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After 5 trading


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I remember going to Wonderland after dark way back when it used to be Australia's Wonderland. Back then the school holiday periods were always run late into the night to like 9pm - 10pm. It was really awesome, the lighting was excellent, from what I can remember the Dragons Duel (The swings near the Demon) had like alternating colour schemes either white or red. The Demon was completely Dark, it would have been awesome to ride. I don't think space probe was there then. My memory is a little hazy -I think I was 6 or 7 at the time - that was like 10 years ago.

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8) Johno Here 8) I've been to Wonderland Sydney after 5:00pm, 6:10pm till 9:30pm they shut at 9:00pm but this was frightfest and all this Wack'o stuff was going on. The Zodiac broke down twice, when I got there the Demon was already broken down after the loop the brakes had stoped it, as well I was on Galleons Graveyard and because it's a bit boring I was just watching Space Probe and all the carriges went up and about 5-10 meters till the top, carrige number 3 just droped! (luckly no-one was on it) but it still catched at the bottom earth magnets (Go Intamin) about 5-10 minutes before 9:00pm The Demon started working so if you're not guessing evreyone ran to it and waited for the ride tests and I got on and had 3 rides and didn't end up leaving till 9:30pm. Ends.

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k yer the day the demon was out of order i was there during the day. It got stuck on the second hill before it goes backwards and they had to winch it down to get the pople out. I was once stuck in the zodiac. I run up for the first ride (dont know why) AND I HOPED ON IT JUST ME AND MY BRO IN SEPERATE CARRIGES AND it got up and all of a sudden stopped. The lady was on the ground screaming are you alright etc..... 20 mins later a truck turns up. 2 guys hop out the lady is still asking that we are alright. 30 mins later we were on the ground.

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  • 1 month later...
I've ben on the demon before as well. We were half way up the first lift hill when the car just let go early. We stopped in the middle of the boomerang and had to wait a while until the unlocked us and we had to get off whilst the train was still there! I don't know how they got it out.
ive never heard of it ever being stuck there but hey woulda been fun.. ive seen it get stuck at the top and bottom of the second hill but thats about it. ive been stuck 3/4 the way up BB chain lift tht was interesting. it was in the middle of some serious rain i think it was my 6 ride in a row and while we were going up the lift there was some lightening and we just stopped.. they shut down the ride i would say but ppl came up and un locked us and we walked back down...inderesting end to a day at wonderland. bill
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  • 2 months later...

Well I'v been fairly unlucky when it comes to being stuck on a rides. At Wonderland me and my mate were on BB busy goin up, and it stalled for about 5 min. Dont know why! Then on Demon, there was a delay cause my restrain didnt' wanna let go, so I got another turn! Hooray for that. But Dreamworld is another story. Ok in one day I was stuck twice upside down on Wipeout. NOT happy JAN! ( those overheads, really kill!!! ) And for about 30min with Cyclone up the lift hill. The log ride got halfway up the Hill, and the belt stopped working. And with TOT, we were launched and came back to the station, but to everyones surprise we just took off again traveling halfway on the horizontal track, and just stopping. After a short period the car went backwards back into the station again. Note this all happened within the first two hours of the park operating that day. This happened around September last year. Sorry if the Dreamworld thing is a bit off topic. :oops:

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I've been in a few ride mishaps. Firstly, on TBB, me 'n Flea got stopped on the lift hill for about 20 seconds because someone was standing up and the ride op stopped the lift hill. BTW, it was the ride op I hate! Grrrr... That B****! Secondly, Me and my friend, Andrew ( :) ), were on Eureka Mountain Mine Train Ride and we were ascending the lift hill. When we were about three quarters up the lift hill (I can't really see since it was pitch black!), the whole ride broke down causing us to be stuck in the pitch black hill. All the cars had been left motionless at the exit and a few stuck at the station. Since the fake mountain is made out of plastic (I think) and a few bits of corrugated iron, we were left sizzling inside the hill. Gee, I was so sweaty and dehydrated when I came off the ride. The mechanic had to turn on the light where you enter the hill and he tried to fix it. Eventually, he did and then we were ascending the hill in no-time! We were stuck up there, in pitch black, roasting from the heat and cramped in these tiny mine carts for about 15 minutes! Omg it was so scary! Thirdly, I got stuck under the Demon restraint (or 'grabbars' lol) for about 5 seconds because it wouldn't move. But then the ride op letme out. :)

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The topic rises from the dead! Since it's now active, I'll post stuff.. I've never really been on a ride breakdown, other than what Andrew stated. However, that wasn't really a breakdown. I've ridden Space Probe more than 240 times this year alone, and have not yet gotten stuck. I can't wait till I get stuck on a ride, it will be awesome!

Then on Demon, there was a delay cause my restrain didnt' wanna let go, so I got another turn!
This is easily fixed by pushing the harness down then releasing it. It happens often. :) ~Liam
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its the best at night only you have to get there before 5 becasue everyone in sydney is cheap. theres no little kids running around everywhere, its all adults or teenagers. the atmosphere is great, the space probe is scary at night but the scariest ride at night is the bush beast and the snowy river rampage. the river rampage is pitch black at night same as the bush beast. unlike the demon there are very little lights there at night i spoke to wonderland and they said after 5pm trading opens again in September holidays, just before my birthday

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