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Seaworld's New Ride



34 members have voted

  1. 1. Seaworld's New Ride

    • Water coaster
    • Inverted coster
    • Sit down coaster
    • Suspended coaster
    • Flying coaster
    • Bobsled coaster
    • Wild Mouse coaster
    • Thrill Ride
    • New waterslide
    • Simulator

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Okay,If Seaworld is to get a new ride,which it almost certainly will in the next few years,what do you think it will be,and what would you prefer?I only hope they don't introduce some crappy galaxy coaster-oops sorry,they've already had one of those.I'm hoping on a very well themed water coaster,something along the lines of Journey To Atlantis.A thrill ride(that is to say,not a coaster)wouldn't really suit SW,as they already have the two that would(pirate ship,log flume).

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I'd say something Intamin, but that's just a guess. They always seem to have a great relation with Ozzie parks, especially Dreamworld. I'd also say something Arrow, but we all know you can't fit a fourth dimensional coaster into the park can we? And as if S&S are going to make it now huh? Wasn't the last wildcard an Intamin Twister coaster similar to that of Cedar Points wicked twister?

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Well, Seaworld has sort of confirmed that there will be a new Seal Enclosure eventually. I'm guessing this is the 'Seal Rocks' idea, and will be on the old Thrillseeker site. If that turns out to be the case, then it'll leave a nice plot of land on Cartoon Beach, which I think would be a great spot for a Road Runner style (custom of course ;) ) roller coaster. Since the thrillseeker got replaced, there's been a bit of a lack in intermediate thrills, and I reckon that style ride would be well received, just like it has been at Movieworld. That'd also preserve the vacant land over near Corkscrew for something later down the track.

Edited by joz
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Well I have said before I think Daemon would be a perfect thrill ride for Seaworld, which is something it really needs. Alternatively a Wicked Twister clone would be ideal too. Me personaly I'd love to see a GIB go in there pureley because its one of my favourite coasters and SW is the only park if any that I could see it going into. I also agree though that it does need a 'family' style addition as well. Perhaps not a coaster but its probably the most logical. I good idea would be a Super Saturator as this could use minimal space by travelling over existing areas. Another addition SW could make also could be an S&S tower as none of the WV parks have a drop ride and this is a good style of one.

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I took my partner to the Gold Coast for the 1st time last year & visited all the Parks. The rating went MW best, thenWnW, then DW then SW last. Honestly, it's a beautiful park but needs a serious Adrenalin kick to make the place more exciting! Corkscrew was a good coaster, about 15 or 20 years ago but we need some WOW factor SW!!! I'd like to see 3 of new rides, namely a kiddie coaster, new Midway (I was hoping SW would have put a Gyro in before DW beat them to the punch) & new Coaster or water ride. That should jazz the place up a bit! Oh, & fix up Bermuda!! Great ride but it needs some serious refurb :D

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Your absolutely right,but I'm not sure I would place SW as last.But for me it's incredibly hard to choose the order,so maybe SW would go last.I remember leaving the park like a tight arse because Corkscrew didn't have an on-ride photo section.I really regret it seeing as my mum paid half the entrance fee.Then again,Corkscrew in my opinion is SW's top ride,and not having an on ride photo section there is bad.Sw's fastest ride(freefall slide,90kmh)isn't even generally classified as a ride,and that gives you some idea of how thrilling the rides at SW are.

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Yeah,I know what you mean,but Seaworld in my opinion is sliding away from the theme park with good,thrilling rides that still maintains a strong focus on the enviroment and animals that it should be.well ok,you can't say what a theme park should and shouldn't be,but I really think SW should concentrate on this.The SW's in the US have more rides and attraction then ours;why shouldn't we?

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Hey, don't get me wrong -seriously, I have probably visited the place more than the average CM and watched it grow over the last 3 decades;) So for that point, I guess I can be a little more critical than those having been only once or twice. The thing is Theme Parks need to have Broad appeal to maintain success. I like the fact that SW is going down a path of promoting it's zoological Themes but let's face it, great displays don't warrent a $60+admission price tag. The place needs to become more immersive and feature good thrills that compliment the atmosphere of the place.

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Well,three dacedes is sure longer than I've been watching SW,let alone live.I think a water coaster is the key to the parks financial success.I'm not saying SW's broke,that's Wonderland,I mean that to introduce a couple more rides would mean a lot more rides after that.A water coaster like Journey To Atlantis still sticks to the sea theme but offers the thrills that SW really needs.

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Journey to Atlantis was one of the most stupidly themed rides I've ever ridden, and was just a generally uninteresting ride. I've only ridden the original Orlando version, but most reports suggest that the San Diego one is even worse. I'd like to see anyone find room at Sea World for "a lot more rides". Outside of that small patch of land over by Corkscrew, there's not really room for much, and even there if you squeezed in two flat rides I'd be surprised. Until that water park is gone, we're not going to see much in the way of rides (outside of that expansion of Cartoon Beach we hear about). joz, I know what you're going to say, but if 15 years from now that thing isn't gone, then I'll be very surprised (I'm looking forward to that 2019 posts which quotes what I said here and says something funny about me being wrong ;)). I'll even settle for a water coaster, the ride which only those that haven't experienced seem to think is a good concept, if it helps clear that prime real estate.

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What about a ride trade observation tower? The impulse is a good idea, but another idea is a coaster with a fairly out and back layout, it would be narrow so you could slot it down somwhere. A ride to do with mythologial sea creatures sounds good too. Who knows, they may get rid of corkscrew sometime, so that would make some space avaliable, but I wouldnt bet on it.

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As far as I'm concerned,If Luna Park managed to fit Big Dipper on a small wharf,SW can a least put in some more flats. A coaster doesn't neccessarily have to go close to the ground or any other structures,a coaster can simply go over them.Well,most of the time.Only the loading station,a section of track to slow the train down,and the que are taking up much space on the ground.

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Yeah, but the brakes can be built above somewhere, and the space under the station could hold the queue and maybe a shop. Another possibilty is a circumnaveragal coaster, such as a hyper, Sand filling and scream tubes would be definitley be needed near the animals, but it could work, It could start near corkscrew, with a lift hill heading south, the first drop would be a curving one over the car park, then a big curve would bring it back into the park, before lots of airtime hills, another turn around at the resort end and the brakes beside corkscrews first drop. Would be an excellent ride but Joz will probably give some reasons why it wont work ;)

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  Gazza said:
Would be an excellent ride but Joz will probably give some reasons why it wont work ;)
Ask and you shall receive :) Firstly having a roller coaster going over the carpark could present some issues. Legally I'm not sure Seaworld is allowed to use it for anything other than a carpark, since I believe Seaworld only owns the carpark up to the monorail, the rest is council. Also being a high traffic area (with cars and guests) may present a problem as we all know about people who leave things in their pockets while riding. That could be overcome by placing the track in a tunnel, but that would be a huge eyesore. I'm also wondering if there's any implications from having a roller coaster so close to the helipads? Another problem presented is that the speed required to circumnavigate the park would be pretty high, and from what I'm lead to believe, Seaworld has a height restriction of about 3 stories (which is why Nara is as low rise resort). This could be overcome with a launch, but who are you going to find who can make a launch that works reliably at the sort of speed needed? :D Plus in either direction it would run very close to the Ski and Sea-lion show, so that'd have to be enclosed or separated from the area in some way. Going up to the resort, well, if there was a coaster right up the back of the park then there'd be plenty of pissed off people staying at Nara. Perhaps you could throw a brake run/second hill in next to Shark bay, and having it drop and turn sharply to the right (think the second lift on Cali. Screamin' and you've pretty much got the idea) so it squeezes in-between Shark Bay and Water Park, and then again in between Bermuda and Dolphin cove, around the corner for the finish. The final problem that comes to mind is keeping the parks support roads (and even the carpark to some extent) clear of supports. That could present a bit of a problem but without actually consulting a manufacturing company its hard to tell how much of an issue this is. See, I've had this idea before, and have had a whole heap of time to think of why it wouldn't work, and some solutions for said problems.
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I'm sure, that if I were the mayor of the Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise, whatever you call it, Id give a bit of permission for a ride similar to that of Kraken, in Seaworld Orlando. Surely, as someone mentioned above said, fill it up with sand, put the entrance in some place then let it glide around, with a couple of inversions scattered here and there around the park. Of course the rest of the coaster would be best to keep low, but you know, I thought it was a good idea...

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How high is corkscrew? Is it only 3 stories? Well, that kind of puts my idea completley on ice, but a tunnel would not be needed over the carpark, just have hulk style nets. I dont think the ride would bother guests too much, Cali Screamin is not too loud for those at the hotel there. As for the roadway thing, this pic of kraken shows how it is overcome. http://www.rcdb.com/installationgallery581....htm?Picture=18 So, we can pretty much wave goodbye to any tower attractions or an impuse, darn. But then again, height restictions never stopped anyone, maybe a dive machine? Another idea could be a flyer, with sort of a circumnavergal layout, with lots of nice turns and dips, lower speed and intensity i equals less sound, but you still get an interesting and enjoyable rride. Launches could be put in if it were a vekoma.

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Where there's a will there's a way. Somehow I don't think with John Menzies calling the shots at Warner Vilage, and particularly Seaworld, given it's his "pet", there's much of a will for this mega coaster. Unfortunately a lot of people are thinking too much in terms of RCT. There are so many things to think of other than slotting supports here and there to squeeze it around other attractions, and the very least of these is loose objects being thrown off.

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Just going back a few posts, the reason California Screamin' doesn't affect hotel guests is because it's at the other end of the resort from the closest hotel (Grand Californian). Nets are ugly. If there's one Australian park that seems to take its pride in appearance, it's Sea World. Who knows, maybe if they're thinking that big steel columns everywhere in the park will look good, they'll also be OK with nets everywhere. Find me a coaster which has been built largely over existing sections of a park. I mean over rides, attractions, shops, amenities, paths and everything. If you get that far, try and find the same thing at a park which doesn't close for six months of the year, when most of this work would be done. Of course coasters can be built over paths - you don't need to go further than Corkscrew to see that - but it's not often that you see a tangled mess of track being put up over. The following attractions will be closed today for construction of an all new thrill ride: Bermuda Triangle, Viking's Revenge, Planet SOS, Skyway Chairlift. Don't forget to check out Reef Discovery, still Australia's favourite lifeless educational reef experience!

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In regards to Cali Screamin, yeah it is loud. It's not so much the actual coaster but rather the riders. We were staying just across the road from it on Katella Ave & I could hear screaming very clearly from my hotel room. Of course it wasn't of much concern to me as were usually at Disneyland till around 11 or 12 at night & DCA closed at 9pm so I never had interrupted sleep. (well except for the first night when I was super jetlagged & the 9:30 fireworks at DL caused me to jump out of bed still half asleep thinking there were bombs going off). :D

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