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Everything posted by Bussy

  1. Bush Beast had a two button system (auto mode). One was to dispatch, it basically opened the station brakes, and it needed to be held down until the train was out of the station. The other button was for the four sets of brakes the led into the station. Again it was held down until the train was in the correct position in the station. If either button was released early the brakes would close, pressing it again would release them again. "The Bus is now leaving for Helder Inlet, Tasmania"
  2. Favourite rides to operate were Demon and Snowy. Least favourite was Zodiac on a hot and/or busy day. "The Bus is now leaving for Favorite Waterhole, South Australia"
  3. Bounty's had two motors and four tyres that drove the ride. There were sensors at the pivot point that told the motors which direction to spin in. At the beginning of the ride the tyres would spin slowly to get the momentum up and the get faster and faster they would then slow down until the ride completely stopped. There was no hydraulics that moved the tyres up and down. There was one time when there was an error with the computer that caused one set of tyres to spin the opposite direction to the other. Luckily the ride had only just started but the ride was up on the water side and kept bouncing off the set of wheels. The tyres were screaming every time they were hit because they were spinning in the opposite direction. The operator then pressed the e-stop and which bought the ride back to the station. The maintenance guys didn't believe the operator until the saw the tyres and the flat spots on them. It is also impossible for the ride to be stuck up the top as the drive for the ride is not attached to it and therefore cannot seize or shut down. It sometimes would look like it was stopped upside down but it was just due to a lot of conditions being just right. The slightest gust of wind moved it. The longest it would stay up there is a couple of seconds before it started moving again. "The Bus is now leaving for Tyrelock, Victoria"
  4. There is now a development application for the Wonderland site. It can be found here and the details follow. Proposal title: Coles Myer National Distribution Centre and Associated Support Infrastructure, Eastern Creek, Blacktown LGA The proposal involves the development of a Coles Myer National Distribution Centre and associated support infrastructure at 100 Wallgrove Road, Eastern Creek. The proposed facility would be used by Coles Myer Ltd as a National Distribution Centre for the purpose of receiving, storing and supplying retail outlets with predominately supermarket products as part of its Food and Liquor Supply Chain. The proposed facility would have a total area of approximately 66,565m2 and would operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Location: 100 Wallgrove Road, Eastern Creek (Lot 11 DP 1025320) LGA: Blacktown Exhibition location: The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR) will exhibit the DA and Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) from Thursday 7 April 2005 until Monday 9 May 2005, during regular business hours at: Information Centre, 20 Lee Str Also on exhibition at: Blacktown City Council, 62 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown; and Nature Conservation Council, Level 5, 362 Kent Street, Sydney DA Number: DA-59-03-2005-i Planning instrument: Section 76A(7) of the Act as it satisfies the criteria of State Environmental Planning Policy No 34 - Major Employment Generating Industrial Development Applicant: PacLib Industrial Pty Ltd Submission to: Major Development Assessment, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, GPO Box 39 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Reference: DA-59-03-2005-i Closing date: Monday, May 09, 2005 Further Inquiries: Chris Ritchie 9228 6413 "The Bus is now leaving for Sale Special Developmental School Victoria"
  5. I am guessing that you are talking about parking the ride at the end of the day. I can't remember the layout of Corkscrew but is there an area where the train can be put on a side track? The other thing it might be is the train is parked just outside the station at the end of the day and therefore requires it to be done 'manually'. Bush Beast could be run in manual braking mode which required the operator to press the four brake buttons in sequence to bring the train into the station. I heard a story about the maintenance guys nearly crashing the train by holding down all the buttons as the train came into the braking area and then into the station. The maintenance guy applied the brakes at the last minute so it slowed enough to get around the corner at the end of the station. If the brakes hadn't been applied the train would have de-railed and probably ended up in the entrance path for the beach. The words "instant dismissal" come to mind. The brakes on the majority of coasters are the standard fin brakes. The magnetic brakes on GD will be the same as the ones on SP. They are not electromagnetic and therefore will still operate when there is a power failure. "The Bus is now leaving for Cane Brake Creek, Western Australia"
  6. From what I have heard today they are now complaining about the guests screaming. Can you believe it? They have actually singled out 5 rides that they find offensive, how they can nail certain rides down is beyond me. They have taken this tack to get around the new legislation the government brought in. From what I understand they are taking it to the Supreme Court or the High Court (the two highest courts in the land respectively). So I guess if it gets thrown out or defeated that will be it from the residents. But they will find some other way to get the rides shut down. "The Bus is now leaving for Supreme Court Gardens, Western Australia"
  7. What's the go with the colour scheme? Did they run out of yellow paint and leave some sections black? Yellow, black and green remind me of a Caribbean country's flag. Maybe the people painting the track have been smoking some whacky tabbacy like the people from the country with those colours on the flag. "The Bus is now leaving for Black Flag Bore, Western Australia"
  8. Just ask some of the kids who have been to Neverland and ask them about riding Michael Jackson. "The Bus is now leaving for Jacksons Bog, NSW"
  9. ozshowkid, I was a ride operator and know exactly what it like to be abused for absolutely now reason. Saying that I still think that carnies (I will never call them "showies") are rude and scary people who appear to have little if any regard for public safety. It may not happen at the Sydney show but I have seen some very disturbing things at shows and temporary ride locations, such as the Bathurst show and the rides at The Entrance. These things, if seen by WorkCover would have had the place shut down immediately and the owners/operators fined. I now avoid places where carnies frequent like the plague but if I do find myself at one of these places and see something that is not right I will call WorkCover and report them. "The Bus is now leaving for Ungarie Showground, NSW"
  10. That comment is wrong on so many levels. Bad Alex bad. He might try a David Copperfield style trick like what he did with the Statue of Liberty. "The Bus is now leaving for Copper Knob, Tasmania"
  11. Original post by Mickazee - 30th-March-2005 11:45 PM Second post - 31st-March-2005 08:13 AM Thrid post - 31st-March-2005 10:38 AM - "Still waiting on Wonderbus to clear up exactly what's wrong with what I've written." If giving me 2 hours to reply is not a dig at me I don't know what is. When I am at work I don't have time to look at the Internet. I still stand by that comment I made about you not reading previous posts because it has been stated several times by several people that the train had stopped in the boomerang on at least two occasions yet you still state that the information about it stopping there is yet to be confirmed. I can't believe I just typed all of that considering I said the same thing 2 posts ago. "The Bus is now leaving for Hypo Hill Opal Diggings, South Australia"
  12. Besides having to kick some of them open every now and again, no there were no problems with the restraints. "The Bus is now leaving for The Kick, Tasmania"
  13. I know it's not quite April but this is going to cause quite a bit of discussion and seeing as there is only 2 hours left of the month I didn't think it would matter. The latest update is that a cyclone fence went up around Bush Beast today. As you may or nay not know the only reason a cyclone fence is put up inside a fenced area is for construction/demolition work. Now considering the ride has been closed for nearly a year now I can't see them adding a section of track or replacing part of it so that only leaves one option. Demolition. "The Bus is now leaving for Nugget On The Fence Dam, Western Australia"
  14. Sorry Mickazee for taking so long to reply but some of us have to sleep and then go to work the next day. Anyway I misread what it said on your site and admit that the information is now correct. However you said that "it's still uncertain as to whether it has stopped on the boomerang" which is why I made the comment asking if you had read the previous posts, because in those posts it is confirmed that on at least two occasions it had stopped in the boomerang. Paul the lap bar locking system used contacts on each carriage, which contacted with a metal strip that ran the length of the station. This system was constantly failing and nearly always was fixed by the op hitting the open lap bars a few times or holding it down. There was also a manual release that required a metal probe to be stuck in a keyhole in the side of each lap bar device. It was very fiddly to do and a lot of operators had trouble doing it. "The Bus is now leaving for Fiddle Head, South Australia"
  15. Alton Towers gets a much larger attendance than DW does and can therefore support a fast food outlet. Paramount Parks have Pizza Pizza outlets in them as well as several other well known, well known in North America that is, fast food places. "The Bus is now leaving for Foody, NSW"
  16. Have you read any of the posts since I first picked up that piece of incorrect information? I want to hear this story. Just one question though, how much involvement did you have with them? Basically the only time the public saw them is when something has gone wrong and even then there was little if any contact between the two parties. If he is the one I think you are talking about he was Scottish not English. My memory is not what it used to so I am probably thinking of someone completely different. "The Bus is now leaving for Englishmans Gully, Tasmania"
  17. What a fantastic way to deter any potential investor. "Oh yeah we will give you all these concessions but you have to move that 20 year old hunk of junk that hasn't been used for a year". What a load of crap. If that provision is enforced on any theme park that wants to come to Sydney, the BCC area particularly, you will not see a new park just more factories in its place. "The Bus is now leaving for Junkin, Queensland"
  18. I never stated it was impossible just that it never happened at Wonderland while the ride was loaded. Hell I remember seeing one of those "When good times go bad" shows and there was a Boomerang coaster, I think it was in the states, and the train had stopped at the top of the tear drop loop while it was loaded. How the hell it stopped there is beyond me but it took several hours to get the people off as the train had to be secured and the fire brigade used cherry pickers to get the people down. There have been many incidents involving the Boomerang coaster type and the reason is that there is close to 50 of them around the world and being the most popular coaster in the world means that incidents are more likely to happen. I also noticed that the Wonderland History site still has that incorrect information on it. "The Bus is now leaving for Cherryburn, ACT"
  19. Well there you go. I learnt something new today. "The Bus is now leaving for Kids Open Learning School, Western Australia"
  20. Pizza from Pizza Hut is the same regardless of where you get it. It's not as if each restaurant has its own unique recipes. Put the prescribed amount of toppings on and put it on the conveyor oven. Simple. Anyway back on topic, why doesn't DW get a Pizza Hut on site? "The Bus is now leaving for Unique, NSW"
  21. It is a cultural problem that happens in a lot of work places and not just in customer service. What Dreamworld need to do is get the right person/s in to manage the customer service problems. This may mean sacking people but if that is what it takes then they will be better off in the long term. Paul the driver is not to blame for what happened. If I was a delivery driver I would never go into someone’s house for fear of being robbed. Alex also made the point about time being money to that driver which is a very valid point. "The Bus is now leaving for Delivery Creek, Northern Territory"
  22. Hey that's my Mum you are talking about. Just say no and walk away. It's not that hard. I'm sure most people have done it to beggars on the street. "The Bus is now leaving for Perfect Beggar Spur, Victoria"
  23. I'll try again and maybe it will be third time lucky not to have my post deleted. I personally haven't been to Dreamworld in at least 10 years but from what I have been reading here and from various people who have been in the last couple of years the thing that Dreamworld need to do is train it's staff better. I am talking about their customer service skills, which basically equates to the staff knowing what to say and when to say it. Things like when a ride is broken down saying something like "I don't know what has happened or how long it will take to fix" instead of "There was this really loud bang and something fell off, I think it was a wheel. This ride won't be opening anytime soon I suggest you go and ask for your money back". Yes that is an extreme example and will probably never happen but it is comments similar to that that can make or break someone’s day. I will now make the comment I started off with, please not another "What can be done" thread, they are just as bad as "My Favourite" threads. If this post is going to be deleted again please just edited it and leave the bit that matters. "The Bus is now leaving for Remark Island, Western Australia"
  24. Prodigy's Smack My Bitch Up goes well with all rides. Seriously though, I think that it would be cool if a coaster was made around a piece of music. Each element of the ride related to a section of the music, the lift would be anticipation music then the drop gets it going and so on. "The Bus is now leaving for Son Of A Bitch Spur, Victoria"
  25. Hey what happened to my post? Not a happy camper. "The Bus is now leaving for Dummy Salt Camp, NSW"
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