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  1. With the complete placement of the roller coaster's footings now visible on satellite imagery (thanks @themagician) we have a basic idea of the coaster's approximate layout. The competition here is to use this satellite image to design what you think the coaster layout will be. Use this image to design your layout. Prize The winner will receive their choice of any t-shirts from our range in stock, subject to size and design availability. Includes free postage within Australia. Rules Entries are open from now until when vertical construction commences. Once we have confirmation that supports and track are going up no more entries will be accepted. Your layout must be drawn onto the satellite image provided in this topic. No other images will be accepted. Do not crop, rotate or otherwise alter the original image. You can resize it if needed but please submit your entry at a resolution no less than 1000x578px. You can make multiple revisions and submissions but only your most recent will be judged. In the event that two different members submit identical or substantively close entries we will only judge the first. Winners will be judged once the track layout is completed and satellite footage of the finished track is available. Entry is open to all Parkz members. If you have inside knowledge obviously be aware of your contractual obligations and remember what the prize is. Do you really want to be the person that cheated for a $30 t-shirt? We recommend you get in early as vertical construction is likely to commence in the near future! Design suggestions Sketch in MS Paint, Photoshop or whatever other tool you are comfortable with. Above all keep it simple and clear. The layout should be a top-down 2D representation of the track. Don't show any vertical elevation or 3D projections. Portray your track layout with a single, clear, bold line in a colour that stands out from the satellite photo's colours. You do not need to mark support columns, station design or other elements. If you are circling and/or labeling elements, do so in a different contrasting colour to the main track layout. Use small arrows in a different colour to aide in showing the track direction, particularly where track overlaps. Use sparingly though. Everything you wish to say about your design should be included in the image; don't design it so it requires an accompanying post to describe or explain it. Judging The entries will be judged by the team of Parkz Community Leaders based on a number of criteria: Accuracy. How closely the layout matches the line of the track. At the same time we're not necessarily looking for pinpoint accuracy but rather a design that reasonably portrays the finished layout. Elements. Correct placement and labeling of key and unique ride elements such as station, lift hill, first drop, inversions, overbanked turns, brakes or any other elements. You don't need to label each and every drop, hill or turn but rather key features. We will be judging based on the images on their own without any outside explanation or description. Theme, colour and other elements of the experience wont be judged. We're not judging graphic design skills. Simply ensure your image is clear, concise and well labelled without being overly complicated or cluttered. Entries must be uploaded/attached to a post in this topic to be considered. Judging is final and entirely at the discretion of the Parkz Community Leaders. Example Here's an example of what we're looking for. You don't have to follow this template in terms of colours or anything, but just make it similarly clear. And of course it goes without saying that this is a comically wrong layout that you'd be wise to not use for inspiration given it ignores most of the footings. And obviously it's got the station and lift hill all wrong. Good luck!
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