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Everything posted by Bussy

  1. I had a look on the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website and particularly the climate averages for the places in question, Prospect and the Gold Coast. They are reasonably similar in climate but there is one statistic that makes the difference and that is the average annual rainfall, Prospect (Prospect Dam) has an annual rainfall of 871.3mm, the Gold Coast (Southport Ridgeway Ave) is 1438.6mm. These statistics are taken from a similar period, 117 and 120 years respectively. Personally I couldn't care less if it is in Sydney, Queensland, Melbourne or anywhere else because it will be a fantastic addition to Australia’s tourism industry. "The Bus is now leaving for Sloppy Weather Bank, Tasmania"
  2. Oh great another "What should be done" thread. They are getting as annoying as "Your Favourite" polls. "The Bus is now leaving for Great Black Sugarloaf, Tasmania"
  3. That area you describe is a hell of a lot bigger than 30 hectares. There is also the problem of the reservoir, the race track, dump, Regional Park, equestrian centre and heaps of private land in that corridor. I was looking at the UBD today and there is very few places that it can be in. "The Bus is now leaving for Artipena Manganese Prospects, South Australia"
  4. During that phone conversation Daniel indicated to me that he would be more than willing to get his ugly mug on the box. But he has one condition. You find the ex-operations manager and reunite them. Last I heard she was on her way back from Malaysia. "The Bus is now leaving for Ugly Gully, NSW"
  5. I’m sure this information was posted in another thread somewhere. When the Wiggles show starts it will be chaos, Mums will go crazy trying to get the best seats in the house for their kids. It happened at Wonderland and it was a very ugly scene. "The Bus is now leaving for Jefferys Flat, NSW"
  6. So what makes it any different to any other coaster on the planet? Yeah get a couple of guns and walking into a shopping center and start firing. Or sit next to someone on a train, break out in a sweat, a heat pack on your chest should help, then start saying "Allah will give me strength to fulfil my quest" or similar. Yes you will be arrested and questioned by ASIO but your name will be all over the media for days. I am expecting a knock at the door any moment now for that comment. "The Bus is now leaving for Lake Baghdad, Western Australia"
  7. It was also reported on Nova 96.9 in Sydney. Basically they were saying Disney were looking at coming to Prospect one minute and the next they were reporting that they had done a deal (not in as many words). "The Bus is now leaving for Nova South Australia"
  8. I will not be subscribing to this site. Personally the only sites I will ever pay for are porn sites. "The Bus is now leaving for Mount Porndon Tower, Victoria"
  9. I have heard that SkyLink is being replaced by Wonderland's SkyRider. It is an improvement in safety by having enclosed gondolas instead of open chairs. "The Bus is now leaving for Skyring Creek, Queensland"
  10. It's interesting that you say that you are doing work for a security company out there when it is still Wonderland's old security team that is doing the work. Yes it is not under the Wonderland name anymore but it is still the same team and I can tell you that there are no new guards from what were there when the park was open. As has been said before, Taz, SkyHawk, Snowy and the dodgems are gone and the first two went before the park closed down. If Disney were coming to Sydney, which I doubt, they would not use an existing site of a theme park because people would still associate it with the old park. "The Bus is now leaving for Whyalla Security Range, South Australia"
  11. You will get a back curve on that piece of land. The reason that the majority of comments on this site have been about destroying what is left is because we have come to terms with the parks closure and know it is time for the site to move on. I just had a thought, where is your campaign to save Beastie? It is still sitting there doing nothing just like Bush Beast. Why are you not trying to save that? Political reasons? Are you serious? How many votes do you think that is going to get? I might be going out on a limb here but I would say that the only person who would vote for someone or a party on this topic would be you. Personally when I vote I look at issues that actually make a difference not trivial things like a roller coaster that the vast majority of people don't care about. "The Bus is now leaving for Little Politic Creek, Queensland"
  12. Oh great. It will be like Orange Grove, it will be approved, allowed to open and operate for a while and then be shut down. If I had kids I wouldn't trust her to look after them. The answer is simple, Sydney has a lot of tourist attractions already (Harbour, Harbour Bridge, Opera House, etc). What does the Gold Coast have? Theme parks and that is about it. No land mark buildings or anything that is a major drawcard. "The Bus is now leaving for Orange Grove Recreation Ground, Western Australia"
  13. There are Ettamogah Pub's all over the place. There is at least on in Sydney, on Old Windsor Rd about 3/4 of the way to Windsor. Daniel will be able to tell us a bit about it if im not mistaken. "The Bus is now leaving for Ettamogah, NSW"
  14. Seeing as the other thread was closed I thought I would start a new one to ask my question. Do you or anyone have a scan of this article? I am guessing that it was not what Zordy was expecting otherwise he would have posted it by now. "The Bus is now leaving for Newspaper Creek, Queensland"
  15. Even if he was "in training" it is doubtful that he had undergone site induction which is required before any ride specific training is undertaken. Therefore what Mr Carr was doing was illegal. It's funny the man doesn't have his drivers licence but is happy to operate a piece on machinery that could kill dozens of people. "The Bus is now leaving for Saint Johns Ambulance Training Centre, Victoria"
  16. I am surprised that everyone has missed the obvious one here. A coaster on top of Centre Point tower. They could even have a free fall on the needle. "The Bus is now leaving for Centrepoint, NSW"
  17. Here are the links to the articles about Bob Carr's decision on Luna Park. Daily Telegraph News.com.au SMH article 1 SMH article 2 Also from SMH is this little article. Bob jumps ship Bob Carr may be the tough-talking Premier of NSW, but when it comes to Luna Park's controversial Ranger ride, he's a little squeamish. Yesterday he was at the fun park to announce a special regulation to stop North Sydney Council taking legal action over the noise generated by the Ranger - a kind of dry-land pirate ship that swings on a pendulum until it turns completely upside down. As it swings, it makes a mechanical grinding noise accompanied by screams, which apparently upset the residents of nearby apartments. Despite being urged by journalists to join them for a quick thrill, Carr chose the more stately role of pushing the stop and go button - something he likes to do with the media. Looks like Mr Carr is a chicken as well as a bad premier. "The Bus is now leaving for Chicken Spring, South Australia"
  18. Scott should Wipeout be re-named because its name and themeing refers to being wiped out by a wave? Sorry but I had to laugh at that paragraph. Personally I think it is too soon to the event for this to be happening. It's been 9 weeks since it happened and they are still cleaning up, there are still people homeless, and there are still people who have little or no food. I still think that something that can educate people about what and how it happened, what has/is being done to help the people effected, and how any future tsunami in the Indian Ocean will be dealt with. "The Bus is now leaving for Museums Island, Western Australia"
  19. At Wonderland it was not that uncommon to get snakes and lizards (water dragons) getting into the boat while it was going around. It was pretty funny watching on the monitors people jumping around trying to get away from them. It was a hard choice, jump out and risk drowning or stay in and risk getting bitten. Thankfully no jumped out or got bitten. "The Bus is now leaving for Lizard Creek, Queensland"
  20. There are a few articles about this going around so I will post the links so you can read it for yourself. Daily Telegraph article 1. Daily Telegraph article 2. News.com.au article 1. News.com.au article 2. SMH article 1. SMH article 2. SMH Poll. "The Bus is now leaving for Newspaper Creek, Queensland"
  21. Lunch room 'information' is always a reliable source if ever there was one. One I heard was that Blinky Bill and Skippy got up to some hanky panky in the back room during the show. Wait that was true, except the guys didn't do it during the show. "The Bus is now leaving for Koala Nynma Rockhole, Western Australia"
  22. The boats on Snowy didn't touch the bottom when the e-stop was pressed because there was enough water still running through to get all of the boats down to the bottom of the lift. My guess would be that there is a PLC sensor at the bottom of the lift and one midway and another at the top. There would be some way of stopping the boats at the bottom so that the distance between the sensors is the gap between the boats. "The Bus is now leaving for Boy In The Boat, Tasmania"
  23. Just like doors not being closed. "The Bus is now leaving for Hells Doorway Bore, Western Australia"
  24. There is no way that the parks policies and procedures would be made public. The general stuff maybe but not the intricate stuff. If the public had any real idea of what goes on at a theme park, in terms of operational matters, they would probably never visit a park again. I have not read the full report and procedures both new and old because I couldn't be bothered really. But I think that it was Disney's fault for relying on a sub-contractor to do ride maintenance. Yes this accident could have been prevented but then again everything is preventable all it takes is one decision. "The Bus is now leaving for Botherling, Western Australia"
  25. Bussy

    Nintendo DS

    Ahh the good old calculator. You can't go past making words out of upside down numbers. "The Bus is now leaving for Calculation Hill, Tasmania"
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