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About AugustVonPolen

  • Birthday 02/01/1981

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    Coaster and Schoki<br /><br />Also Member of the German Community<br /> www.OnRide.de <br />

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  • Favourite Ride
    BlackMamba /Superman-Atraccion de acero

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  1. Hi, this weekend i finished my video from our tour to Helmond(NL) and Mouscron(BL). The Quality is not the best, because my Pc wont let me save the file in HQ, sorry for that. Hope you like it anyway. Load it here... Greets from Germany Auge
  2. Thanx for the answers. Here comes another question ;-) On www.eastershow.com they talk about a Goldmine Coaster, comming to Sydney. What is this? And if its a coaster, who owne it? Have anyone other coasters on Funfairs, may it be a "LittleLittleKidieCoaster". I´m searching for all :-) Thx and Greets Auge
  3. Hi, 5Month after visiting ThorpePark in Chertsey England(Uk), i finished editing the video. Click Here for download. Hope you enjoy it and give me some feedback .... Greets Auge
  4. Thx a lot for all the answers. Can you tell me the name of the showman of Taipan? Greets Auge
  5. Hello, Searches in other languages brings you more hits. Rollercoaster: achterbahn(german), achtbaan(dutch), bergbanan(swedish), hochschaubahn(austria), atraccion(castilano) Amusementpark: freizeitpark(german), preetpark(dutch?), parque(castilano), attractiepark(dutch), you can also go to: www.onride.be www.coasters.ch www.wimmerl.com www.americacoasters.com www.themeparkreview.com Or you use a "youtubeclone" like www.myvideo.de greets Auge
  6. Hello, have anyone information and pictures about travelling coasters in Australia or can tell me where i can find such stuff? RCDB have only parkcoaster and on www.coaster-count.com, wich is also a big coasterdatabase with faircoasters, i din´t found a travelling one from Australia. Thx for your help Greets Auge
  7. The old owner, sold the Park. The licenses to use Looneytoons and other Moviethemes had gone with Sixflags and so the new owner renamed all affected rides, Leathal Weapon Persiute and WildWildWest, too. The Gremlins Inversion must closed and the LooneyToone Adventure were rethemed to Ice Age. The Neverending Story Changed to a 3rd Class Riverride with nothing special. From 2005-2006 the SLC was called FX At this year in the zone of the SLC, will come a new aerea, and i think they will rename it again, to fit in Santa Monica Peer. Now we are all Happy here, that the Movie comes back to MoviePark Greets Auge
  8. Sure. This is the SFC, Jimmy Neutron's AtomicFlyer. Build with the new Chases from Vekoma. Pictures on Coasters And More Here Infos about the chases Here Infos on RCDB Greets Auge
  9. Hello, my favourite coaster is Black Mamba at Phantasialand Brühl - Germany. Information on RCDB The ride and the great theming makes the coaster very unique. Greets# Auge
  10. Hello, here is a Picture of the construction of "BikiniBottom" SplashBattel. There you can see much better the needed space to build such a ride. Also have a look over the nice Skyline of "Ruhrbasin" Germany Greets Auge
  11. Here some more Informations about Schäfers Coaster, i´ve totaly forgotten, because it never came. The Inovation is from 2004 and at this time they thought about a realisation for 2006, but this not happened. Also there will be no SchäferMotorcycle Coaster in 2007 and for 2008 is nothing announced, too.
  12. No,i did not asked you. But i wonder where Coasterboy get his information about a coaster no one knows Greets AUGE
  13. No, Vekoma use a Cablelaunch, zamperla use LIM, i think. Where did you get the information about the cable launch? Greets Auge
  14. A Short History Overview about MotorcycleCoasters: Intamin will be the 3rd constructor of MotorCycleCoasters, i think. Vekoma came first, 2004, with their Boosterbike at Toverland 2005 they built the biger one, Velocity, in England and 2006 came a BoosterBike Clone, Motorbike Launch Coaster, to China. Zamperla came in 2006 with their Version of a Motorcyclecoaster, MotoGP. Link to MotoGP Video1 Video2 More Pictures Lets see how Intamin makes it in 2007..... Greets Auge
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