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Everything posted by Bussy

  1. Having operated Bush Beast literally hundreds of times I only heard about maybe 5 complaints about the roughness of the ride. Considering that’s 5 out of thousands it’s not too bad. Again it’s a case of 'coaster geeks' vs. 'casual riders'. Were these holes just before the transfer section? If they are the holes I am thinking about they were used for maintenance on the brake fins on the trains. Basically the train would be sent out of the station and the stopped on the transfer brakes, one of the maintenance boys would then go up underneath and check the fins. "The Bus is now leaving for Fin Reef, Queensland"
  2. This thread is getting very repetitive and I will say it again, Luna Park will not be getting any thrill rides or any tall rides. Space Probe would not fit in with Luna Park’s location and reputation. Mrmoon427 what department do you work in at Luna? "The Bus is now leaving for Other Side Of The Moon, Western Australia"
  3. I totally agree with Rapster. You have to look at the demographics of any park to be able make a decision on a ride. Yes the 'coaster geeks' are customers too but I would say that they would make up less than 1% of total attendance each year at Australian parks. There are two reasons North America has these attractions that total blow us away, 1. Money, most of the parks over there are owned by large corporations. 2. People in the States literally drive across the country to go to a theme park and it is a once in a lifetime trip. This point has been brought up in previous threads but it is a very valid one. At the moment Lethal Weapon the most inversions in Australia and personally I think it will stay that way from a long time. I would say that the next attraction Dreamworld will get will be a family orientated ride. "The Bus is now leaving for Ready Money Creek, NSW"
  4. When the e-stop is pressed on Wave Swingers they do not stop suddenly, but come to a slow stop just as it would if the ride was stopping normally. If it did come to an abrupt stop it would cause more injuries due to the chairs slamming into other chairs. If you have ever had one of those chairs hit you in the shin you know exactly what I mean. The operator did the right thing. HussSchmuckbow, what difference does it make who the manufactures it? *wonders if HussSchmuckbow has a brain* "The Bus is now leaving for Swinger Reef, Queensland"
  5. Busways route 738. "The Bus is now leaving for Eastern Stock Route No. 12 Well, Western Australia"
  6. I drive The Bus, need I say anymore? "The Bus is now leaving for Anyiminali Point, Northern Territory"
  7. I think I just saw Richard, Joz, Rod, Brady and Maurice naked on The Claw. Details are sketchy at the moment. But we are all waiting for the on ride video. "The Bus is now leaving for Sketching Pile X, South Australia"
  8. Wrong thread schmuck. "The Bus is now leaving for Wrong Creek, Victoria"
  9. Yes, but those living under the flight paths are not multi-millionaires with a lot of political influence. Money makes the world go round. It's called encouraging discussion. Look at how many posts there has been in the thread, this is the 69th and it's still going. One more bit of information, Luna Park will have an Ice skating rink in the big top over the Christmas holidays. "The Bus is now leaving for Icehouse Bluff, Tasmania"
  10. Wonderland did daily check up's and looked what happened to it. The problem with Woodies in Australia is that unlike the majority of North American parks we do not have an off season. During the off season they do a huge amount of maintenance on all rides and really get stuck into them. "The Bus is now leaving for Haul Off Rock, Western Australia"
  11. Unfortunately residents do have rights as well. We have been through this before and can be read here. What riddles are you talking about? I have disclosed the information I have. What more do you want? The phone numbers and addresses of the people I know? I am not a disgruntled ex-employee, I enjoyed my time working at Wonderland but if it had to close it had to close. Where have I attacked someone for wanting information? Now back on to the topic, Luna Park will be getting 4 rides for the Christmas holidays after that period they will be going to make way for the new permanent rides that will be appearing. "The Bus is now leaving for Grunter Swallets, Tasmania"
  12. Richard are you going to answer my question? Or are you going to suprise us next week by just releasing the video without telling anyone? "The Bus is now leaving for Kanakas Release Creek, Queensland"
  13. All versions of the Space Probe video were annoying. It wasn't the vision so much, but the sound that did my head in. "The Bus is now leaving for Vision Falls, Queensland"
  14. The top of Space Probe has a dirty side and a clean side. I think that is what you saw. I drive past Wonderland at least 10 times a day, 5 days a week and have not seen a tarp on Probe. Pattie, Luna Park will never be like Wonderland for a couple of reasons. 1. They don't have enough space. 2. The residents are wingers. Luna Park will never be a theme park and will always be a fun park. Saying that look here. "The Bus is now leaving for Tarpaulin Creek, ACT"
  15. The residents have been trying to get the noisiness cut downs since the park opened and it's not just the residents on the north shore that are complaining but also the residents on the piers on the south side of the harbour. Why am I bad Rapster? "The Bus is now leaving for Pier Pier, NSW"
  16. Yeah you are probably right. The arsenic would still be in the wood and therefore would make anything cooked over it toxic to eat. If you don't believe me read this article about treated wood. There are a couple of related articles at the bottom of that article. "The Bus is now leaving for Lobethal Sewerage Treatment Works, South Australia"
  17. Yes that’s right there are a lot of people are from overseas and don't speak English, however if you are waiting to go on a ride for, lets say half a hour, do you not look at what is happening as people get on and off the ride? You see where people are putting their belongings and where everyone goes when they get off, yet on just about every cycle of a ride you will get at least one moron who tries to take stuff on the ride and tries to get off the same way they got on. I haven't seen it any theme parks yet but there should be a bucket next to where you buy the tickets that has a big sign that says "Please leave brains here before entering" Don't get me started on annoying theming. I spent many hours listening to the Space Probe video. If I hear any of those sounds ever again I might do a U.S postal worker. "The Bus is now leaving for Brains Hill, Tasmania"
  18. Neb have you read anything about the residents around Luna Park? Yes Dipper is bigger but look what happened to it. As for Bounty's not being noisy, have you ever heard 50 screaming teenagers going round and round and round? It's very noisy. When the ride gets wet it screams like a virgin on prom night. "The Bus is now leaving for Virgin Gully, Victoria"
  19. Pandora I think all of that could have been said in one post, don't you? Yes there is a point at which staffing levels cancel themselves out and becomes redundant. However, more staff does relate directly to efficiency. I will give you a couple of examples from when I worked at Wonderland. On Saturday nights the queue lines for Demon and Probe would be close to 2 hours and sometimes longer, by adding more staff waiting times was reduced dramatically. At Demon, instead of having the operator and an unloader, two extra staff members were added, one to help check harnesses and one to group people and to check heights, tell people where to put belongings. By adding these two extra staff members it reduced waiting times and sometimes caused the staff to wait for the catch wagon to attach to the back of the train before dispatching. At Probe up to 5 extra staff were added, on at the front of the tunnel to help check heights, an extra person in the pre-show area telling people to get there stuff ready to leave on the ground and where to leave it, and 3 in the launch area, each responsible for one cabins loading, checking, and unloading. With this system people would be getting on as people were getting off and by the time the cable attached to the top of the cabin it was ready to go again. Extra staff does increase capacity but only to a point and beyond that it becomes inefficient. "The Bus is now leaving for Staff Well, Western Australia"
  20. I just had a thought. Richard what's the chance of getting some on ride video of that. Not of yourself obviously (shudder) but of some of the ladies. I'm probably going to get banned just for suggesting it but who cares really? "The Bus is now leaving for Come By Chance, Queensland"
  21. For those of you brave or stupid enough to want to ride The Claw naked now is your chance. Rove (of Rove Live fame) has put the call out for people to turn up next week and ride with Pete (I really hope he's not naked). It's going to be on next week’s show, so if you’re over 18 turn up and have a go. On second thoughts don't turn up because you will probably smack yourself in the face, if you know what I mean. "The Bus is now leaving for Naked Pass NSW"
  22. From The Daily Telegraph Tuesday, September 28, 2004 The famous Luna Park carousel was temporarily closed after a seat broke mid-ride on the weekend. An animal on the historic 1860's carousel fell from its post in the middle of the ride on Sunday forcing the operator to halt the merry-go-round. A Luna Park spokesman confirmed that the cockle slipped from its guide and landed on the floor of the carousel. A cockle is like a merry-go-round horse, but shaped like a chicken. "The guide broke, which meant the cockle dropped onto the carousel," he said. No one was riding on the cockle, which was not damaged. "The Bus is now leaving for Cockle Spit, South Australia"
  23. Any of the restaurants particularly if it's got a selection of alcoholic beverages on offer would be my guess. "The Bus is now leaving for Alco Firetower Western Australia"
  24. Damm you caught me. I have a short attention span so I have only scanned through the long posts but one point I did pick up was about shows. Shows are a great way to cut queue lines down. When the magic show was on at Wonderland queue lines at most rides would be cut dramatically, sometimes up to a half a hour. "The Bus is now leaving for Hallidays Cut, NSW"
  25. GoBoi please read my previous posts again as I think that will answer your question. It's all good and well that they get carnie rides in for holiday periods but it is very hard for the park to keep doing this as it creates safety issues. Ok willsy here are the four rides that Luna Park is looking at Galleons, Balloons, Planes and Endeavour. Balloons or Galleons would be the best bet just because they are family rides and would have greatest appeal to their target demographic either of those plus Planes. I would like to see Endeavour there and think it would fit in problem, the only problem I have with it is that it can be very noisy at times. Is that enough information for you? Gazza the only rides that have left Wonderland are Merry, Dragons, Baby and Taz the rest are still there. "The Bus is now leaving for Noisy Point, NSW"
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