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The great debate, which is your favourite console?



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  1. 1. The great debate, which is your favourite console?

    • Game Cube
    • Xbox
    • PS2

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So, what is your favourite console out of the current crop, Pay Station 2, Game Cube or Xbox. My favourite one is Xbox because it has some good titles, internal HD, its the most powerful of the three and, I also quite like the fact you dont need a multi - tap or a network adapter, plus you can do the custom soundtracks on games. Debate away.....

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I think that its pointless having a playstation because all of their good games I get on computer and play them freely. Same with X Box games like Halo, however X box has awesome features like no other console, I heard that that you can put old 64 games on it and play them. Its a bit the same with Gamecube however its the only way you can play all those awesome classic multiplayer revamped style. So thats why I have one and I like it.

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There is no way, rest assured, that you can play your 64 games on the X-Box. A chip that has to covert all the code from the 64's coding to X-Box coding would cost a fortune, plus the market that it'd have to be supplied to would be miniscule. My favourite is the Nintendo 64, but I also have a Gamecube, but I play the 64 most often, what with classics like Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneeye, Perfact Dark, DK64, the list is endless!

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Actually you can, it's called an emulator. Mod-chips (which I know very well because of a certain family member) are basically by-passer chips that allow you play over-seas movies etc. They also allow you to store movies, games and emulators for other platforms onto your hard drive. Infact, the only difference between your PC and your Xbox is that the DVD-drive is of a different format. So most parts (hard drives etc.) are easily upgradable.

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But what type of person, has N64 games, yet no N64 console, to have the need for this chip? Another thing, I'd sure as hell much rather use my computer as an emulator than an X-box, computers are meant for that sort of thing, its my beleif that a console is to be used for games only, hence another reason why I got a Gamecube, and a 64 (Which I play more often...)

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I love PC. It's just so simple. Games are all the same but no a generation ahead (thanks DX9!), computers are upgradable, they usually have better sound, higher resolution, and you don't have to keep the CD wherever you go! Did I mention the hard drive space? And the fact that online gaming is far superior?

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PS2 without a doubt in my book. It's just a perfect console for fighting games, which happen to be my favourite. Especially the Smackdown! series. And Tekken and Street Fighter series. X-box I always have found clumsy for fighting games, and the PS2 gets most of the X-box games anyway. Gamecube I haven't played on yet, but I was a big fan of the ol' n64. I think Sony have snatched the market ever since 1995, with their experiment and the game called "Yoops", which to my recall was the 1st ps game. X-Box in my eyes was a failed venture. Everyone thought that they'd throw out their ps2's for the x-box. In fact, it was the other way round. Gamecube have taken Sega's old place, round about 1994 when it was Sega Vs. Nintendo, after all the Wonderboy stuff.

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An interesting point is that Nintendo got Sony into the market, as they were being paid to built an add on for the Super Nintendo. Nintendo didnt like them, so they cancelled the deal in what should go down as one of the worst business decisions of all time, firing Sony. As you all know, they went on to produce the Toyota of all cars (reasonable quality, nothing special but a hell of a lot of em) and now have the biggest market share of gaming, followed closely by PC.

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The ps2 controllers are pure genius. They are designed so that the player can reach all of the buttons at once. I used to hate games on the N64 and Gamecube where i had to move my hands around and stretch my fingers out. The Xbox controller is just too big. It is also convenient to be able to use the controllers from the previous versions, it means i can still use my clear red one. :)

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The ps2 controllers are pure genius. They are designed so that the player can reach all of the buttons at once. I used to hate games on the N64 and Gamecube where i had to move my hands around and stretch my fingers out. The Xbox controller is just too big. It is also convenient to be able to use the controllers from the previous versions, it means i can still use my clear red one. :)
I appreciate the adaptability of the PS2, the fact that in most games there is a 2 memory card option, the fact you can play psx games on it, use ps1 memory cards for ur psx games, that you can use your psx controllers, the many different interfacing extensions you can use, like a driving wheel, a G-Con pedal reload gun, and I whole heartedly agree that the controllers are perfect for any type of game platform: racing, fighting, rpg, real time strategy. They are perhaps the best example of adaptability. I could play Age of Empires 2 as easily as Marvel vs. Street Fighter, hypothetically speaking.
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Ahh excellent point Maurice. It means when I want to play Tekken 3 for example, I dont have to unplug everything and set up a new console. One must not forget the DVD feature. I can now watch movies in my room. Of course one may argue that the Xbox also has the feature, but alas, they were not the first. By the time I had purchased my Ps2, they were still in planning to bring in their DVD add in. Another reason why i bought a Ps2 over the Xbox was for its size and design. My cousin has an Xbox, and it is the most cumbersome, heavy and huge thing ive seen. The standing up feature is also very handy in low space areas.

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As,with Nebuchanezzar,I go with Nintendo 64.The controlers fit perfectly,there are no Memory Cards involved,and the graphics are better than ps1.The cheap bastards at Play Station make you pay for memory cards when on other consoles you don't need them.
now I'm afraid i'm going to have to be King to your JR and disagree with you there in a way.. I think in terms of speed and fluidity of the graphics, playstation wins. I own a n64, and it IS fun as hell, but i just think the 64 bit isn't as dynamic as the 32 bit of the playstation. Granted the graphics aren't as detailed, but let's take a specific example: N64's No Mercy vs. Playstation's Smackdown 2. I'm not sure how many of you guys have played either of these great games, but they differ a lot. Firstly, No Mercy has a totally different interface which suits the n64, as Smackdown 2 suits PSX. However, graphically, ps2 was superior, and was far more dynamic than the rather 'chuggy' No Mercy. N64's graphics are more detailed and a bit smoother, yet the gameplay makes it worse by moving in a 'blocky' way, so it impaired the graphics and made them look worse than they were as static. I think that's how it is, if anyone knows different please feel free to point out any poibles i've made. Although, you present an excellent point with memory cards. However, I know to play several n64 games I require a memory storage cartridge to go into the back of the controller, and also this little red and black box that goes into the console, infront of the game cartridge slot, all up costing $20 for the memory pack, and $40 for the red and black box that made gameplay much faster and smoother, back in the day of course. I used to get my memory cards for a sweet $10, so IN THEORY I agree with you totally, however in my case, I needed more additions to the console to allow me to play the games I wanted to play.
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