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Found 24 results

  1. Looks like Aussie world will be opening a new coaster later this year. Any predictions on what it’ll be?
  2. Aussie World have just posted this on their Facebook page. New attraction coming soon?
  3. https://kidsonthecoast.com.au/local-news/breaking-aussie-world-announces-plans-for-epic-new-sunshine-coast-waterpark/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR00uI1ci1PfMaukw7UKTnFhaYsWKoGUNKsjsSf8UOHDcWEFnT90zSAkCBo_aem_55WDKqulp1rJWH8POSk3hg To be built on the land north of the current park.
  4. So, it appears that Aussie World has put in a development application with the Sunshine Coast City council for a major expansion to the precinct including a large waterpark. The Sunshine Coast could soon be home to a new waterpark, with Aussie World submitting a proposal to build a $60 million facility at the Palmview attraction. The concept design features 16 waterslides for all ages, leisure pools, action pools and numerous waterplay areas. The new area would also include several food and beverage outlets, a pool bar, sun lounges, cabanas and a souvenir shop. In a media release, Aussie World said a development application was submitted to Sunshine Coast Council this week to build the waterpark on privately owned land to the north of the existing theme park. If approved, it would become the Coast’s largest waterpark, rivalling other similar attractions in South-East Queensland, and contribute significantly to the local economy, drawing an estimated 780,000 annual visitors by 2031. “We are continuing to find new attractions that will create an iconic, must-visit experience at the Aussie World Entertainment Complex, which will be sought after by tourists,” Aussie World general manager Jenny Howell said. Artist Impression of the area “As the largest sustainable and accessible waterpark on the Sunshine Coast, and with its close proximity to Aussie World, this project will be hugely popular and something that locals can be proud of. “There will be a two-day pass offer to significantly increase the appeal of the Sunshine Coast to overnight visitors and it will contribute a significant injection to the region’s overnight visitor spend. “The waterpark will continue to strengthen the Sunshine Coast’s reputation as the tourism capital of Queensland for families and young adults, adding to the already exceptional line-up of tourist attractions across the region.” The project would inject up to $39 million into the local economy through building works and the supply of building materials and services to support the three-year construction period. It is estimated the waterpark could generate $15.2 million to $30 million towards the local tourism economy. The concept design submitted to the council also includes a proposal to expand the existing car park to ensure free-flow traffic. It will create employment for 193 full-time staff during the peak season and 87 full-time staff during non-peak periods. Source: https://www.sunshinecoastnews.com.au/2024/06/28/aussie-world-plans-expansion-including-60m-waterpark/
  5. Time to do another "big" poll, this time with one of the most popular ride types in the country. Vote by Sunday.
  6. Thought I would start this up for fun. Each Saturday I list two rides from two different parks, and people vote what is best. Voting will close on Thursdays, and on Fridays the results are revealed. One ride is saved and one is turned into paperclips. For example, it could be Superman Escape v Steel Taipan one week. If ST wins it would be added to the list while Superman would be removed. Clones will be counted as one choice, not two. Also you do not need to have ridden the coaster to vote, but it would be good if you have. Let's start off with... TNT (Gumbuya World) vs. Kenny's Forest Flier (Dreamworld) In my opinion I would pick TNT. It is actually really fun and intense for a family coaster and I am glad Movie World is getting a clone. Also it goes fast the whole length of the ride while KFF seems to go slow in the second half. Remember to put results in by Thursday.
  7. This is the second last coaster poll, and I am doing these so one can be counted. Vote by Thursday.
  8. Time to do something different: We will be comparing Storm Coaster to the log flumes as I feel like Storm cannot be compared with anything else. Put your votes in by Tuesday.
  9. Time to pick the fourth coaster in the list. This time there will be 3 options due to their being over 2 wild mouse coasters in Australia. Please note: this does not count the Crazy Spinning Coaster in carnivals, only permanent versions. Remember to put votes in by Wednesday.
  10. So, mid-November we (by which I mean me, my wife, and three boys - 9, 4 and 2) went to the Sunshine Coast and decided while we were there to do Aussie World. Flying into the Gold Coast (as the flights and car hire were a pissload cheaper), we then drove to Caloundra (which took a good while, thanks Brisbane traffic) and did the nearby Aussie World on the first day. Aussie World is... small. This isn't your Movie World or Dreamworld, nosiree. This is "hey, we've got this area of land, let's cram in as many rides as we can. And of wildly varying quality". Okay, maybe that last bit is a bit mean. Look, rides are expensive to buy or build, let's say that first and foremost. There's no use anyone saying "oh they don't have anything like Steel Taipan so they suck" - I'm sure the park would love to have the kind of money for that, or the kind of space. But that's not going to happen anytime soon. So what you do have is a collection of rides that has something for everyone - and I mean everyone - to spend a good few hours on (I believe it was open 10-3 when we went), and barely a queue in sight. Rather than describe each ride, I'll just do what I remember being the highlights. The little train, when we got in, was a good little ride for the kids, and our middle child enjoyed the car race (he even managed to steer well enough) and the chair swings. At the top of the park, the SX360 or whatever it is was a hit with my wife and I, and got some great airtime. It's always good to go on those rides and just relax, let gravity do its thing. And the Dingo Racer (I think that was it's name) is alright. Our eldest loved it by default, being one of the only coasters in the park. I've done a few of these coasters before, and they're average. There's also a Caterpillar coaster which does two laps, which our middle child enjoyed. The Wasp however was the ride that got the better of me, as I just felt ill from the moment it started. Probably a great little ride, but I don't think I can stand up to much spinning any more. But nothing could prepare us for the tiny little roundabouts near the entrance, and how our two-year-old loved them. He'd cackle with glee every time they set off, waving to everyone as he went round. A (maybe overly) enthusiastic ride operator too. Again, at the time there were barely any queues and the place was nice and clean. However, there isn't anything that stands out - and I guess, considering cash and space, there can't be. Bottom line - it's an alright park to do once if you're in the area. Nothing special. Other things we did on this trip - Australia Zoo was good fun, and Noosa was pretty (and very tiring to push a pram around with two boys in it). The beach area in Brisbane's South Bank was good, if a little crowded. Caloundra is nice, the Sea Life Centre good, Bribie Island pretty peaceful. Good holiday - we wanted something more relaxing, ended up being one of our busiest holidays.
  11. The current wave of COVID means Aussie World is temporarily closed due to lack of staff
  12. I came across a question and response on Facebook in regards to the SX360 opening. Had to laugh that they went with “that line” but glad they went on to expand on it:
  13. The latest Nearmap update of the Sunshine Coast (29 Oct, 2020) shows plenty has happened at the Palmview park. A large rectangular slab has been placed adjacent to the yet to be opened SX360. Plenty of orange track, grey trusses and a crane are all clearly visible. This also means we now have three coasters under construction at the same time in South East Queensland. Coaster cars perhaps?
  14. I was at Aussie world today and I grabbed a few photos of some of various parts to the new inverting pendulum ride they are building. What looks to be the control booth. Parts of the gondola in some wrapping. Some unknown parts. Part of a sign and more unknown parts. The main arm laying on the construction site.
  15. It had been a very long time since I had visited Aussie World (20+ years!) so I decided to check out their Ride the Night event last night. In the way of rides, I knew it couldn’t compete with anything on the GC, but there were a couple of good attractions on offer. Gates opened at 5:45pm and I took that opportunity to walk around the park until the rides started at 6pm. I was surprised at how colourful the park was. Yes I’d seen their advertising and web-site but the park looked - and felt - really fresh and vibrant. It also still had some of that ‘carnival/funfair’ feel as there was different music playing at every turn - though the fact there was a local radio station set up there for the night might also have something to do with it. From 6pm I took on the Redback, Bug Run (counts as a coaster right?), Mayhem Maze, Space Shaker, The Wasp, Voyage Simulator, Mozzie Musta and Professor Bogglesworth’s Illusionarium. Dark Rebel and Ballroom Blitz were closed and they had to close The Plunge as it stopped while going up the lift hill and they had to evacuate the riders off of it. The Ferris Wheel ended up closing early too because of the storm. The staff all came across friendly and laid-back - although the ride operators seemed very young. There was some live entertainment during the night - a dj, dancing, fire twirling, plus fireworks at 9pm. There were a couple of staff members roving the park offering glow-in-the-dark body paint as well as one covered in glow-in-the-dark wrist bands that he gave out to guests during the night. Highlights of the night for me were the Illusionarium as well as the Mayhem Maze. The only way I can describe the Illusionarium is a maze of optical illusions and it was really good and a decent length. The Mayhem Maze was also surprisingly good in that the actors gave good frights!! If it was longer, it could give anything at MW’s Fright Nights a run for its money (IMO). Overall, what the park delivered on the night (and for a mere $25.50) it smashed my expectations. Not a park I could spend a lot of time in but perhaps that will change with what Aussie World has in plan for its future.
  16. I saw people debating within another topic which was a better ride. This gave me an idea. Here you can nominate two different rides from different parks. The idea is the rides you nominate are competing for the same guest. For example and this is just for @reanimated35 Big Red Car @ DW vs Superman Escape @ MW are not competing for the same guest and would not battle. I will start and keep it simple for the first one. Mick Doohan's Motocoaster @ DW vs Jet Rescue @ SW If you don't agree with the nominated rides competing than call it out. It would also be cool if all the battles were not all main stream parks. I should also note this is for rides within Australia only.
  17. Aussie World new coaster 2017 Zamperla | Twister Coaster 420STD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgWsBGoa898
  18. Aussie World have announced a new evening event to be held on the 25th of July, InvaSCIon. The science fiction and pop culture themed event will run from 6 - 10pm and cost $25.00. From the website:
  19. Aussie World have posted this on their facebook page. Hopefully they put in decent things to challenge the major parks.
  20. Just came across this in Aussie World's most recent email... The email links to this page Doesn't really offer many details, just that more will be revealed closer to the date, but I do think it is exciting that the park is venturing into night time events. Does anyone else think that the new walkthrough attraction may be tied to this event, or may be able to be utilised for it?
  21. With news of expansion at Aussie World and 3 new rides on the way, I was looking at their Facebook page and website, and the one thing that keeps coming up in the comments and testimonials are things along the lines of "When will you have yearly passes?" or "If you had season passes we would visit all the time!" So, my question is, do you think Aussie World should go the way of the big parks and introduce a yearly / season pass? I can see positives and negatives and was wondering what everyone else thought. Would it be a revenue boost that would help them expand and add more rides sooner? Or, would it destroy the main thing people seem to like about the park, that being next to no queues on all their rides? I look forward to hearing what everyone else thinks...
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