Roadshow climbed 14.94 per cent to close at $4.00. In the first six months of the 2011 financial year, Village Roadshow generated a net profit of $48 million.
  3. Ha - DJ, your line about people going to the parks just to eat is so true. When I lived in England, we moved to Kent (South East) to be closer to DLP. One day, (because we could), the wife and I drove through the channel tunnel, down to Disneyland Paris, went in the park - rode Space Mountain, then left the park, went to Festival Disney (to the Steakhouse), spent four hours having a most awesome meal - and then drove home. Incidentally, we have also done that trip to buy a couple of limited edition, Paris only, Halloween beanies. Since I arrived on the Gold Coast five years ago, I have always thought that the place is crying out for a Rainforest Cafe or a T-Rex Cafe or similar. I think they would make a fortune! Cheers! Axl
  4. Regarding the assertion that not everyone wants to buy merchandise and especially limited edition collectibles; I may have given the wrong idea of price point. True, I will happily purchase Ltd edition sericels and maquettes , however, I was thinking more along the lines of $10 beanies (branded seasonally) or $5 pins. It doesn't have to be expensive. I have a six year old son who saves up his pocket money and every Saturday will buy a Bakugan or Beyblade or Hot Wheels - it doesn't have to be expensive; it's a constant revenue stream. Soon after the VIP pass was introduced, the first department to adapt to the changing demographic was Food & Beverage. They realized the VIP Guest would not be going for sit down meals and so the offer shifted to grab and go. Unfortunately for us, they then got greedy and started to try and increase GP by increasing prices; by removing drinks from meals until the perception now is that all food is stupidly expensive. Actually it isn't that bad... I went to skilled park last week to watch the Titans - now that is expensive! As a final thought, I know Disney are the masters at manipulating the brand - their cleverest trick is adding 'perceived' value. Their stuff is insanely expensive; the difference is that most magical of sentences to any retailer/attraction... "but it was worth it!". As long as the Guests have a great time, they don't mind spending - and that is the same the world over. And, another final thought (doh!); forget Disnry, if Movie World cannot leverage off the Warner Brothers and DC brands and the Guests truly just want to 'come in and ride rides', then ditch the (very) expensive licenses, don't worry about theming and just buy some off the shelf rides. That will save a stack of cash! Cheers! Axl
  5. In relation to the point that VIP members do not spend (myself included), price is only half the story. I love spending money - there is simply nothing to spend it on. The same old T-Shirts, low quality, iron on prints... Where are the collectibles, where are the limited releases, where is my compelling reason to purchase? I used to work for the mouse - back in the days when mini bean bags were the rage - and every Tuesday morning, we would have lines upon lines of people waiting to give us money. Annual passholders (VIPs), begging to buy something. The VIP pass is a fantastic business idea - the trick is to tailor your offer to make people spend; not to price yourself out of the food market and then close everything down so people can't buy anything, even if they want to. Gazza makes a good point; on the Gold Coast people are generally not short of a few quid - give us something to buy! Cheers! Axl.
  6. DJ, The change in opening times would be fine if VRTP advertised, as a consequence of purchasing the VIP pass, that I would have limited access to the parks (compared to when they were purchased), or that full paying Guests would have limited time to visit the attractions. VRTP management knew exactly what would happen when they introduced the VIP pass (this is of course the second season this pass has been available) and, when you launch a cut price product such as the VIP pass, it is on the understanding that you maximize revenue by increasing casual spend through F&B, retail etc and, subsequently, you amend your offer accordingly so that there is a compelling reason to spend money when you are in the parks (a great example of this is the Disney Annual Pass and the introduction of Mini Bean Bag Plush, Pins, Koosh, Vinylmation, D23 etc). This is something VRTP have failed to introduce - money was spent on the new attractions at the fish farm and on up-charge attractions at Wet 'n' Wierd - however, they have missed the simple fact that 'build it, and they will come'. The simplicity of theming, of creating an environment of escapism upon which theme parks rely. Instead, money is 'saved' by just not opening the stores until the afternoon; by posting signs saying that the outlets will be open at midday, 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock etc. I hate walking through the parks listening to Guests asking where they can buy a drink - people want to spend money. Why should the Guest who arrives when the store opens have any less of an experience than someone who turns up at 2.30pm (who, ironically, is one of the people who is more likely to not spend any money). Why should the interstate Guests; who aren't as lucky as someone like myself and can just pop into the park for an hour when I am bored, have any less of an experience. It is false economy - and, depressingly, there is no way back. Having introduce the VIP pass, there is no way for VRTP to go. We all received the questionnaire online last week asking whether we would prefer to pay $99.00 for the VIP pass, or if we would prefer to spend $129 and receive 10-15% off purchases in the park. VRTP can never again charge full price for entrance - all of Queensland will hold off until the prices are reduced as we all know that the tickets aren't worth full price. Unless... Unless the parks invest heavily into the 'Theme' park. Until they provide a unique and compelling offer. Until they provide that magic 'value for money' proposition which will have the crowds returning to the parks on their own merit. I hope they do. I love the Gold Coast parks; I love Movie World and Sea World and Wet 'n' Wild - and I want a reason to keep returning. Only operating half of the parks for half of the day with half of the staff and half of the rides and attractions is, sadly, not the way to do it. Cheers! Axl.
  7. Lego on the loose has been planned for months - check out the micro-site on myfun.com.au or google "Lego on the loose" for all the details on the project (including some great building videos of the models in Europe). The Lego Store has replaced the gelato shop and opened at the beginning of last week. As you will see through the site, there are models all through the Aquarium and Wildlife World, as well as a 4D Lego film showing at the Sydney Tower (in addition to Oztrek). It' a great fit with Merlin and is planned to remain in situ (with alterations/additions) for the next year. Cheers! Wayne.
  8. Absolutely agree with you! I've been saying for ages that this would be a fantastic addition to either of the Gold Coast parks (MW or DW). They are relatively cheap, they look the business (check out Mumbo Jumbo in Flamingo Land in England), they ride really well, they have decent capacity and yes, they have a silly small footprint. Apart from the fact t isn't a B&M flyer, it is the perfect choice! Cheers!
  9. OK, if I'm designing my park, first, it has to have a flying coaster (like Tatsu or Manta). I've been in love with these since Air opened in Alton Towers. Next would have to be a huge, traditional Wooden; Ghost-rider is a good example, Tonnerre de Zeus is still the most extreme I've ever been on. Last coaster would be a launched coaster (either B&M (Hulk) or Intamin (California Screaming)). Then it needs a very cool immersive indoor attraction (Spiderman is the benchmark - haven't ridden Forbidden Journey Yet). Indiana Jones (DL) or the Mummy (Orlando version). And, to cap it off, every park needs a wet ride; choose either a raft; Grizzly River Run (DCA), Pluto's Barges or Flume (Splash Mountain, obviously!). The theming in my park would be fantastic; the Service amazing and in my park - it only rains between the hours of 2 and 5 am.
  10. Sorry; am I missing something very obvious. This thread, started on the 20th of December 2009 asked where the AquaLoop should be placed. The ride is an AquaLoop. It has been referred to as the AquaLoop on every discussion on this (and other) forums. And the winning name for the slide is AquaLoop?!? Where's the hidden camera, is it April 1st, what am I missing?
  11. I saw a news story about that image as well; not only have they ripped off the Pirates of the Caribbean, but the image of the woman to the right of the steps is from the best selling porn film Pirates in the Caribbean' (which itself is a 'homage' to the Disney film).
  12. In fairness, 15 minutes after the previous photographs were taken, with the exception of Take One, Daily Planet and Lethal Weapon, all of the other stores were open. They all open at 11.30am, a fact advertised in each store window. WB Boutique was the only exception to this, opening at 12.00noon.
  13. Richard, I'm lucky enough to live and work up here. Count me in and as things get more organized, I'd be more than happy to help with ferrying around etc if required.
  14. Went to Sea World today. Sesame Street theming is all finished - a little bit of cosmetic work to do behind the new stage. 3Yr old son and heir loved the new 'Bert and Ernie' show which was packed out for all three shows, Big Bird, Oscar, Elmo, etc singing, dancing and limboing with a bit of audience participation. Everything else is as it was, but with fresh paint and new theming throughout. The addition of Big Birds Bounce, the only real change to the area. Overall impression is good - though possibly not worth lowering the lower age limit of a child because of the 'enhanced area' (age limit has recently gone down to define non-paying child as under three, not three and under as it was previously).
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