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Movie world Maintenance 2022

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  On 14/04/2022 at 12:06 PM, rappa said:

Well if I went to the park for the first time last year and then today I would feel superman was enhanced. 

Perhaps the marketing was targeted at that people and not those with a compulsion to be pedantic and needlessly post waffling definitions in a theme park forum 🤷‍♂️ 


Hey i'm just calling it like it is. Your bias is showing.

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Not really possibly to show bias on a hypothetical situation that's not one I can be in given I rode the thing opening year.

But as I said pretty clearly IF I HAD only ridden it last year which is entirely feasible for a good number of people, or hell 5 years ago even, and I knew nothing about some long gone effect, of course I would think it was enhanced, how could I not?


But I won't let a sensible argument get in the way of your compulsive need to be right about something that matters so little.

Call me bias, call me whatever the on earth you like, won't change the fact I'm just happy to see something being done to make improvements to what is currently there, just as I will be happy if there are improvements to Giant Drop at dreamworld. If it said "come ride the all new Superman" then I'd be all giving a shit, but 'enhanced' I have bigger things to be outraged about in life. 

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  On 19/04/2022 at 9:36 AM, rappa said:

"come ride the all new Superman"




  On 19/04/2022 at 9:36 AM, rappa said:

I would think it was enhanced


But the park shouldn't think it is enhanced, if all they've done is restored it. My initial response to this post was simply to hope that they had 'plussed' the ride with something extra - as a person who has ridden Superman before would consider 'enhance' to be better than what they've seen previously.

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Marketing is not about telling people what you think. Its about telling them what they can experience. 

This is CLEARLY saying to people to come see the new thing to them. 
You’re not a stupid person, you definitely can see this/know it’s the case. Stop making a silly argument just to make some nonsensical angry point. 

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  On 20/04/2022 at 12:56 PM, rappa said:

This is CLEARLY saying to people to come see the new thing to them. 


As you so rightly pointed out (pretty clearly), it works for people who went to the park for the first time last year.

  On 19/04/2022 at 9:36 AM, rappa said:

But as I said pretty clearly IF I HAD only ridden it last year which is entirely feasible for a good number of people, or hell 5 years ago even, and I knew nothing about some long gone effect, of course I would think it was enhanced,


But for a ride that has been open for going on 17 years - there's going to be a lot more people out there that have experienced it when things were working, making this marketing a flat out disappointment. 

You're right about one other thing - this IS a silly argument... just not for the reasons you think it is.

If they had put scooby back exactly as it was after the year or so it operated without the interior ghost train walls and theming - recreated every wall and effect in exact detail - even putting the original green lasers and mirrors back in as they were on opening, and then said 'come see the new scooby' and all people saw was what was there before it was gutted - there would be an uproar. 

Why is this different? because it fell to shit slowly rather than get gutted all at once?

Marketing is about blowing enough smoke up someones ass to convince them to come see the thing, I know this, but an enhancement it is not. If your target market is the guy who came for the first time a year ago, and in doing so you're happy to disappoint your lifelong fans - then your marketing team needs to be fired.


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  On 20/04/2022 at 11:04 PM, Gazza said:

Forgive me for missing if it has been written, but has anyone been on Superman since the upgrade and seen it for themselves?


No, I don't think it has (been written) - however when you read the following in sequence:

  On 13/04/2022 at 1:59 AM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

I do hope they have actually enhanced it, and aren't calling a return (or substitution) of opening day effects an 'enhancement'.

It is wonderful to see the fog\mist\smoke effect return and I hope the water and steam is back - look forward to hearing of what enhancements they've made!



  On 13/04/2022 at 11:08 PM, rappa said:

I dunno, I’m all about money being spent to bring these things back to their glory. 
It may not be something to brag about but that is kinda marketing’s job. 


(plus all the replies after this) sort of supported the likelihood that I was on the money about restoration vs enhancement...

If it has in-fact been enhanced with additional effects beyond the restoration or substitution of what was there opening day (like I said at the beginning), then that's wonderful news and I look forward to seeing them. 

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Of course if it isnt ‘Enhanced from opening day’ then of course its not great news. 
It’s in fact horrible, and the park team shouldn't spend time and money wasting effort on getting attractions looking their best because there will always be some some expert on the internet who won’t be happy. 

And how dare marketing say a word about it!

Honestly some days 🙄 

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Not being broken for 2 months is one thing. 
Decommissioned a decade ago and now replicated with a brand new entirely different tech effect IS worth mentioning.

Especially with a bunch of people complaining they dont care about maintaining the park.  

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  On 21/04/2022 at 2:17 AM, rappa said:

IS worth mentioning.


It's worth mentioning. absolutely.

Superman Escape has re-opened and has never looked better!

Whether your first visit was last year or in January 2006 - this is a truthful statement, and also tells former riders that it all looks great without implying that there are new things they haven't seen before.


Also - even if its an 'entirely different tech effect' - if it looks the same (or similar enough to what they remember), the average punter isn't going to know the difference, so it's still just a restoration of a previous effect. 'oh look, the steam is back!'

Remember - GP still think Vortex came from Dreamworld and used to be called 'The Wipeout'.


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You do realise it's a single Facebook post, not the core marketing message for the brand as a whole?


Also who is to say it isn't an enhancement? Maybe they've enhanced the computer so it'll be more reliable or they've added something else that will make the ride safer. Maybe the fog effect they've installed is superior to the old steam effect as it doesn't spray a load of cooled pipe water from the day before on guests first thing in the morning.

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  On 21/04/2022 at 2:29 AM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

the average punter isn't going to know the difference


100% this

Much like the punter (thats never seen the damn old steam effect) doesnt get into semantics about whether this new thing is an enhancement or not. 


FWIW my whites HAVE been whiter before, the latest home hack I read didn’t change my life, or ant other puff pieces. 

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